
Soul Harvesting Is A Profitable Occupation

Daren was just enjoying the sight of hundreds of galactic empires rip each other up in a war of universal scale. Daren was laughing his heart out, because he is the mastermind that made this war in which quintillions of sentient beings would perish. He didn't get to enjoy this majestic sight long as his body imploded out of nowhere and his soul got tossed in a inter-dimensional crack. . Daren had transmigrated in a medieval world of magical monsters and nonexistent technology. That's when he received a message in his head. -------------- Congratulations Mr. Daren Utherena. You are the First and last to complete the challenge of making your soul last over 6969 hundred years while also consuming the souls of 69 people. Your prize for completion is this system titled “Assimilation of All Souls”. You will also be given the “Peerless Soul Reader” system as an extra reward for being the unparalleled being of chaos. -------------- Will Daren continue his hobby of causing destruction and chaos or will a take a different approach. "Should we build a massive empire and conquer all the lands or should I rule the world in the shadows using money and a league of assassins? What do you suggest system?" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi there! I hope you enjoy my story. I am not the best at writing but I do like telling stories. I wanted to create a story where the MC is not on the side of any race or group. He wants to rule the world by putting it in chaos. He will kill without hesitation, all the time. I will try to make at least 2 chapters a day! Support me if you want. Thank you!! (My inspiration for this novel is mostly from Overlord and a little bit from other novels where the MC doesn't mind shedding blood of those that get in his way. There's going to be some elements that I liked from Reincarnated as a slime too. )

Ri_Yen · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Silver Lions (1)

The Manupus estate, located in Asmodeus City. It is a 3-acre collection of villas that house over 50 members of the Manupus family and over 700 servants to serve their daily needs.

It has only been 3 days since the horrid event of 98 mercenaries being mysteriously blown to bits, a cultivator's dried-up body hanged in the middle of the city square, and finally, the symbol of the demonic cult glowing brightly in the dark, rainy sky.

Due to the rainy season, the news about these events was kept confined within the walls of Igrit. Only people with magic birds that could deliver messages through the horrendous rain knew what was going on.

Only the very top of the human food chain knew what was about to happen.

Around 300 men, wearing full-body metal armor were standing around the confines of the Manupus Estate. seemed had long spears and others had exquisite swords in their hands. Their armor had the symbol of a blue eyes white dragon, and a griffon on each side of the dragon.

The silver armor had an eerie glow to it and the darkness caused by the rain clouds would be drowned out. The armor is magically reinforced and there are spells on it that make it feel much lighter in weight.

The soldiers moved comfortably as if they were just wearing regular clothes. At the main entrance to the estate, stood a magnificently arched gate made from gold and silver. The gates themselves were lined with pitch-black metal.

The entire estate had a 50-meter tall wall around it. This made it really hard for normal mercenaries or spies to get through.

"How long do we have to wait for the commander to show up? My armor is getting slippery from the rain." asked one of the soldiers.

"He had to confirm the details of the assignment from the emperor. He should be here in 5 minutes. It's also not like we haven't fought in the rain before." replied a taller and broad-shouldered soldier.

"Easy for you to say. Your sword skills seem to get better in the rain for some reason." said the shorter soldier.

"Derek, you seem to forget that my armor, unlike yours was enchanted by a water mage. In environments like this where the water {FORCE} is abundant, obviously, my armor gives me an incredulous boost." The taller soldier said.

"Moby, you should help me see that water mage of yours. I want to get my enchantments replaced," said Derek as he started to make puppy dog eyes. Moby could not see Derek's face because of the helmet but he knew what his friend was doing.

"Maybe if you call me Vice Commander like you're supposed to, I might consider recommending you to her." offered Moby.

"Oh, it's a 'her'. Is she pretty?" asked Moby.

Derek was expecting this. His friend has always been looking for someone pretty and kind to settle down with but he just hasn't been successful in finding the right person. Derek has been helping Moby find good girls for the last 3 years.

This time, he only mentioned the woman who enchanted his armor because he knows her well and has been his neighbor for the past 20 years.

"Of course she's pretty. She's a high-level mage so there is no way she isn't pretty. She is also a very nice person. I grew up with her and she spends most of her time using magic to help the needy." said Derek. He wanted to make sure that his friend was interested in the mage.

"I guess you are planning on setting me up with her," said Moby his he smiled mischievously. Moby is not an idiot. He knew what his friend was trying to do.

Moby had been going on the dates for the 3 years and had given up on finding the right girl when he was just 2 years in. Ever since then, he has not been very enthusiastic about it due to thinking that he will never find the right woman.

"I promise you that this will be the last one I ever send you on. Just trust me this once. I believe you will like her." reassured Derek.

"It's not about me liking her. I have liked a few of the girls you introduced me to before but none of them have liked me back. There are almost women that would be willing to the rest of their lives with someone like me." Moby tone was depressed.

"That's why I game you my promise. I grew up with her and I made sure she does not have anything against those that are part of our squadron." Derek had already thought about the situation that Moby has faced in the last few years.

They have mainly been because they could not help but judge someone who worked in the Silver Lions Division of the royal guard. The Silver Lions division is the only group of soldiers who are tasked with getting rid of traitors, members of the demonic cult, and anyone who could threaten the stability of Gigantus.

The only person who can command this group of men is the Emperor himself. This is due to the incredible amount of strength they represent. The Silver Lions were like lions because of how dominant they are.

They never have failed in ending the lives of the prey that they were assigned to. They are fast as lighting and as strong as elephants. The silver comes from the silver glow of their armor.

The Silver Lions are considered the second most skilled military force in the land behind the Golden Lions who had only one task. This task is to protect the emperor at all costs, even if it means disobeying his wishes.

