
Soul Harvesting Is A Profitable Occupation

Daren was just enjoying the sight of hundreds of galactic empires rip each other up in a war of universal scale. Daren was laughing his heart out, because he is the mastermind that made this war in which quintillions of sentient beings would perish. He didn't get to enjoy this majestic sight long as his body imploded out of nowhere and his soul got tossed in a inter-dimensional crack. . Daren had transmigrated in a medieval world of magical monsters and nonexistent technology. That's when he received a message in his head. -------------- Congratulations Mr. Daren Utherena. You are the First and last to complete the challenge of making your soul last over 6969 hundred years while also consuming the souls of 69 people. Your prize for completion is this system titled “Assimilation of All Souls”. You will also be given the “Peerless Soul Reader” system as an extra reward for being the unparalleled being of chaos. -------------- Will Daren continue his hobby of causing destruction and chaos or will a take a different approach. "Should we build a massive empire and conquer all the lands or should I rule the world in the shadows using money and a league of assassins? What do you suggest system?" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi there! I hope you enjoy my story. I am not the best at writing but I do like telling stories. I wanted to create a story where the MC is not on the side of any race or group. He wants to rule the world by putting it in chaos. He will kill without hesitation, all the time. I will try to make at least 2 chapters a day! Support me if you want. Thank you!! (My inspiration for this novel is mostly from Overlord and a little bit from other novels where the MC doesn't mind shedding blood of those that get in his way. There's going to be some elements that I liked from Reincarnated as a slime too. )

Ri_Yen · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
65 Chs


Daren, who had covered himself in a block of ice could feel his control over the ice element dwindling as the ball of the inferno was melting his protection.

"Shit. I feel no heat so how is the ice melting so fast?" Darem could see minuscule threads of the green fire entering his ice block through small holes that it had created.

His senses though told him no heat was still being realized by the flame. It was still poison but there was confusion as to how this poison was getting rid of the ice.

He got his answer when he tried dragging more ice elements towards him but he realized there were no ice force particles in the air for him to control. The 100-yard radius around him only had two particles.

This was the poison element force and the fire element force. Nothing else was could be used or absorbed within the area of the flames.

The fire elemental force was not being used to cause direct damage rather it was used to further the potency of the poison. There was already a lack of poison elements in the air but it seemed that by adding other elements to the poison, you could further boost its effect to cause a large amount of damage.

Daren could figure this out since he saw that the more fire force surrounded a particle of poison force, the more vigorously it moves around in the air.

This overwhelming presence of fire and poison force scares all of the ice force away from their zone.

Due to this, the ice barrier could not be maintained and was dissipating at a terrifying rate. It only took around a minute until Daren was fully exposed to the poisonous flames.

Daren was now panicking as the green flames converged towards his body. He looked like a person burning in the worst parts of help as there was not a single part of skin and clothes left untouched.

The poison entered through every hole and pore in his body and tried to end his newfound life.

3 minutes went by as flames burned and poison was spread. The wyvern was tired and could no longer hold up the magic technique as the flame started to disperse.

The poison that had contaminated the air and ground showed no signs of stopping as it kept on spreading outwards. It would probably not spare the entirety of the plains it is kept creeping along with the plants and into the air.

"Ahh..." the wyvern breathed a sigh of relief as she was sure that the dangerous monkey had been killed. "Time to eat some humans so I can get back enough energy to go back to grandfather."

The wyvern tried to slowly get up and lift herself by using her four very strong limbs but could not do so. She felt fatigued in her muscles along with dizziness and sleepiness in her mind.

These were common effects of force deprivation through the excessive use of force.

There was not an ounce of force left in her beast core and due to her overuse of force from the environment, there was not enough fire or poison force left in her surroundings to fill it back up in a short amount of time.

"No wonder grandfather told me to only use it during life-threatening moments." she thought. "This princess needs to rest now. If any of these monkeys attack me during my nap, I'm sure the necklace can take care of them."

The wyvern reluctantly laid on her scaly tummy as she closed her white, beady eyes and tried to fall asleep to recover from her deficit in force.

It is well known that magic beasts gather force even when they sleep. This natural accumulation was many times denser than the forced methods of cultivation that humans use.

The quality of force gathered during sleep is at least 10 times more compact. This didn't mean that they have more force in their cores but simply their cores appeared much smaller due to how close together each particle is.

This makes it to where beasts have better foundations than humans. Better foundations meant a higher ceiling for cultivation where a weaker foundation would only lead to more difficulties in reaching higher levels.

