
Soul Land 3: Dagger God Douluo

The day before his spirit awakening, Xie Xie has a dream. A dream of another world called Earth, a dream of another life. On that same day, a power awakens within him. The Anime Compendium of Martial Arts. The MC will be very strong for his age, but not overpowered. He will still have to struggle, train, and preserve through hardships to gain his power. He will not have any knowledge of any of the Soul Land books. Also, he will retain his core personality, as his 'dream' of another life is more akin to watching a movie than experiencing a whole other life, so he will still mostly act his age. Finally, he will have a very close relationship with Tang Wulin. As the story develops, they will become closer, and their dynamic would be more like the one between Killua and Gon than a Goku and Vegeta one. No Yaoi. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Soul Land novels, nor do I own the cover. Basically, I don't own anything in this fanfic. Just like how I don't own my house anymore because my ex-wife Karen took it when she took the kids. P.S: This is my first time novel/fanfic, just trying to improve. Put constructive criticism in the comments or reviews, please cut me some slack.

ImProcrastinating · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

The Beginning of the Class Promotion Tournament

I'm also posting this on the bottom, but just so everybody can see it.

[A/N: If you think that what Xie Xie did in this chapter was excessive, or OOC for my story, I'm explaining it in the Creator's Thoughts because all of these things have a valid reason.]


Before I knew it, it was already time for the Class Promotion Tournament. In the weeks leading up to it, Wulin, Gu Yue, and I would all train with Teacher Wu on Monday-Saturday, and on Sunday, we would do whatever we wanted.

As for me, on Sundays, I would train my personal skills, such as Re-Taekwando, Rokushiki, or Haki. Our training days were relatively normal, with no super unusual occurrences.



"Goodbye, my friends. I hope that my sacrifice will always be remembered..." I said as Teacher Wu's sword came crashing down at me.

"No!!!! Xie Xie!" Wulin cried out, as he watched the sword lowering, inches away from my face.

Gu Yue watched with sadness, eventually looking away, for she could not stand to watch my brutal demise.

"Stop acting like you're going to die! And you two, Gu Yue and Tang Wulin, stop enabling him," Teacher Wu admonished, in a rare loss of composure.

He looked at me, with a face practically screaming, "Where did I go wrong with this child?" before ending the training session for the day, and walking away.


Yeah. Pretty normal training sessions, if I say so myself. As the training went on, all of us got closer to each other, becoming close friends. As we spent more time together, we all influenced each other in different ways, with me influencing the others the most. I felt that I was a pretty good influence.



Week 1 of special training:

As I walked towards the cafeteria with Wulin and Gu Yue, some random person ran into me, causing me to stumble. Graciously, I decided to let it slide, nodding my head in apology, before going on my way.

Of course, it wouldn't be that easy, as it seemed the person was an arrogant prick, leading him to scream at me, "You think you can just get off with an apology, kid? Do you think you can walk away like nothing happened after bumping into me?

Fuckkkkk. I'm so done with some people's bullshit. Annoyed, I retorted, "You were the one who bumped into me, you dogfucker. And even if I did bump into you, I already apologized, so you don't have to act like such a prick about it. Why don't you just fuck right off, you cum-eater." This garnered a chuckle from Gu Yue and a sigh from Wulin.

Alright, maybe not one of my best insults. But I was tired, and annoyed, and couldn't deal with his bullshit. Thankfully, he did, in fact, fuck off, so that's nice.

Week 6 of special training:

Tired after another round of special training, Gu Yue, Wulin, and I went to the cafeteria for a late-night meal. Of course, someone bumped into me, got mad, and I got mad too.

"God, why are you people like this? Do you think being aggressive automatically makes you have a gigantic cock, or something? Do you really need to satisfy your ego this bad?" I quipped.

This time, however, Gu Yue joined in on the fun, saying, "It's kinda disgusting how you act like you're the best. You're probably not even one of the top in your class. Honestly, it's actually pretty funny too."

