
Soul Harvesting Is A Profitable Occupation

Daren was just enjoying the sight of hundreds of galactic empires rip each other up in a war of universal scale. Daren was laughing his heart out, because he is the mastermind that made this war in which quintillions of sentient beings would perish. He didn't get to enjoy this majestic sight long as his body imploded out of nowhere and his soul got tossed in a inter-dimensional crack. . Daren had transmigrated in a medieval world of magical monsters and nonexistent technology. That's when he received a message in his head. -------------- Congratulations Mr. Daren Utherena. You are the First and last to complete the challenge of making your soul last over 6969 hundred years while also consuming the souls of 69 people. Your prize for completion is this system titled “Assimilation of All Souls”. You will also be given the “Peerless Soul Reader” system as an extra reward for being the unparalleled being of chaos. -------------- Will Daren continue his hobby of causing destruction and chaos or will a take a different approach. "Should we build a massive empire and conquer all the lands or should I rule the world in the shadows using money and a league of assassins? What do you suggest system?" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi there! I hope you enjoy my story. I am not the best at writing but I do like telling stories. I wanted to create a story where the MC is not on the side of any race or group. He wants to rule the world by putting it in chaos. He will kill without hesitation, all the time. I will try to make at least 2 chapters a day! Support me if you want. Thank you!! (My inspiration for this novel is mostly from Overlord and a little bit from other novels where the MC doesn't mind shedding blood of those that get in his way. There's going to be some elements that I liked from Reincarnated as a slime too. )

Ri_Yen · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Imperial Invite

[ I am what is known as the Bloody Soul Harvesting System. Who or what created me is unknown but my purpose was preprogrammed.

My goal was to find a person with the ability to control blood with great freedom but also have high enough ambitions to fuel my hunger with.

When I was going through countless dimensions of space, I detected a pair of lost souls floating in between the void that separates worlds.

I detected that one of those souls had the ability to control blood at an obscenely high level. That soul would be your's, Daren.

The other soul was your wife Celina.

When I absorbed both of your souls and went through your memories, I figured out that your past was very tragic and your souls had been damaged to a great degree.

This is why I put Daren in the loop of countless lives and many horrible deaths. Those 6969 years were all spent on the purpose of making sure that your soul was fully healed and ready to come back to this world.

My other reason for putting you in that loop is so when you do unlock all your memories, you don't lose your mind from backlash caused by the unimaginably horrible death you had faced.

Oh, I also wanted to see what kind of ambitions you could form if I let you lived for too long.

I was impressed by how crazy your thinking was and how splendidly you massacred countless people.

I enjoyed seeing you manipulate massive nations into fighting each other using fabricated misunderstandings.

As Daren increases his cultivation level, your old memories will be unsealed in chunks to prevent too much info to be haphazardly injected into your brain.

I also disintegrated Chanela's body because I felt bad for being without her sister so I sent her soul into the place where I held Celina's soul so she could be near her sister at all times.

For Chloe though, I made a wyvern body for her and hid it in the forest while leaving her soul in slumber inside of the creature. I did this to make it to where she would not be lonely for the duration of time it took me to get you ready to come back here.

The consciousness of the wyvern you were fighting was a mixture of the fake personality I created and Chloe herself.

When I found out that a body similar to yours died in the same forest where I hid your daughter, it was time you were brought back.

By the way, I don't think Alex told you this but he did not look like what your face is right now. Before you awoke in his body, I made changes to the face to make it look more like yours.

Alex's true face was not as handsome or mature as this and was more childish. This current face of your is your original face.

When you made a contract with the wyvern, I messed with the spell and used the energy in it to unseal Chloe's memories and give back her real body. This is why she was able to recognize you as soon as she was herself again.

Celina, even though you think you chose your face using stuff in Daren's memories, you subconsciously just remade your original body and face.

That's all I wanted to say. If there's anything else, just let me know.

By the way, if you guys appreciate any of what I did, please give me a good serving of freshly harvested souls once in a while.

