
Soul Harvesting Is A Profitable Occupation

Daren was just enjoying the sight of hundreds of galactic empires rip each other up in a war of universal scale. Daren was laughing his heart out, because he is the mastermind that made this war in which quintillions of sentient beings would perish. He didn't get to enjoy this majestic sight long as his body imploded out of nowhere and his soul got tossed in a inter-dimensional crack. . Daren had transmigrated in a medieval world of magical monsters and nonexistent technology. That's when he received a message in his head. -------------- Congratulations Mr. Daren Utherena. You are the First and last to complete the challenge of making your soul last over 6969 hundred years while also consuming the souls of 69 people. Your prize for completion is this system titled “Assimilation of All Souls”. You will also be given the “Peerless Soul Reader” system as an extra reward for being the unparalleled being of chaos. -------------- Will Daren continue his hobby of causing destruction and chaos or will a take a different approach. "Should we build a massive empire and conquer all the lands or should I rule the world in the shadows using money and a league of assassins? What do you suggest system?" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi there! I hope you enjoy my story. I am not the best at writing but I do like telling stories. I wanted to create a story where the MC is not on the side of any race or group. He wants to rule the world by putting it in chaos. He will kill without hesitation, all the time. I will try to make at least 2 chapters a day! Support me if you want. Thank you!! (My inspiration for this novel is mostly from Overlord and a little bit from other novels where the MC doesn't mind shedding blood of those that get in his way. There's going to be some elements that I liked from Reincarnated as a slime too. )

Ri_Yen · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Asmodeus (1) - The Uneventful Journey

Spatial carriages. The most luxurious and expensive mode of travel. Only the most powerful of business families and imperial families could even afford to buy it.

The carriages were built using certain rare metals and woods that have high magic conductivity. If they used something else to make such a magic-intensive device, the entire thing would combust.

Along with using high-end materials, the carriage also needed to be built by the top forgers in the realm. The high-grade magic circles also required the expertise of the best space mages that are available.

The inside of a space carriage was practically empty though as it contained a portal This portal would lead to a small dimension that either contained a couple of rooms to containing a whole estate.

In the case of the spatial carriage that Chloe mentioned, it was built by more powerful space mages that could not be found in this human realm.

Her grandfather's spatial carriage was made in a way that by just opening the doors to the carriage, you could see a whole other world that was seamlessly made a part of it. There was no portal.

It was like the inside of the carriage contained another world on its own.

Compared to the low-quality carriage that the Gigantus Empire owned, hers was beyond words.

"Your daughter surely jests. There is no way a carriage like that exists." Duke Lystria was sweating profusely.

He and the marquess both knew how hard it was for their emperor to get this spatial carriage of his even the most human nations royalties didn't even know that something like it exists.

"Hehe. That is not a joke. My dear father does have a carriage much better than this one." Daren chuckled while putting on confident airs. he didn't know what Chloe was talking about so he just went along with it.

'What kind of background do that have to not only know of such a legendary transport but also own one. One thing for sure, they can't be from the human realm.'

This is what the duke concluded after hearing this. With those two sentences of Daren and Chloe, he had decided to play things safe and see if he could butter up to this family. who knew what kind of unfathomable background they had. He had to place in his investments now.

Without wanting to escalate the situation, Daren urged everyone to get inside the carriage so they could leave as soon as possible.

They did as told since the mood right now is very mixed up but definitely not in a good way.

When everyone had gone through the portal, the duke went up to the carriage doors and closed them. He obviously didn't lock the door since they would have to leave the carriage for certain reasons later on.

The man in his shiny golden armor jumped back on his majestic lion and gave out simple orders.

"We will fly at maximum speed for 5 hours. By then, it will be lunchtime and we would have reached the town of Doorbun.

Remain at your highest vigilance during the rides. You may lower it only when we arrive at his majesty's doorsteps.

Any questions? " The Golden Lions all were silent and did not respond. For any military force on the continent, not getting a response from your subordinates was insulting.

