
A History Leason

As Brad traveled to the remaining hideouts he wiped them all out with ease, the people located there didn't have any real strength and Brad using the new spells he learned from Aaron during the trip found it almost boring, one night as they were camping Aaron asked Brad to pull out the history book, Crystal cried, "story time! uncle Brad, please read slowly for me!" as she snuggled into his arm.

The kingdom which Brad lives in is called Kaltura, founded nearly 3,000 years ago it still stands strong as it holds a large amount of land and natural resources, the only weakness is that the number of mages compared to other countries is less than half, but Kaltura focuses on its strength and trains as main warriors as possible to make up for it.

To the West, as you already know is the wastelands, once an empire that fell apart during the age of demons, it is now the home of ancient evils and treasures, its said that there are lands beyond it but if anyone has ever gotten past then they never told anyone.

In the north, the tribes of the nomades roam, constantly at war it's an easy place for a warrior to make a name for himself, few people have been north of the nomades but those that have, say dwarfs live in the mountains where they war with hordes of goblins, orcs, and other greenskins.

Below Kaltura, in the south, a handful of kingdoms united together next to the ocean have banned together for protection, they have been at war with Kaltura for almost 300 years and both sides at this point want nothing more than the total destruction of the other.

Located in the east a multitude of kingdoms that are larger and smaller then Kaltura are luckily mostly in peace in name, but a war goes on in the shadows, assassins run rampant in those kingdoms where if you displease someone then your life may be in danger.

Finally below the United kingdoms to the south, there is an island nation that is run by the Church of Layfa's Light, the people there delegate all power to the church and are happy in the way they are ruled, this same church spreads as far into the other kingdoms as they can.


The history lesson continues but instead of Crystal who listens eagerly its Aaron, Crystal by this time has fallen asleep on Brad's shoulder as Aaron is the one that makes Brad continue to read late into the night, as time goes on the only thing left near the end is the age of demons.

The age of demon's started with an increase of natural undead until finally, rifts to other realms began to open, not all of them were bad, in fact, a large number of people thought that these rifts would push the kingdoms into even greater knowledge, even the bad rifts were easily taken care of and closed until one day where a rift larger than any other opened above the capital of the empire where the wastelands now stands.

The Empire went into chaos as the leadership were all killed near the beginning, the empire with all its strength could have fought into the capital and closed the rift but greed ruled the hearts of men and the empire fell into civil war, unchecked the rift continued to expand until the point where it was far too late to stop it.

As the empire fell the other kingdoms noticed and began sending troops to close the rift, after many years and millions dying the rift was finally closed, unwilling to waste more life the once bountiful lands of the empire were abandoned and walls were built to defend against the creatures that were left.

As Aaron learned of the history and maps he told Brad, "as I review my memories I cannot find any place that looks like this land, I've thought about it and my conclusion is that my soul somehow came through one of these rifts during the age of demons so long ago, one day I hope we are strong enough to venture back to my home where I can be reunited with my family."

Shorter than normal but I wanted to keep this subject for the chapter, this should give a few things to the story,

1) some plot for Aaron about his family and a goal for him to get back to them,

2) some places will now be easier to adventure to without me having to go into a lot of detail about every country, [I will review them if/when I use them]

3) gives the option to travel to other realms when Brad gets a lot stronger far later in the book.

TerribleTomcreators' thoughts