
Soul And Weapon

I am writing for fun: After finding out that he has one of the rarest skills in the world of "Atomerud", Ivan Chuan uncovers a conspiracy that threatens the empire about beings from another dimension called "Ghouls". After tracing suspicious activities following the murder of elite soldiers including Reed, and also the murder of the former 8 legendary protectors that also shared the same skill as Ivan Chuan, it is clear that it is all based on one large plot. Everyone needed new protectors to get to the base of the problem.

BEEF_ch3 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Tuck Dropped Me Off in the Streets

It has been many days since the action back for the fighting in the ol' tavern.

The blood I vividly remember, the killing, the ghouls.

All of their eyes are crimson.

My chest pains and bleeding were all gone by now.

Today is section one of the entrance exams.

"Right today may suck and I may regret it for the rest of my life, or I beat the crap out of the competition."

Before the tournament I need a psychologist or therapist to check me out.

They required those who have encountered a ghoul to have a check.

So they make sure that you are okay and not suffering mentally.

The last thing I want is to have a mental breakdown in front of the instructors during the general testing, or the leaders of the military groups during combat and tactical testing.

I opened my eyes.


"I already know today is a great day." I blinked.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Is there anyone there?"

"Come in." Someone inside replied.

I slowly opened the door.

"Professor Bren Nolan?" I asked.


Professor Bren Nolan was one of the best psycho-docs in the country.

Apparently Luki has a large web of relationships across the empire.

Heh, he may even have relations out of this empire.

"You must be Reed's brother, Ivan." He smiled.

"Okay so let's get this over with." I yawn.

"Will this be the last time I have to do this test?" I ask.

"Yes, if you pass, you pass."

"I am determined to not be murdered time and time again emotionally.

I hate having to do this."

"Sure I know I am taking away from your time today, on the day of examination.

I will try my best to make this quick."

"Question away, professor."

"Firstly, how are you doing?"


"Um, are you doing good or not?"


"What does that mean?"

"I am doing 'mentally stable'. "

"Well then sir, go ahead and talk about that fight in the tavern."

"Thing is, I probably would be dead if I was by myself there.

I had no armor, and only a sword and my push daggers.

But having people by my side really was a good thing.

But I shall quote myself in saying 'no battle is fought by yourself'."

"Did you have any physical injuries?"

"I was torn up inside, literally.

I sped up my own time quite a bit.

Boom, internal bleeding.

Oh yeah, those red eyes were intimidating as hell, but they looked very interesting.

I do wonder what skill that is.

From what I can tell it looks like it lets the user have good accuracy."

"Did you get all that from…"

"Nope, I just know.

Based on the evaluations in the books and my evaluation, it is likely for it to be an accuracy enhancement,

Do not ask me why I am telling you this."

"You are a strange kid, telling me things like this."

"Yep, I got the victory because I dealt the final blow.

But, I do think the eye painted upon my blade was a victory I shared with my buddies." I nodded.

"You are a strange kid.

You have guts, and from what I can tell with my ability, you have absolutely no problem bringing up that topic."


Skills: Keen eye, emotional piecing, Swift spear

Abilities: Liars search, emotional reaction spotting, spear-2, mentality


"Damn, you are decked out with so many of these emotional skills.

It is incredible.

But, I need confirmation quickly, I need to leave soon for part 1 of the exams.

The ceremony for the beginning starts at about mid day.

I need to get Tuck to bring me to the place."

"A handsome kid like you needs to keep up his mental health.

And yes here is an approval letter you need to bring with you."

"Thanks, bye."

"Watch out for thieves at the capital!"

I solute and walked out of the door, shutting it behind me.

"Faster than I expected, but pretty darn slow too." I mumble.

I raised my hood.

Time to find Tuck.


"It has been a while, tuck!" I laughed.


"It has been like 7 months since I last saw you."


"I bet you do a lot of training here."


"Are you sure you have nothing to say?"


"Here what about an apple, it has been a while since you had a treat."


Tuck is a horse, but he probably is smarter than Ned.

I walked around to the side of the stables and grabbed an apple from a basket.

"Here Tuck, I hope you're still as badass as you were, like 2 seasons ago."


I reached forward and patted his head.

Tuck is a nice dark brown horse that almost looks black at night, and normal brown in the sun.

"Pal, you saved me plenty of times, you deserve a big deal of respect."


"There you go buddy…ffffffFFFFUUUUUUU–!!!!!"

I dropped by ol' Kaidens place and dropped off the cash for taking care of Tuck.

Also testing Teck as a military stallion was for extra

I had my bag on me and I unrolled a map with the empire.

Slightly northeast of the center of the empire was an ink marking my brother used to mark the location of the relic.

Traveling to the relic location will take at least two weeks.

With me and Tuck, probably 1 and a half maybe.


I live pretty midway-mid-south in the empire.

The capital was due north east.

Only a couple hours of boredom, contemplating, and planning.

I think I will make it out of this exam just fine…

We start to exit out of the town area.

Today the amount of people entering the town seemed to slow down.

This town is one of the few larger towns in the southern chain of large towns

However towards the east and north where the ends meet the ocean, the towns, no, cities are skyrocketing in population.

I have not been there since my childhood.

By the end of this, I wonder which academy I will be involved in.

The shouting of men, the screaming of men, the clashing of men.



A mass of swirling thunder.





A mass of swirling warriors.