Beasts are just naturally intuned with their elements and even if they can't control their abilities with ease, they will have a much smoother path in cultivation than humans.

This was the gift that nature gave beasts to combat the overwhelming number of species in the world that were hostile to them.

Countless species that not only had higher fertility rates but also better intelligence than beasts ruled the continent. Any of these species wanted to hunt beasts due to the fancy material they could provide.

The trade of beast furs and skin was very lucrative. The market of beast cores from magic beasts was also an industry that even though it had a small size, generated mind-boggling amounts of revenue.

The demand for beast and magic beast good was always higher than the supply. This was because it was just too hard for most people to hunt them in bulk amounts.

As so soon as the wyvern had almost fallen asleep from the tiredness, her guard was now at its lowest.

Puchi! Puchi! Puchi! Puchi! Puchi!


The wyvern let out a very low cry due to her lack of strength. She felt multiple swords stabbing into her back in quick succession. In and out went the white, elegant word as it left deep gashes on the poor girl's back.

Her grandfather had given her a magic item that would create a protective barrier when her vitals were attacked. This magic shield would only protect her vitals and nothing else.

For all other attacks, she had to rely on her own evasion skills and hard scales.

Due to how much vitality they had, along with the fast regeneration from her dragon blood, this wyvern princess would not have to worry about the injuries she was receiving.

Even though many would consider them deep, because of her size, this wyvern was not affected by the attack.

Even though the injuries may not be fatal but they still caused pain. No one would like to be continuously stabbed even if they were immortal.

Her slight worries soon turned to massive despair as she realized that every time she was stabbed, she lost more blood than she was supposed to.

With each slash of the sword, a small portion of her blood would be lost to a mysterious pull.

"This monkey is stealing this precious princesses' blood!!" The wyvern was scared of this little human now as she knew that her regen could not keep up with the blood loss.

She needed to kill this monkey or run away before he could turn her into dry lumps of skins and bones.

She wracked her brain at hyperspeed to create many plans but all of them were not executable since she had no strength and it was only getting worse.

The princess only had one option left for her.

"Please spare my life!" sounded a voice in Daren's head.

This voice was sweet and sounded mesmerizing. It was the voice of a cute little;e girl that would make the men who heard it protect her like she was their long-lost, little sister.

"Oh. You want to be spared?" said Daren out loud.

"Yes. Please! I will grant you a wish of any kind as long as I can live." sounded the sweet voice in his head as the great wyvern was looking at him and nodding her head.

The wyvern's beady eyes started to water as she was truly willing to give it her all to live.

"Hahahahaha. What I want for you is to die!" said Daren. These were many of the lines he had wanted to say many times in his life but never had a chance since he usually finished his enemies without mercy.

Now that he had said it, he realized quickly how cringy and nonsensical this line was.

'The main characters from those old, animated shows were really stupid. They either spared their enemies too often or just talked way too much. Just kill them and move on with your day.' is what he thought.

Daren had lots of time on his hands when his operations went smoothly and he personally did not have t assist his organization or attend business meetings.

That's when he picked up the habit of watching many genres of shows and animes while also indulging in games with his subordinates.

He was going to say a lot of the lines he had heard from these media forms and see which ones actually are practical.

"No no no no. Stop. I am more worth it alive than dead!" said the wyverns sweet voice in a panic.

Daren furrowed his brows and looked at the dragon intently while asking "How is an almost dead wyvern like you, useful alive?"

"I can serve you and grow strong alongside you. I can help you fight your enemies and go anywhere you want. I'll be your personal battle maid." she said in a hurry.

"Hmm." Daren stopped his attacks and calmed down to weigh in on this offer. After going through countless possibilities of pros and cons, he had come up with a plan.

"How can I be sure that you won't betray me?" he asked.

Beads of sweat feel down the shiny, green head of the wyvern but she wasn't surprised and expected him to ask that.

"Let's form a magic contract," she replied with a hint of sadness and reluctance in her voice. She didn't want to offer herself off to this vile monkey but there was no other choice left.

As long as she lived, one day she would be able to inform her clansmen to rescue her from this savage fiend.

"Just as expected.' thought Daren.

He knew magic contracts were the only things that could guarantee the true subservience of beasts.

Magic contracts were formed by swearing in the name of all the elements in the world and swearing to nature itself that you would not break the contract.

The one who breaks the contract forcibly would be zapped by heaven's wrath has countless shards of lightning would turn them into ashes.

