

The stream hadn't taken long to get to. The path through the trees had led the brothers for another hour, as they picked through juicy berry bushes and prickling shrubs. It was now late morning and the sun was soon high in the sky, crackling down onto the earths dry mud and grass. The brothers arrived just outside a small bamboo grove, green chutes sticking out of the ground having stood for years. The river was just behind a small cluster of chutes, revealing a wider area, a small yet useful wooden bridge bending over the top, lanterns at each corner. The river was trickling with aqua clear water, a dozen lily pads standing in a small pattern and a red plant growing out across the water. Some carp were floating about, pecking at crumbs and scraps, their golden fish skin glinting in the hazy sun. The bridge creaked in the breeze as the brothers approached it, all in silence and awe of the peaceful scenery.

"So behind this grove is the grassy plain near Tahun. Beware of that city, it's just a crumble of burnt mess. Did you know that it was burnt down in the great Kanto war? No one ever repaired it after so it's just a faint black coal coloured smudge in the mere distance. But some bad people still live their, poor villagers without a home or even some bandits searching for scraps," Satori told the other two brothers, both of them listening with ease. Tao was already trying to unclip the fishing net from his waist and was struggling a bit, fiddling with it and twisting it up and down in his fingers.

"Ji, why don't you go and search the bamboo grove over there for berries and anything you can find while I go near Tahun to look at the situation. Tao, you know what you are doing right?"

Tao nodded his head,


"Exactly. Tao make sure there is enough carp or salmon to feed everyone, anything you can find. Ji, try not to catch any narcoberries they upset my stomach," Satori started laughing.

Ji's face lit up red like a squashed tomato.

"I have to go and pick berries? But I want to come with you over to Tahun! I promise it's safe and Tao can look after himself, right brother?"

Satori sat on the railings of the wooden bridge, staring into the shallow waters. He had a serious face expression painted across him and the other two brothers knew definitely that he was thinking hard.

"Fine. But be careful. You don't know what can inhabit the area near Tahun, they call it ash city for a reason. Tao, you need to stay weary as well. If you come across anyone you yell, as loud as your guts may let you. Or you use your dagger. Don't be afraid to use it, it's a key essential okay?" Satori finished, signalling Ji to follow him, and standing up again ready to walk over to the black smudge that was Tahun.

"Tao, get the fishing stuff ready. I expect to see at least two carp by the time we get back," Ji giggled. "Satori, I swear in the old folk tales they said that mevada's live outside Tahun? Those massive wasp things that make your face puffy when they sting you?"

Satori laughed. Then the brothers hoisted their bags onto their backs, clipping them together, and they set of. Tao could see just in the distance the city, and two black figures moving towards it. He was alone now.

He had finally unclipped the net from his belt and he was ready to throw it into the deeper end of the river, and he did so before retreating back. Now all he had to do was wait and see what fish would be attracted to the food on the end of the net, before being caught and killed, and then taken back to be swallowed by some hungry clansman. A few birds fluttered by and Tao day down to rest. It wasn't even mid day and he was tired of walking but he had now a chance to rest. He was with nature now and he breathed in the soft and calm air around him. Maybe he could meditate? He always knew meditation was a good answer to things but he just never found the time. Maybe he could try now. He had seen his clan mates do it and it looked easy enough, he just needed to think of nothing and let his thoughts drift away. With the sound of the birds in the sun and the clear sky above it made Tao feel at home with nature as he finally relaxed his bones and muscles. Everything around him went quiet and he finally relaxed, falling into a deep sleep. Some carp took the bait, nipping on it but then getting stuck with their jaw through the hook, and no one hoisting it out. Tao was asleep. And alone.


"You think he's a forest member? He seems a little scrawny for that."

"No I think he's just a village boy, lost in his own deep sleep, you think?"

"Caught about five fish but hasn't even pulled in the rod and the net, wow. He really is asleep, should I slap him to wake him?"

"Only if you have to!"

Tao's eyes opened as a cold and clammy hand slapped across his face, leaving a red imprint with five fingers and palms. He blinked, his eyes heavy, and looking around. The setup was still the same but the sun was down, and it was obviously early evening. Where were his brothers? He looked directly in front of him, startled, as he saw two men, with red armour on and giant swords clutches to their backs, diagonally from the left shoulder the right thigh.

The left man spoke again,

"Should we take him to the empire do you think? He'd sell as a good slave to those who pay well. I'm sure he'd be good as scrubbing floors and fighting off cobwebs right Dezu?"