They taste good! ]

The system said everything she wanted to and then went silent after asking for some food.

The two women and one man sitting at the dining table looked at each other with gazed filled with countless emotions. The three took a couple of minutes to digest what they had learned.

They had to rework their mindsets and try to understand what they were going to do next. They sat in silence for what felt like ages until the young Chanela broke it.

"How long have we been gone from our world?" she questioned.

[ Uh, about that. This isn't anywhere near your world. This is a lower land, a continent that is an insane distance away from where your continent is located. I put you guys here so you can have some time to grow.

You guys are not anywhere near strong enough to go back to your world yet where Lillian is. She gets an idea that you guys are back and she will hunt you down with all you got.

Plus, it's only been 5 months since I met you and started this whole thing. Time runs differently in the world I sent Daren to compared to this one. ]

"Can't argue against that. I'm in no rush anyways. I have this feeling of contentedness. When I heard about my past, I didn't feel like getting revenge at all. I have the urge to just live the way I am living now but there are now these additional feelings I formed for Chloe.

I'm going to try to live my life with you guys to the fullest. I'll cross the path of revenge when it comes to it. Let's just chill here for now."

Daren has had this weird emotion emanating from the depths of his soul that told him that everything is fine the way it is. There is no point in him thinking about revenge as there isn't even a guarantee if they would return to their birthplace ever again.

That is why he suggested just seeing how things go in this so-called lower land. He wasn't even sure what the term "lower land" is supposed to be but he doesn't really care.

"Hmm. I feel the same. I felt some sort of relaxing emotion after coming into contact with Chloe. I can feel my soul telling me to just enjoy my life with her and not waste my life plotting revenge." said Celina as she looked straight at Daren.

She wanted to know if he felt the same but didn't need to ask as she could feel it through their connection. Right now, she was Daren's companion and Chloe's mother. This would not change even if her memories came back.

She didn't care about all that. She only knew that she wanted to spend all of her time with her cute daughter Chloe and her silly husband, Daren.

Well, she would have to take some time getting used to her now supposed younger sister Chanela but this was not a concern at the moment.

Daren knew whats she was thinking and he also let her know that he was planning on continuing his plan to rule the world from the shadows.

He may not have been the best of guys in the past and may have bullied an innocent girl so bad that she killed him but that was not the current.

The current him was an even worse guy that turned the world he was living in into a hellscape of endless war and suffering.

The current Daren did not give a flying fuck about his previous actions. He just wanted to do what he liked while also taking care of his rediscovered relationships.

Chloe and Celina were his new priorities while maybe getting along with his sister-in-law may take some time.

"We have taken quite a while here. Let's go clear up some things for Andrew and Margret. They must be confused about what happened." said Daren as he got up and walked towards the doors.

Celina and Chanela got up right after him. Outside the door, they were greeted by a middle-aged woman with brown hair who informed them of where they could find the marquess.

She told him that he was waiting for them in his usual study. Daren had been here quite often and had already memorized where the study was.

He wouldn't get lost anyway since he did have an ability that maps things for him.

Daren knocked on the sturdy, red doors of the study and knocked on it twice, and then said "It's us." to let the marquess know it was them.

"Come in." replied the man with his slightly deep and monotone voice.

Daren turns the golden doorknob and entered the familiar office with the large mahogany desk in the middle, the red and white carpet, green sofas, and filled-up bookshelves that lined the walls.

When the trio walked in, they noticed a man with golden armor sitting in one of the couches while drinking tea from a small cup.

The man seemed to be in his sixties but resounded the fierce aura of an unstable lion. He seemed ferocious and stern like a military commander of high ranking.

You could even see that there were many ceremonial medals of sorts nailed into his golden, full-body plate armor. He wasn't wearing his helmet though and it was nowhere to be seen.

"Just in time. How about you youngsters have a seat and drink some to calm yourselves. Today must have been quite the tiring day because of that beast tide." said the man.

