
Soul Equip

Adventure into the unknown

Sid_6 · Fantasy
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1 Chs

It's time

Beep... beep... beep...


"ahh man I hate mornings, oh shit it's 8."

'um.. I have to meet the family head and other.'

Year 3204, planet Elora. Jack Dean was getting ready to meet Dean family elders, because today they will decide which of the younger generation is going to get their soul baptized.

All the young people of the dean family were gathering in the main hall. Few elders of the family went on the stage in the hall. Jack entered the hall and was greeted immediately.

"Hey sleepy head, your late. "

"Good morning Meg, looking good. "

I met Meg when I first came to the main family estate 3 years ago, when I was 14. Meg and I became good friends over the years, she has a tomboy


Young people started gathering with the hall, there were around 50 people, all of then were between 16 to 20, eagerly waiting for the elders to begin the ceremony.

An elder on the stage started to calm every one down so he could talk.

"OK.. everybody settle down"

" I'm Gibbs Dean and I'll be overlooking today's ceremony. As you all know the time has come to send the new blood from Dean family to the SOLACE Realm. Soon the portal is going to appear all over the planet.

These past few years everyone here has been strengthening there body, so you can house a powerful soul. The time has come to prove yourself.

As a reminder I will tell you about the history of our clan and Solace Realm.

It all started 876 years ago when portals started appearing on our planet, when people explored them, they came to know that they were in dungeon. Soon people stared raiding and conquering them , when they failed the beats would rampage outside the dungeon.

Like this more than half the planets population was gone and the one's who survived became stronger. when all the dungeon were gone people started celebrating there victory, but it didn't last long.

Soon more portals appeared, but this time it was enterence to SOLACE Realm . In the beginning 10 to 15 years people who entered didn't come and a lot of sacrifices were made to find a method.

It was all due to the people who entered in the beginning who found a technique which allows you to enter the world without destroying the body , because initial explorers body was destroyed upon entering and many of them died. Only few people who were teleported to a favourable environment survived made it back.

When they came back they bought the soul crystals from that Realm , which was a key element in strengthening the soul.

OK with this let's begin the ceremony,since all off you have read the detailed report and instructions needed to survive in the SOLACE".