A mass of dismembered bodies.

Standing at the back of the lines.

Lines that intersect.

Lines that collide and start murdering each other.

The first time I took a life.

The last time I wanted to take a life.

That was not the case.

The scent of the carnage.

I can hear the men at the front being crushed forward and struck down.

S-2, S-9, C-21, D-83

Two squads, a company, and a division.

Likely the only major battle that happened in that war.

The last major battle I planned on partaking in.

One enemy unit got out from the right flank.

I was at the back, just to see the reality of war.

I killed a guy.

I jammed an arrow into his eye, and into his brain.

Humans are just like watermelons, you crack the surface and the insides are soft.

That is just like their minds as well.

They act like they are brave, but they beg and plead to live after defeat.

That day forward, I was never afraid of bringing death again.

Since that day, my only shout is in pain.

I never had a legitimate battle cry.

Whoosh! THUMP!

"Ow!" I opened my eyes.

"Oh shit where am I?" I yawned.

I sat up and shook my head


Tuck looked at me and snorted.

A clatter at my feet.

My damned ID card.

"Thanks buddy for dropping me off in the middle of town.


I grabbed at my hood and missed.

I grabbed it again and pulled it over my head.

A crowd of people was gathered.

Even people in carriages moving by were seeing this "envoy" get chucked from his steed.

There was no one else riding a single horse around here.

According to my brother, the only people riding stallions are those who fight.

But they can also be for hunting, envoys, and scouts.

The capital rarely gets action even though envoys are decently common.

I closed my eyes and inhaled.

Last time war got close to this place when a nation to the south, Zergradia, was able to reach our town.

My brother and the brigade in the area pushed them back many times.

The town was not touched by any of the opposing soldiers

That was nearly 5 years ago.

It was a small war, because not a lot of cities were in the south.

They got stopped at the first town with walls.

The only clusters were in the web of cities that were more towards the middle of the country.

The capital was one of the cities furthest south.

I stand up brushing off the dust.

This place looks extremely at peace.

Even though the traces of war are still slightly visible.

In the eyes of at least half the people I see.

Including mine.

As soon as I set foot on the damned battlefield, I knew I hated it.

But now I kill these ghouls.

They have expanded in numbers.

Something to be concerned about… I suppose.

I exhale.

I am a little thirsty.

I unbutton the top of my backpack and pull out a waterskin that I tied a cover over.

I untie the cap and take a nice big swig.

I tied the cap back on and chucked it into my backpack and

Time to see what instructor from what coffin school wants me.

I tapped Tuck on the head and pointed in the direction of the center of the capital.

The capital had a large open area in the middle where the entrance ceremony begins.

Then after that the testing starts with scoring from 10 tests in order.

Nearly 10,000 students, split up and cut down in number.

I walked up to the top of the hill where the center of the capital was.

The entrance was lined up with people trying to get in.

The stables were filled with the horses of all the students.

I found an empty stable stall and Tuck slowly trudged in.

I grabbed a lock from my backpack that I used in the stable back at home.


It is like this every year.

A large crowd and a school of idiots.

I am pretty sure most of the people in G1 of the first group are people who went to academy earlier than the standard age of 16.

However I need insanely high scores to get in.

I don't have high expectations.

I kept a straight face.

My hood was kept up so I can avoid being recognised by followers of my bro, or anyone related with Kaiya that is not as shady as she is.

Or maybe ghoul assassins that know I am a threat.

I clenched my teeth.

I pushed through the crowds at the entrance.

The wooden doorn on the sides were held open by guards.

5 star.

The same as Kaiya; no she was promoted yesterday.

I scan the area.

An entire area where there were no floors.

The center had grass that was trimmed perfectly.

There were various trees everywhere.


Various colors of life and death.

The entire center is covered in people.

I can see in the faces of the people that there are some idiots and also some geniuses.

There are good people and bad people.

There are also a whole lot of people who aren't going to make the cut.

I have a feeling that someone will try to kill me here.

In my backpack I have a box of 12 needles and 2 hunting knives.

I do not have skills for my hunting knives meaning I cannot put my soul energy into the knife to hit with more speed, accuracy, and power, but it does not mean I cannot wield it.

I just will be underpowered with the knife.

There are pockets on both sides of my backpack that carry throwing knives.

I wanted to practice ranged attacks while I am here anyways.

The midday sun was showering rays of light upon everyone.

There are going to be rivalries and fighting even if there is not supposed to be.

But anyways, the entrance includes covers:


Speed test

Melee power

Melee combat test

Day 1

Ranged aim test

Ranged combat test

Day 2

Military strategy test

Tactical combat test

Day 3

Ability casting test

Day 4


Team Tournament


Pretty average lineup this year.

They are trying to hit all corners of the box this time.

But I only have 1 quick cast ability, 1 combat ability, and the rest are just combos that can use soul energy to boost.

I may be screwed in the ability casting test.

But since I do have a unique skill combo I think I can build my own abilities easily.

I think there is no need for that.

As long as I score well in the Tournament that is all it takes to be able to get into the military academy.

There were already two lines of potential officers ready for the entrance ceremonies.

I unbuckled the sheath(scabbard) for my katana from behind my waist.

I grabbed hold of the sheath and stepped in line shoulder to shoulder.

This is how it begins

This chapter marks the end of me having GOD DAMNED covid

Dedicated to Timothy Fang

BEEF_ch3creators' thoughts