The man sputtered, trying to defend himself, before Gu Yue cut him off, with a, "Awww, he's trying to defend himself. Does he really think anything could allow him to regain all the dignity he just lost? How cute," she finished, with a condescending and mocking smile, as I taught her. Truly one of my greatest pupils. Wulin, as usual, sighed, but this time, had to suppress a smile.

Week 12, last week of special training:

This time, the conflict didn't start because of someone bumping into me. In fact, it started with a stringy-framed, weak-looking teenager from Class 4. He came up to Wulin, Gu Yue, and I, recognizing us as people from Class 5, before mocking us.

"Oh, isn't this Class 5? The weakest class of losers? Hahaha, you look as unimpressive as I thought. Before leaving, I should give you some advice. You should surrender to us from Class 4. You don't have a chance at winning." That really annoyed me. Normally, I would brush it off, but I was already tired, and irritable, amplifying my already existing annoyance at this kid's words.

I looked at him, completely deadpan, before responding. "And who the hell are you supposed to be? You're saying we look unimpressive? You look like your parents don't feed you. Honestly, with that kind of ugly ass face, I wouldn't be surprised if they just didn't want to. At least we three have people who have some worth to the world. How about I give you some advice instead. Quit being a Spirit Master while you can. Cause once you lose to us, you'll have no more value, and you'll just be another waste of oxygen, living, but with no real purpose to."

Gu Yue cut in, adding to my rant. "And your insults, those were subpar. At least if you were able to speak well, maybe you could get an actual job. But sadly, you seem to have no talent in anything. To think you're actually trying to become a Spirit Master. How cute."

This time, Wulin did speak. "Xie Xie! Gu Yue! Don't say that! Even if he may be a complete waste of space and natural resources, he's trying to do something, even if I don't know what that is. A for effort, am I right guys?" He talked sincerely like he really believed the student from Class 4 was of worth to the world. Of course, even with a sincere and bright smile, his eyes showed the sarcasm and mockery behind his words.

The kid looked on the verge of a breakdown. Maybe we went too far. But what's done is done, so fuck it. Anyways, they have pretty good therapists here. I checked, just in case. See, no permanent harm is being done. Plus, my insults weren't even that harsh. I was only highly irritated, not actually angry, so it really wasn't my best work.


Thinking back, I really am a great influence. I showed both Wulin and Gu Yue how to solve battles without resorting to violence; by destroying their will to continue fighting or arguing. Wow, I'm really such a nice, saintly guy. I'm proud of myself.

Anyways, yeah, it's finally the Class Promotion Tournament. Wulin, Gu Yue, and I were all currently being lead by Teacher Wu to the arena where the battles would take place. After the bell had rung, and school was over, he had naturally sought us out, so that he could bring us to participate in the tournament.

After a while of walking, we had finally reached the arena. Teacher Wu walked up to the arena, announcing that Gu Yue, Wulin, and I were to be participating in a group of three. We lined up, waiting patiently until Class 4 sent out their three.

I studied each of them carefully. First, there was a stout and sturdy looking kid, who was lined up next to a kid with a medium build and an eager look on his face. I finally moved on to the last person, widening my eyes in surprise. It was the kid that I, Gu Yue, and Wulin argued against, and he was glaring at all of us with clear hatred.

Before they could announce the start of the match, all three of us from Class 5 turned towards each other. Class 4 looked at us in confusion, before their expressions shifted into clear anger, hearing what we said.

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" We all exclaimed at the same time. I had put out rock, while Gu Yue and Wulin put out scissors, causing me to shout in joy, while Gu Yue and Wulin looked downcast.

Class 4 was visibly clenching their fists and shaking in anger, causing me to laugh at their faces. After a while of silence, I spoke. "Hey, Class 4. You should be honored because I'm going to use my trump card against you. It's to show I'm taking you seriously."

Wulin, Gu Yue, and Teacher Wu looked at me questioningly, causing me to wink at them with a sly grin on my face. Of course, I was spewing bullshit. I wouldn't use my trump card so early on.

Soon, after the teachers argued a bit, they finally said start. I released my [Light Dragon Dagger], screaming as if I were about to power up. The other class looked at me weirdly, before releasing their Spirits too. They didn't rush in just yet, as they were cautious about my 'trump card'.

