
Soul Land: Divine Blood (completed)

A Young Boy while playing some games was suddenly killed by a character from said game. The boy was reborn in a new world that he had knowledge of. What path will he take in the magnificent but deadly world of Soul Land/Douluo Dalu as the successor to Mohg the Lord of Blood This is a republishing of my previous book by a similar title: Douluo Dalu Divine Blood. mistakes we made when setting the book up and I didnt realize this until recently. I am changing very little from the original publishing. I am currently redoing most of the first volume and new chapters will be published every 2 days

Xanok_Malakai · Anime & Comics
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125 Chs

Chapter 39: Meeting The Students, 7 Glazed Tile Pagoda Clan.

Chapter 39: Meeting The Students, 7 Glazed Tile Pagoda Clan.

"WHAT, Xia Wei is betrothed!!!" Xue Tie says to himself in confusion since he naturally did a background check on his students. He knows that Xia Wei only had her father her whole life. But as he reads the letter more he learns the truth of her birth as well as what happened since he has been gone.

"Sooooo, Xia Wei's mother is from the subordinate clan to the 7 Glazed tile pagoda Clan which is how she came about to have the power to be able to steal attributes similar to how the Pagoda clan can strengthen attributes. Shortly after I left, a person from this subordinate clan named Lee Chen approached my students and had begun sponsoring their growth it was later revealed that the reason they do this is to build up goodwill with Xia Wei so that she might return to the Clan"

The unspoken detail is that her father had been a butler under this subsidiary clan and had been claimed/seduced by his 'master' and the result was Xia Wei. To avoid complications with the mother's and clan's reputation, the baby and father were sent away. Then during the Junior Spirit master competition, Xia Wei was seen and noticed by the clan but they didn't immediately rush after her. This was due to both her joining Xue Tie's team and they were also not in a rush to bring her back once her talent had shown through. Her rapid rise to Spirit Ancestor had served as an incentive to attract their attention.

But that was all when Ning Fengzhi officially took over the Leadership position and the subsidiary clan had no suitable candidates for marriage partners why, their laws forced them to create a marriage partnership or the subsidiary clan might be forced to split from the clan. Thus as a final decision, they are bringing back Xia Wei.

Xue Tie can only set the letter down as he comprehends the bit of information and realizes that if he never existed, Xia Wei would have likely been a downtrodden village girl until she was adopted back into the clan. But above all, that makes her Ning RongRong's mother. The same one who is to die from some mysterious illness or something.

"I can easily deal with any sort of strange illness by using my refinement unless it's a divine level one but Spirit Masters can't get ill in the first place if they aren't poisoned or cursed." He proclaims as he swirls his trident in a basin of something useful he is keeping in secret.

"I should personally meet them. At least the members I can since this clan practically abducted Xia Wei to try grooming her." He shakes his head and begins preparations.

He first has his scouts send out another letter regarding a date and location for a meeting. He then personally heads out when having his people begin spreading some influence to nearby villages and minor cities. For the ones, he helped assist in growth. His token is enough to get some notable trust.

After all, new seedlings are necessary for any organization's growth. He would rather not abduct any children as that runs the risk of angering some obsolete titled douluos if cultivation novels are anything to judge by.

After 2 days passed and the letter was sent out. Xue Tie also heads out. He took flight and began humming to himself.

'Dum da-dum da-dum da-da-dum da-dum da-dum da-da-dum. Dududu dadada dum da-dum da-dum' he hums the Dumbo drunk song to himself.

(It's freaking fire bros. I haven't touched Dumbo since my early teens and it's still in my head)

As Xue Tie had arrived first. He arranges tables and chairs along with some refreshments and silently cultivates until they arrive the next day. A group of 4 nervously looks around as they enter. Any other time they would have confidently strutted around, but they are meeting with their captain and teacher who had been missing for a month now.