His voice was sharp in a way that gave a vibe of authority and respect. His short black hair with white patches was fluttering around even though there was no draft in the room.

This movement of hair only happened when he spoke.

"Ahem! They certainly must have had a rough day. Especially you Daren. I'll get someone to bring you a change of clothes. Also, you do not have to explain anything to me. I will not ask any questions about today except for the identity of these two new people I have seen today." said the marquess.

He was slightly pissed as the man in golden armor had spoken before he had even though he was not familiar with Celina or Daren. This is considered rude since the man was in Andrew's house where the host has the right to speak first.

The trio sits down on the couch while squeezing together so they weren't separated. This seemed odd to the two older men in the room since it looked like the trio was in an awkward position both physically and mentally.

Daren,Celina and then Chanela. This was the order from left to right that they sat on the couch in

"About the little girl, she is our daughter Chloe. This here is my sister Chanela," replied Celina as her tone and voice had returned to its sweet and aloof state.

"Nice to meet you two. I am Chanela. I already know who Marquess Andrew is but I do not know the identity of this man here."

Chanela gracefully motioned at the golden armored man while speaking as politely as she could. The way she was raised, the only people she ever spoke respectfully to would be her parents, the emperor, and the empress.

It was a bit hard for her voice to not sound a bit rude as she was not used to talking like this to strangers.

"Ahahaha. Nice to meet you, young ladies and gentleman. I am Ruden Lystria. The Duke of Lystria and the currently the acting vice-captain of his majesty's Golden Knights." announced the man in a prideful and somewhat arrogant tone.

The arrogance wasn't much but it was still there. Duke Lystria is worthy of at least a little bit of arrogance, as he is quite an accomplished man sitting a very influential pair of titles.

"You see, Duke Lystria has been sent here to invite you and Celina to the imperial capital of Gigantus. Asmodeus City.

The emperor has invited the lady Celina to the palace so the members of the royal family could meet with such a genius like her.

Mister Daren, you have also been invited to the palace so you could be rewarded for the heroic deed of defending this city from a menacing wyvern. " declared the duke as he put down his teacup which he had emptied with ease.

His voice now contained only authority. When it came to official matters, he was very calm and kept his formalities straight.

Daren knew what was going on. They had been selling things like plastic umbrellas, raincoats, and high-quality scented soaps in large quantities. The umbrellas and raincoats were something that had not been seen anywhere on this continent and were impossible to replicate since they did not have plastic.

This meant that not only was it a new invention but a whole new material. It also meant that Celina was the one who was attributed to inventing the stuff. This makes her genius capable of turning huge amounts of profit and advancements ins science.

Someone like that is an individual who would be quite important for royals and nobles to make friends with.

What made no sense to him was how the information of him 'defeating' a wyvern get to the emperor within an hour of it happening. Also, why was the information wrong...

He had made a magical contract in front of hundreds of soldiers but somehow the information they got was wrong.

Seeing the confusion on the young man's face, Duke Lystria chuckled softly.

"Do not underestimate the abilities of his majesty's information network. Also, if you are wondering why the story of you putting a wyvern in a magic contract was changed to you killing it, that is the handiwork of our emperors.

That being said, the wyvern also turned into a cute little girl who resembles both you and your wife. This is something we can't obviously tell the public since such a case has never happened in the history of this realm.

That is why the emperor will find time to talk to you about it personally. For that though, you have to go to the capital.

His majesty has already prepared an escort that will make it to where the 1 and a half week journey will only take 3 days.

We leave tomorrow morning." The duke then got up from his seat and then made a small nod towards Andrew before leaving the manor.

He left without saying anything else.

Tink! Tink! Tink! Tink! Tink!

That was all you could hear as his armor pieces clashed quietly against each other. The occupants in the study had just been left there to process what he said.

After about a minute of silence, Andrew went ballistic.


Aye, that's enough world building for the time being. We will be starting to make big progressions towards starting a shadow organization very soon. See ya next time.

Thanks for reading! Add to the library and send me some power stones if you liked the chapter.

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