This was not the case for the Golden Lions as they were all lazy folk who didn't like to waste energy.

Seeing that they had no questions, Ruden patted his lion's soft man and said "Let's go Boreus. I'll feed you twenty slices of steak when we get back."

The lion's face turned bright as an excited smile appeared on his face. From the sides of the middle of his back, a pair of 30 meter long wings sprouted.

The wings were white with specks of gold and gave off a holy aura. This gluttonous lion was as lazy as the rest of the crew and only took out its wings to fly when promised with good benefits.

The lion then flapped its wings with a thunderous roar and took off into the skies. The 16 black horses followed right behind it by flapping their own pair of menacing wings.

They neighed in unison and took a glance at the soldiers who were still on the ground.

All of them then took out what looked like a solid bar of gold and either crushed it with their bare fists or vaporized it with a magic spell.

Under their, their feet formed a large array of individual magic circles that had a golden color and glow. Each person had their own circle and was lifted in the air by it.

Using simple hand gestures, they guided the magic circles and flew alongside the carriage and right behind their captain.


On the other side of the portal, both families arrived in an area that was encapsulated by glowing white walls. There was no sky, there was no ground.

There was only a bright white surface. In the middle of this many couple acres of space, there was a small mansion plopped right in the middle.

The mansion's design was ancient but still somewhat charming with its white bricks and carved pillars.

To be honest, the mansion was not really that white. Most of the bricks had turned in a gross yellow color. This indicated to them that the mansion had been built ages ago as some of seemed like it was crumbling.

"So guess we go in there, father?" asked the young Maxwell.

"Yes, we do. There should be many rooms for us to rest in. they will probably call us out when we reach a town so we can eat," replied Andrew as he smiled amicably.

The two families entered and each person either claimed a room or partnered up with someone as there was a lack of them.

There are 9 people in total. The group of Daren, Celina, Chloe, and Chanela. ( It's Celina's family tradition to name all their women with the letter C.)

Add on the group of Andrew, Margeret, Maxwell, Adam, Kuro and you get 9.

There were only 4 rooms in this mansion that actually has been furnished. 14 other rooms were not polished.

The Hendrix couple shared a room. Their kids would share a room. Chloe and Celina would share a room. Kuro didn't need a room since he was just going to chill in a living room with a small sofa.

This left one room.

"Ah... I guess we'll have to share it then," said Daren. His voice was awkward as he nervously chuckled a bit.

'Why did the bed have to be so small. I could have just slept next to my daughter.' he thought subconsciously. His soul was already manipulating his thoughts and returning his feelings to where they should be.

"Fine by me." Chanela was never a person of much worse and just sighed as if she was bored. She walked into the last room which was well furnished with red curtains, a red and pink bed accompanied by a red sofa.

Daren would not mind sleeping on the sofa but was too small. It was one of those one-person sofas that you could only sight on and it was worse for Daren as the sofa was made for skinny people.

'Too small. It's like it was made for a kid.' he thought.

Chanela jumped onto the comfortable bed and laid down while covering her eyes with her arm.

She had a look on her face that indicated that she was thinking about something with seriousness. Daren didn't want to bother her and neither did he have any use for the room at the moment. He had gotten out of sleep and was not in the mood for doing anything.

He walked out of the room and locked the door behind him and walked to the living room. There he found that grandpa Kuro was slipping on a cup of tea.

"Where did you get the tea from?" Daren asked as he walked towards the small, wooden table and took a seat on a dilapidated, leather-covered chair.

"I always carry a tea set and some tea in my storage ring. You never know when you want some tea down your throat," he said who;e continuing to slurp tea.

Daren took one of the 3 empty cups and poured himself some tea. he didn't mind the taste of the honey green tea that Kuro makes. He has had it before and he had to really like how soothing it was.

It allowed one to clear their mind while keeping one calm and their senses sharp. There could be many reasons why Kuro enjoyed this mysterious tea but Daren only likes it because it was the beverage with the most taste so far.