And instead of simply coming back to Spirit Hall, some shady-looking subordinates arrived and asked them to leave Spirit Hall to join him. While they wouldn't have any issue with that. They are too busy with both protecting Xia Wei from her clan and their boss's wife from any noteworthy suitors.

Most notable was Yu Xiaogang himself who returned after publishing some minor work to get his name out. He has only risen 1 or 2 levels up to level 28 and it's been years since they last met.

Luckily, Bibi Dong is smart enough to realize that he is partially after the super secret research books of Spirit Hall. Especially after she saw Xue Tie so trivially send him away last time.

Though of note is that he has done some private research work on the hidden nature of beasts after receiving the revelation from Xue Tie back during the end of the group competition.

The group shakes off their distracted thoughts as they head deeper into the cave. They stumble upon an elegantly arranged dining hall. Their boss is seated at the far end and is meditating.

They get excited at seeing their teacher but don't outright disturb him. As such, they just take their seats. 2 on both sides of him.


A clap is heard coming from Xue Tie who felt their presence. He raises his hands and summons out some food onto the table.

"It is good to see you all after such a long time," he says even though it has only been a month. His perception is a bit messed up as he lived the lives of multiple spirit beasts each time he powered up his rings.

"Greetings Teacher/Master/Boss/Captain," they say their greetings. Xue Tie nods in their welcome.

"Come, dig in, you can tell me about Spirit Hall and what can be done about Xia Wei." He sets a timeline to which his students nod as they dig in like ravenous beasts as their teacher's cooking is the best sub for any graduate of his cooking school, of which there is only a small handful.

They slowly explain the suitor problem which is their reason for not immediately joining their teacher as well as being the pillar of support for Xia Wei so she wouldn't be fully taken captive. Luckily the bond they have allows them to know how she is doing and seems to be in a great state at present with occasional bouts of sadness.

(For clarification's sake. The bond skill has a short establishment range and there won't be any benefits in the long range but they can still feel wisps of the emotion or sensations/track each other over long distances)

They also say that they still have plenty of points to redeem for various resources that they had been saving up but Xue Tie reminds them that they can just get the lower-level version of the resources they want and as long as it's an herb. They can plant it in the Yin-Yang Well.

They nod in realization as they are used to not relying on it since they have the bond to increase their cultivation. A small discussion is made regarding sharing points for the mineral-type resources they need before leaving.

Also made mention is that Dugu Bo had visited Spirit City in a hurry. Requesting to meet with Xue Tie but he was discouraged to learn that he was gone for a special mission. Luckily Bibi Dong was passing by. Taking a walk as a break from all the work. When she discovered the matter of the unknown man being Dugu Bo. She asked him what the issue was while not fully explaining the issue since he was nervous about her status. A mention of poison was made and she gave him a green envelope that was prepared by Xue Tie. He took the letter and after reading it hurried off in a panic.

'Huh, is it time already? I expected another 10 years or so but the world is strangely moving faster than I expected. Titled douluos are younger though not stronger than their story counterpart. ' Xue Tie thinks as he had written down a small guide on how to deal with the poison according to Tang Sans's instruction. And he instructed Dugu Bo to go to the Nine Heart Begonia clan to be the ones to administer the cure which they should understand since they are the 2nd beast support clan but the number one healing clan.

As they are having this talk, Xue Tie writes two letters. One for Bibi Dong and the other for Ning Fengzhi. He hands the letter over to Shu Xin, the fire poison user who was made the second captain if anything happened to Xia Wei. They accept the responsibility of delivering these letters and finish up the meal with a few short practice matches to showcase their growth.

He told them to fight as a team but they declined. Saying that they may have grown too strong for even him.

Xue Tie shakes his head but doesn't comment as he only takes out his trident. They are shocked that he already chose to give it a spirit ring.

"Don't worry, it's not a combat ability." This reassures them a bit, granted it's not because he doesn't want to use it in combat against them as they could die if they get uncontrollably refined. But the new size of the trident combined with the knowledge that Xue Tie is equivalent to a Spirit Emperor in his current state is enough to have them work as a team.