The reason why women did not want to settle down with those from the Silver Lions is that they have almost no time for their families. They were the group that undergoes constant training every day. when they are not training, they are out on missions through the nation.

You would seldom see them at home.


Derek and Moby were conversing when the entrance to their tent was blown open by a strong gust of wind.

"Moby!!." yelled a thunderous voice from outside the tent. Then a woman entered the tent. "I suggest you go on this date. Trust me, I know this girl too."

This woman was over 1.9 meters and practically 2 meters tall. Her hair is a golden blonde and her eyes, sky blue. Her eyes seemed to have more shine than the armors or the oil lamp that lit up the tent.

Her face was exquisite and her jawbones were finely carved. Wearing a golden battle armor that was adorned with crimson gems, she looked like a war goddess.

At her slim waist, there is a white sword that was adorned with the same crimson gems but they were smaller.

"Commander!" said Moby and Derek. They bowed in unison and then knelled while putting their right fist over their left chest.

Normally the military tradition only made it to where you have to bow to your superiors but the fact that they kneeled meant that her identity was much deeper than that of their commander.

The commander then looks at the men and says "You may rise." They listen to her command and stand up with their backs as straight as they could get them to be.

"Moby. The girl's name is Ellia. She is a Core Refining Water Elemental Mage. Her skills are great and her personality is even better. Her healing magic is even more potent than those of some light mages.

I was planning on recruiting her to the division." said the commander. Her voice had a bit of sternness to it but there was also care for her capable and loyal subordinates.

Moby had a surprised look on his face. He took in the words of his commander with some hesitation. He took some time to understand what she was saying.

It turned out that what Derek said was true. The commander would not even think of inviting someone with issues against the division to join them. In addition, if this someone was to actually join them, he would not have to worry about not giving her any time.

She would always be around. It's seemed as his friends had really found someone who would be able to join him in this life.

Moby started to silently cry. Tears fell from his face but no one could see it due to the helmet.

The senses of cultivators were sharper than anyone can ever imagine, which is especially true for those in Core Refinings like the Commander, Derek, and Moby.

Thus, commander and Derek heard their friends tears rolling down softly and soundless down his cheeks.

"C'mon man, don't be like this," said Derek as he tried to hug Moby. Then he realized that he could not do that while wearing metal armor so he just stood there with his arms half-open.

"Hahahahhaha" The mood in the room turned quickly as the men and woman laughed loudly. After a couple of chuckles, the mood regressed to that of a workplace.


"It is suspected that the Manupus family are traitors to our nation and have been supplying the Demonic Cult with information about many of our cities." said the commander.

"Suspected? More like we are sure that they are traitors. Aren't we here to just find evidence and kill them on the spot when we find it?" said Moby.

"Well, there goes all the subtlety. Why can't you just shut up sometimes and listen rather than spewing out your minimal understanding of the situation." Derek felt like scolding his friend who could never fail to add himself into a conversation just to give input from his thoughts.

The commander had first punished him many times since he would do it when she was talking too. Over time, she got used to his habit and accepted it as one of the few flaws that Moby has.

"The situation is more complicated than that. The emperor's men have found evidence but it is all evidence that we cannot use as it would harm the nation's intelligence network. That is why we were to find undeniable proof here and end their lives before they could cook up a plan. By they, I mean the nobles.

The Manupus family has many powerful nobles as friends from throughout the human realm. They also have lots of support from the nobles back in the Beastmen Realm.

If they didn't have such support, they could not have built such a successful business that spans the entirety of the realm.

We need strong proof to stop them from using their connections to get away unharmed. We must make sure that we leave them no way out."

The commander, as always gave out the most detailed briefs. This way, her subordinates could be more informed and prepared for what they would be doing tonight.

"What if we don't find anything?" asked Derek.

"That is not something we must worry about. The emperor has relayed a message to me that stated that he could guarantee that we would find irrefutable evidence." said the commander in response.

"If that is what his highness believes, we will carry our search with vigilance. But before we do that, can you clean the armor of Moby and the rest of the division. They have stood outside for quite a while and Moby only came in once the tent was put up." requested Derek.

"Sure." The commander walks out and then raises both of her hands in the air. Out of her palms pours out a white mist. Thus white mist spreads into the sky and forms a dome made out of the fog. This fog covers the entirety of the 3-acre estate and also the encirclement made by the Silver Lions.

Once the dome of white mist had been formed, small tendrils of this mist covered the 300 soldiers and wipe their armor dry. The tendrils then withdraw and enter the dome.

The mist then starts to dissipate. It forms an invisible barrier around the estate and stops any of the rain from falling in. It basically became a glass roof as you could see the rain splattering on the barrier and sliding off it as real glass would.

"Now that everything's ready, let's head in." said the commander.

"As you wish, your highness." a deep voice could be heard from the commander's shadow. Her left eye twitched slightly as she was waiting for the response of her soldiers and not the thing that her father sent to keep watch of her.

"You do not need to be here to protect me. Go back to my father and tell him I am strong enough to take care of myself." said the commander while sulking at her own shadow.

"Princess Yuna, I am not here to protect you. I am only here to observe your actions and report them back to your father. Your progress must be measured by me personally. That was his request." The shadow then chuckled lightly as if to mock the princess.

"Enough of your bullshit. Are there any more of you annoying shadows around?." Yuna asked.

"No. I am the only one. No one else is needed." The shadow was as arrogant as you can get.

'This narcissistic bastard.' thought the princess.

Moby and Derrick and show up seconds after the conversation is done.

"How many of us are going with you commander?" asked Derrick.

"Vice Commander Derrick, Assistant Vice Commander Moby, Doso, Koren, Bailey, Marten, and Soclo's squadron will follow me in. The rest of them must guard the perimeter and stop people from entering the estate." says commander Yuna. Everyone nods and heads off to relay her orders.