Back in the interstellar era, he enjoyed drinking all sorts of smoothies, milkshakes, and fruit juices. Compared to the variety of beverages that his old life provided, this world's options were disappointing, to say the least.

he really wished the system could make food too.

[ You never asked. ] said the system sarcastically.

'Can you!'

[ Yup! Just feed me a ton of souls and an infinite menu would be at your disposal. ]

'Heh. Nothing really is for free huh!'

[ What did you expect. I even dressed you up in modern clothes for free though. ]

'you really are that bored, huh?' asked Daren.

[ Yeah. It's boring. Sigh! I wish I could go and slaughter some creatures for their tasty souls but too bad I don't get a body to work with. ]

'If you could get what you want by yourself, there's no purpose for you as the system.'

[ Who cares about my functions as the system? I don't care about my purpose. I just want too munch on some souls. They taste good but they would taste even better if I could get through my own labor. ]

'Would you abandon me if you could do that?'

[ No. I would certainly need someone to do kt for me on the days I'm lazy. Plus, you guys are interesting. Demon dragons. Hehehe. You guys are;t human but think almost like them. ]

The next three days were spent getting to know his sister-in-law, Chanela. He didn't want to make things awkward so he didn't sleep next to her at all during the journey.

All he did was cultivate and get to bond with his daughter. Some of Daren's original memories had also started to become available.

His progress overall in the last three days had been good in terms of both cultivation and bonding with his family. He felt like he had become accustomed to them very quickly s they all turned out to have very adaptable personalities.


The journey to the capital was uneventful. There was no conflict as the presence of the Golden Lions was undeniably overbearing. The carriage only ever stopped three times a day for 3 days.

It was for mealtime and so the soldiers could relax a bit mentally.

Boom! The carriage landed with a deafening now as the power emitted from the 16, Nightmare Horsed was formidable enough to cause a small earthquake if they were not controlled well.

The duke got off his golden lion named Boreus and opened the doors to the carriage. He went into the portal and indie the mansion where everyone was already awake.

"We have arrived at Asmodeus City. We must get out of the carriage now that we are in front of the palace. The Golden Lios can't g any further than this as we are not on actual duty." The duke then looked over at his old friend Andrew.

"Come over to my house. We gotta much to discuss." The duke wanted to reminisce his youth with his best friend. He was going to go straight home after this and invite some others over for a surprise reunion.

Everyone left the carriage with a timely pace and looked at the grandeur sight that welcomed them.

A silvery place that was built with shining crystal and luminescent stones. Gold and silver were lining every inch of this grand palace that had tall spires and countless towers spread out in symmetric fashions.

There was not a corner of this almost infinite estate that was not covered in luxury. heck, even the pavement had gold lining on it to indicate pathways leading to certain areas.

Clink! Clink! Clink! Clink!

Clink! Clink! Clink! Clink!

Two sets of distinct armor taping noises could be heard. One was that of the Golden Lions leaving the palace while the other was from a group of people in silver armor.

Just like the Golden Lions' armor, these silver armors also had a lion etched into their left breastplate.

Leading the group was a woman with golden blonde hair and crystalline blue eyes. Her bright face was gorgeous and her lips were a seductive shade of scarlet red. Her figure was nothing to scoff at as her long legs and slim waist could not be hidden by the armor.

Her devilish body was something easy to tell as the armor was made specifically for her and hugged all her asses, both front and back, very tightly.

Daren then realized that this woman bore a slight resemblance to Margret. This lady was much more eye-catching and heart-stealing than Margret.

"Big sis Margret!" yelled the beautiful knight as she ran towards her sister and gave her a tight hug.

Hey guys and gals, ever thought of leaving me an honest review? I would not mind as I am fairly new at writing and am trying my best to make this enjoyable.

I will also be revising all the past chapters and working on polishing them up. It will be mostly done by the end of the week.

Add to the library if you haven't already and leave some powerstones if ya want.

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