They summon their martial spirits and they all have 4 rings on them. Xue Tie nods as he sees that one of his backup plans was implemented. What is this plan exactly?

It's to hire 200 wandering spirit masters and have them serve as hives to provide cultivation to each member. It's how they can progress 15-20 levels since they last met. There are plenty of spirit masters who have stopped cultivating due to talent or simply didn't bother after a point for whatever reason.

The offer of money is a proper incentive to drive them to cultivate almost all day and provide the share to their respective team members for their growth.

It's not like Xue Tie lacks money and Bibi Dong is his co-owner and thus can represent him in using this money to help his team.

All members of the team have 2 yellow and 2 purple rings. Their next should be black by Xue Ties estimates. Or maybe 1 more purple if they struggle with their limits.

Xue Tie simply takes a combat stance while his students do the same. Shu Xin takes the opening move by sending forth a ball of fire and poison at Xue Tie. Who strikes out with his custom spear technique, Blood Drain. The spear pierces the ball and sends it flying away like a puff of smoke.

(The poison is condensed into a liquid and in a delicate balance with the fire that moves one, moves the other. Blood Drain had both the piercing and liquid movement properties)

The team is shocked by the technique but doesn't get distracted as Du Lie charges forth in Water Buffalo form. His third ring covers himself In a bubble of water that spins like a drill, which is then heightened through the use of his second skill to increase the speed of his charge. He collides with Xue Tie who simply swung his trident casually to redirect it.

He does this with one hand too.

They don't get a chance to be shocked as Xue Tie coats his hand in his spirit power and punches Du Lie. Breaking through the still active drill with his bare hand and sending Du Lie flying.

Qi Ming helps soften his landing and then uses his third skill to provide a wind buff upon both his teammates. Du Lie charges forth once more with his 4th ring. A whirlpool is formed around him like a mini water domain. He then repeats his previous actions of using his third skill and 2nd as well as his first which increases his size and power. As such with a wind buff, a mini water domain, an enhanced water drill which has been gigamaxed. Du Lie begins his charge.

Xue Tie smiles at the progress of his students as he puts away his trident and summons out his armor. The giant Buffalo collides with him but he doesnt even take a step back. At most he is forcefully slid back by 5 feet. But is otherwise completely unharmed.

"Very good, my students. Let's end here as I'd like to avoid harming you all at the moment." They nod and Du Lie almost collapses under the pressure of the buffs as well as the slight helplessness of his inability to even scratch his teacher. The others feel the same and sit down.

"I'm quite proud of the progress you have all shown though there are some things to improve. Qi Ming, why did you not try to provide more support than the single buff, you could have tried to attack me as a distraction. Or any other ability that I don't know about. The same applies to Shu Xin. You apply one poison fireball and the moment you lost control of it, you gave up. I didn't raise you both to be idle while me or Du Lie fight."

"Teacher, I won't defend myself against your logic. But any other Spirit King in your position would have been bleeding on the ground from our combined efforts. Your the monstrous one here" Shu Xin makes a small argument which makes Xue Tie chuckle.

"Once you all join my forces and establish your own team there. I shall naturally provide you with the benefits of my new ring from my trident. With my new ability, and Xia Weis bond ability. Talent is no longer born, it's made" he simply declares as he dismisses them. They hurriedly leave too once they hear an opportunity for growth.

Xue Tie shakes his head and heads out too.

(edit: I forgot to put in this next part)

two figures with capes on covering their identity are looking around. one of them has a compass in hand that points in a direction.

"damn fucker moves quick, we got to find him in transit or before it."

"Calm down, our lord has given us our mission and the heavens will dictate it complete" the other cloaked figure says as they run around according to the compass.

once they reach an open area, the compass begins spinning erratically and doesnt stop. this confuses the duo as they simply wait while making various guess work over what's going on.