Daren smirked as he knew that to offer herself off to sign a contract meant that she was willing to do anything to live.

"Alright then. Once you sign the contract, all of you belong to me," said Daren as he lifted his left arm into the air and started to chant in a deep voice.

"I hereby summon the contract of nature under the view of all the supreme elements. Please appear and mediate this new relationship."

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Dark, gloomy clouds f magnificent size appeared in the sky without warning. They loomed all over the plains and over the city of Igrit.

These clouds then sparked with small sparks of purple lightning.

This then leads to the formation of hundreds of bolts of sky-shattering purple lighting to raze the ground around them. A large ring of mysterious, purple light came from the ground.

0's and 1's started to flow in the air, within strange, translucent purple light. The code created magic circles on the ground beneath the massive wyvern and Daren.

The signers of the contracts looked at each other and nodded in agreement as they both knew what step was next.

Daren unhesitatingly cut a small wound on his left palm and let drops of blood fall onto the ground. As soon as a drop touched the magic circles, it would disappear.

The same applied to the wyvern who bit on one of her toes to let to a small pool of blood.

The magic circles absorbed both of theirs blood and then started to spin erratically. It was confirming the intentions of the two people on top of it.

The magic contract could not be signed unless both sides were doing so willingly and without being forced.

Since the wyvern was the one who presented the ideas, she was basically was counted as willing. Daren obviously wanted a powerful servant so his intentions did not falter and were clear to nature itself.

The magic circle stopped spinning after a minute. The lights started to disappear along with the clouds and lighting.

They dispersed and left no signs behind of their presence except the raging fire the indomitable lighting had left behind.

The poisonous plants were razed to ashes as all that was left in their pace was the poisonous air. This was soon gone as the lightning seemed to purify the surroundings.

After the magic circles were gone, the back of Daren's palm glowed a bright blue as a magic circle with countless numbers engraved within its lines had now become part of his skin.

The green wyvern also glowed blue but it was her entire body instead. The light covered her as she started to shrink and her shape was slowly morphing.

As she got smaller, the light grew brighter and more overbearing as Daren and the rest of the soldiers who were looking at this phenomenon had to close their eyes and cover it with their bloody arms.

When she had reached the size and silhouette of a 10-year-old human girl, the light gave a last, quick burst of blue light.

Daren carefully opened his bright blue eyes as he looked down and in front of him stood a red-haired loli with bright blue eyes that looked just like his.

The crimson hair was the same shade of color as Celina's.

The little girl had a very cute, chubby face that was milky white and devoid of any blemishes.

She was like a mini goddess that had clear eyes that felt the held all of the world oceans, rivers, and lakes.

The bright and innocent eyes were something that Daren felt like he had to protect.

He felt like he was an overprotective father that had to keep his precious daughter away from all dirty things in the world.

The girl in front of him looked at him with curiosity and longing.

He suddenly felt an urge to pick her up and bring her around in his arms. He wanted to caress her shiny, silk-like hair that was shining under the bright sun.

The sun that had not appeared for 2 months straight seemed like it pierced all the clouds and dispersed them so it could specifically shine on this girl.

"Shit! What am I thinking?" said Daren out loud as he thought that the magic bond that he formed with the wyvern was influencing his thoughts.

But then this theory was quickly debunked by the system that said.

[ The hosts cannot be affected by weak magic spells like this as your soul is too strong. The feelings you are feeling are genuine. ]

Before Daren could sort these new feelings, a sweet voice came from the mouth of the little girl as h her delicate, pink lips twitched very slightly.

"Papa!" she declared in a voice that contained an overwhelming amount of loneliness.

The little girl ran at Daren he he unconsciously opened his arms up for her and lifted her into his arms. He was very careful to grip her without too much force as she gently seated herself on his long arms.

She then hugged his neck like a daughter that had not seen her father in years. Daren responded calmly as a sweet smile appeared on his face and he caressed the girl's hair.

Across from this very loving and heartwarming scene between parent and child were the soldiers and Durant with their jaws almost dropping onto the ground.

Soldiers: "😮"

Durant: "😮"

(Author Mini-Note: I accidentally wrote 'father' instead of 'grandfather' when the wyvern mentioned him in the last chapter so I went back and fixed it sorry for the mistake.)

Do you guys like this small twist?! Hahaha. As i promised, I added some more information about magic in this world. There is more to come thought.

Ri_Yencreators' thoughts