Soon, my first Spirit Ring began to shine, causing many frail daggers to appear. They looked at me in confusion, before mocking me. "Is this your trump card? You don't seriously think that would be able to beat all of us right?"

Of course, it would, but that isn't what I'm going to use to beat them. I shook my head, refuting their words. "No, that is just preparation. Now, you will see my true TRUMP CARD!" I said, before unleashing my second Spirit Ring, [Re-Forging]. Soon, all of the daggers turned into bright, golden, shining... pebbles?

They stopped and looked at me in confusion, before asking me in anger, "Are you mocking us?"

I looked at them in horror, before refuting their statement. "Of course not! This is in fact, is the legendary Mithril Pebble of Pig Slaying. For you see, long ago, this pebble was forged in the fiery pits of Tartarus by the grand blacksmith Lucifer himself." And while yes, I have made this reference before, it was in my head, so it's still alright to use.

As I continued speaking, they became enraged, causing me to activate [Observation Haki], which I had advanced in the last few months of training. I had finally achieved Intent Sensing, a form of precognition, while not direct [Future Sight], an advanced application of [Observation Haki], it was more of a de-powered version. While this allowed me to predict people's actions based on their intent, [Future Sight] allowed the user to have a clear vision of the future.

Anyways, I activated [Intent Sensing Observation Haki], allowing me to dodge every single hit that was coming at me. As I carried on with my speech, I made up a ton of bullshit backstory about the Mithril Pebble of Pig Slaying, since people watching SAO Abridged weren't able to listen to Kirito's whole story about it.

Dodging them and telling my story, I kept throwing golden pebbles at them, enraging them even more, and doing damage bit by bit. My teammates looked at me in exasperation, while the audience looked at me in awe.

Finally, after a few minutes, I had knocked out everyone on the opposite team besides the last person. Finally, I ended my story, causing everyone listening to sigh in relief. Finally getting impatient, I morphed one of the pebbles into a gigantic brick and used [Soru] to teleport to the last person and smack him.

"Finally. Xie Xie, why did you take so long? I was getting so bored," said Wulin, as we were granted the win.

"I just kinda wanted to drag it out and tell my story, you know?" I responded.

Gu Yue looked at me with a deadpan look that was clearly not having it, before telling me, "You're such a dick, you know that right."

I gave an awkward laugh, telling her, "I'm just a petty person. If that kid didn't go and ruin my day a few weeks ago, then I wouldn't have taken so long. And on top of that, I wanted the other classes to know that we're a threat. It may make it harder for us, but at least the fights will be more fun, don't you think?"

Suddenly, a hand seized me from behind. Looking up, it was from Teacher Wu. He looked at me coldly, before speaking. "That was foolish of you Xie Xie. You were arrogant. You shouldn't have toyed with your opponent like that. If we were fighting the first class or a higher grade, you would have lost because of that. So that we can take away your arrogance, you're having personal special training with me this week."

After dropping that bombshell, he walked away and left. God damn it. I'm an idiot. I'm so fucked.

[A/N: If you think that what Xie Xie did was excessive, or OOC for my story, I'm explaining it in the Creator's Thoughts because all of these things have a valid reason.]

About Xie Xie's personality in this chapter. The special training amplified his already existent arrogance and vulgarity because he was always tired and irritable at the end of it. And after he finished his training, he became more arrogant, which is something Teacher Wu brought him away to fix at the end of the chapter.

I made his behavior like this in this chapter, because I wanted to show that he also had his own flaws, that could potentially be dangerous. Xie Xie may have read all those manga and anime, and have superior techniques, but he is still a kid, who would obviously be provoked by taunts, and he isn't perfect. However, that isn't to say his normal personality won't be somewhat like this. This is just how his personality is, but more extreme due to factors I mentioned previously. For example, the insults, he will use them to rile people up, but not just because. He won't be doing stupid shit that could potentially get him killed just for fun, and a lot of the 'stupid shit' he will do from now on will be tactical, and benefit him.

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