
Soul attachment

an analysis of love it's advantage and disadvantage..soul enlightened and spritual matters.

Ipfilawe_Golden · Book&Literature
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Never attached your soul with someone soul.


It is a great sadness and more painful our youth involve in different trauma each and everyday because of the stress and problems they face in a reality called relationship,people find it hard to be their own becuase of the following factors:

. People changed themselves when in relationship and they also want they partner to change wich is impossible bcz everyone is unique and he or she have his own way of living and doing thing so never compromise and swear to make someone believes in you that you will changed and makes them happy be yourself all the time.

. Some people say they can't live without their partner thats totally wrong because the same person who tell you that life without you is meaningless he/she has a parner who they used to tell the same thing so people mean't to be believed not to be trusted.

. Never allow someone to be your first priority because people can change,move and die for example if you die did you think your parner will not stop or seeking another partner definitely not their will find someone to replace you.so you see that no need to attached your soul with someone soul.

.People adopt an addiction when in relationship and want to be with their partner everyday and tend to forget that they partner also need their own time to push their life agenda,so never expect a person to do accordingly to you own will because they have have their own will to do things also.

.expectation hurts alot so don't expect someone to be what you need them to be becuase in the world the is nothing permant all thing are temporary, and everthing can happened good or bad anytime and thing can change anyday.

.silence is one of the most thing wich make people attached their soul to their partner soul because mostly people never talk what they feel about their partner that's why we have most violent abuse of women in the world as a whole because women never talk their feelings or point of view because they feel their husband may leave them.

People agreed on everthing their feel if they refuse or don't do something their partner requested them is a hurt or insult to their partner that's totally wrong is a sign of soul attachment to someone soul.so be a true version of yourself even in relationship you wil be true definition of yourself. Say what makes you happy,also the don't and do you you need to yourself not to someone you will be free to soul attachment.


. DEPRESION: most people are depressed because of soul attachment to someone soul when the is conflict their loose themselves endend up committing suicide,killing their loved one and mental disturbance arose because they feel they can't loose their partner wich is wrong because there's are the one who attached their soul to someone soul at the beginning forgetting that life is up and downs and everyone is unique by his/her way.

.OVERTHINKING: if you are in a relationship and when your partner is not availble you feel jealousy,not comfortable,what are they doing whatever's their are who are they with? just know you have soul attachment with someone soul. You must stop that overthinking because it will to be the habit on soul attachment to someone soul.

LACK OF CONCENTRATION: If you lack to concentrate because someone has hurt you or never talk to you if that person is your partner just know you have soul attachment with them you must find yourselves before you're lost to someone becuase you feel like you're special to them forgetting everyone is special to him/herself.

COUNTING WHAT GOOD YOU'VE DONE TO YOUR PARTNER: have you ever feel or think that what you have done to a certain individual is important and they are not noticing it and you start to worry and feel like you have loosed or you feel they must pay back what you have done to them thats a sign of soul attachment to someone soul.stop the habit before it destroy your life.

FEELING GUALITY: have you ever feel guilty in way that when there is a problem in relationship even you're not the cause of it you sacrifice yourself endend up apologising knowing you're innocent that's the sign of soul attachment to someone soul because your make it to say i need peace by accepting what you never did that's a not bring peace but more sorrows to you relationship.

If you want to be happy in relationship take a things one day by day never attached your soul and starting to plan future while you're still at today: relationship is compared with the spiritual realm that why if it didn t work it hurt your soul for the rest of you life so never trying to make some one happy while you're suffering make yourself a happy.

"Be a free soul"