Tao then realised that these were samurais, coming directly from the empire. He was still lying on the bridge, but this time his hand were tied with a rope, rubbing against his wrists. It hurt badly. The samurai looked almost identical but now he knew the right one was named Dezu. He was the fatter one. Dezu bent over to get a look at Tao's face, his red samurai mask twisting and turning information of Tao's eyes.

"I think he would be a good slave. We will have to knock him out first however."

"Not a bad idea," the left samurai agreed with Dezu and walked back, the both of them standing identically next to each other. Tao felt so confused with his surroundings. What did these strange samurai men want with him? What could they want? Surely they were going to leave him now? Tao was confused but he still had strength to speak.

"Who are you men?" He asked, trying to escape the clutches of the ropes. They rubbed against his wrist skin, and burnt like hell. Tao groaned.

"The little scrub can talk eh? Funny," Dezu said laughing.

"Yeah, maybe we could just beat him up and leave him here if he doesn't give us any information eh, Dezu?"

Dezu nodded and bent over to Tao again.

"Where. Do you. Come from?"

"He isn't a toddler you fool, he can speak English!" The left samurai said, shoving Dezu out of the way and onto the floor to the right of Tao.

The left samurai then bent over to Tao again.

"Ignore my fat and dumb friend over there! So what's your name little one?"


"Tao eh? Sounds like a forest clan name. Are you part of the forest clan young Tao?"

"Yes. What are you going to do with me?" Tao was starting to tremble. These men scared him but he couldn't run. He was trapped to the bridge.

"How old are you then young Tao? You don't look a day over thirteen I would say."

"I am 15."

"Oh so I am wrong? Sorry about that. I am Kuzeo. I am a samurai from the empire, the emperor's second hand man. How do you do? So, you are going to tell me which clan you are from and where your clan mates are."

Tao tried to break free again but failed. The river had stopped flowing as calm and the sun had gone into a dark cluster of clouds, darkening the entire land as far as the eye could see. A few spots of rain hit the wooden bridge.

"Where are you from? Where are your other people?"

Tao shrugged and his lip trembled.

These men were frightening. They were bound to do something wrong if he didn't reply but he didn't want to put his clan in trouble. He had to lie.

"I am in no clan, me and my brothers just wonder."

"Where are they now then boy? I don't see any other boys around here."

"They went to Tahun, they will be back soon trust me."

"Tahun? Why were they over there? That place is deadly. To many creatures and bandits."

"Well they did."

Tao looked over at the over samurai, Dezu, who was just staring at them both.

"I think he's lying Kuzeo he seems a little scared. We know you are in a clan don't lie," he said to Tao.

Tao wriggled again and felt the grip of the rope loosening. Dezu obviously noticed because he bent over behind Tao and tightened the grip of the rope up again.

𝘥𝘢𝘮𝘮𝘪𝘵, thought Tao. They were smarter than he thought.

"Well your time is up, young Tao. I thought you would tell us but obviously I was wrong. Would a few painful blows make it better?"

Then, out of nowhere, a metal armoured foot swung into Tao's inner chest, making him cough up sick and fall to his side in excruciating pain, unable to tend to his wound because his hand were tied. He groaned in pain as the samurai laughed.

Then, Dezu walked over slowly and swung his foot into Tao's chest as well. The two of them continued it, beating Tao as he began to bleed. He was groaning and yelling in pain for his brothers but there was no one in sight.

"That's enough Dezu, he has had enough. Now. What clan are you from? Young Tao?" Said Kuzeo now getting ready to swing his fist into Tao if he didn't reply.

"I have told you, I am not part of a cla-!"

Tao yelled in pain as a fist swung into his face, his head ringing in fear and sweat. Then the fist came for a second round.

"Fine! I am from the forest clan!" Tao exclaimed as the fist dipped into the air and back up to its body.

"Aaaaahh.. I knew it. Kuzeo and Dezu get to the point again!" Dezu said easing his fists.

Kuzeo bent over to Tao again.

"So Tao. Where is your clan now?"

"They are..."

Tao stopped. The two samurais had been knocked back onto their feet, flying through the air and off the bridge, falling off it and smacking their heads onto sharp rocks at the bottom of the river. They were dead, their bodies now floating down the river. He looked to where the force had come from, to reveal an old man with a golden and white robe on, and a white and pink fox mask. He had his hand out in front of him, where he had knocked the two men back. He looked to Tao and nodded his head.

"You alright young Tao?" He said. Tao nodded and trembled.

"Then let's continue."