
Soul And Weapon

I am writing for fun: After finding out that he has one of the rarest skills in the world of "Atomerud", Ivan Chuan uncovers a conspiracy that threatens the empire about beings from another dimension called "Ghouls". After tracing suspicious activities following the murder of elite soldiers including Reed, and also the murder of the former 8 legendary protectors that also shared the same skill as Ivan Chuan, it is clear that it is all based on one large plot. Everyone needed new protectors to get to the base of the problem.

BEEF_ch3 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

New Blade

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Huh a delivery?" I started to get out of bed.

I put on my brown bear skin cloak.

I usually have it on to make sure I don't get anyone's attention.

Many people recognize me as Reed's brother, and that can draw Unwanted attention.

There it was, a package with the military seal.

Damn my brother really did plan all this out with good timing.

I better live up to his legacy.

Here we go.

I grabbed my knife to open up the package.

I inhaled the fresh morning air.

There it was, the push daggers.

Realitite steel with 7 engravings enhancements

There was a piece of paper inside the box that I had not read yet.

*The seven engravings listed: Noiseless, Attack Speed Boost, Draw Speed Boost, Scentless, Undetectable By Skills, Undetectable By Abilities, Timelapse.*

"My brother really went all out." I sighed.

The max amount of engravings onto a weapon is 7 engravings.

This means my brother went through many adventures to be able to max out this intense weapon.

The only way I was able to see the engraving is because mind pierce also seems to work for weapons too.

Whoever named it must have not realized its potential.

Otherwise, to activate the engravings I must touch the weapon and put my energy through it.

An extension to my body.

Lastly there was a lightweight stack holder, pretty much just 2 clips that stacked the two blades beside me and made sure they never hit each other to make noises.

Skillfully enhanced with the magnetic field ability to hold them in place.

When I pulled on it, it came loose instantly so I can use the built in quickdraw to get ready to fight.

Quickdraw literally is the same as time-lapse but it is done whether I like it or not.

These push daggers are exactly 8 inches each, both pretty long for a push dagger.

Also it is pretty broad as well.

The blade was slightly wider than my hand.

However, realitite steel is very lightweight and can only be forged with high tech blue fire.

*** realitite is pronounced (re-alitite) not (real-tite) ***

Realitite is capable of having almost no weight at all.

This is a very dangerous pair of push daggers.

The time-lapse skill on these daggers are very powerful so I should be careful around other people.

Also waving these around and having people see the engravings is not a good idea.

After all, what Reed wrote in his letter is very unsettling.

This conspiracy, I wonder if it is true?

"Sheesh, trying to scare me inside a death letter."

But the talk about the strange phenomenon is quite unsettling.

"An artifact?"

"That became active?"

I still am unsure of what I am capable of.

Once I enter military training, I will learn strategies and combat.

I do not have many special skills that boost my performance in any way, just that I can master all the different weapons is all.

"Overthinking again?"

Why the heck did Reed die?

Are ghouls not just a myth?

What is this artifact?

There are so many questions I want to ask.

I gotta think this through.

Reed is a master swordsman, a quick melee fighter.

He makes every fight carefully calculated, even if ambushed.

He makes the unexpected into the expected; he is very powerful.

Well how the heck does he do that?

"What the heck?"

Alright questions and bigger stuff later, first I must go check on my brother.

Another peaceful morning awaited me.

Birds chirped and the sky was a nice blue.

Sometimes having something peaceful is a great thing.

"Sometimes when you encounter a large problem, you deal with it." I told Ned.

He definitely takes advice.

A small cherry tree with one rock lying next to it.

Carved upon the rock is my brother's name.

"I am back to see ya." I said.

A flower petal landed on the rock.

"I see, you like peace." I said.

"It is nice to go and see everyone again. Being alone in this world is not really the best experience. Tell everyone I said hi by the way. I want you to be the one who watches over me, Brother."

Well now that I got that settled, I will go training for the entrance to the military.

I do need to check on my abilities again.

I sat down on the grass and started to flow my energy towards my eyes.


Skills: Mind Pierce, Soul And Weapon

Abilities: Stick-7, Needle-14, Push Dagger-5(time-lapse), Namefinder



"You can get hit combos from a stick??"

Well I will not question that any further.

Namefinder huh?

I learned about it in a book.

It is a basic Mind Pierce move that can see the person's name.

Pretty nifty, but it drains a little bit of your soul energy.

"Heh, I can see their names before they introduce themselves."

It would be good for policing.

Well training is top priority and getting into the military first.

Classified suspicious activity comes second.

First I need a weapon that is not too powerful for training.

Some basic steel type of weapon.

The exam requires you to test different weapons to find what you are talented at using.

You are also tested for soul energy magic capabilities.

Magic is just powers you can use without a weapon.

Weapons still boost magic though.

After these tests, you have a week to prepare a weapon that you will use for one versus one matchups as well as team battles.

Strategy ratings are given for team battles which also make you use your own weapon.

Both allow magic use for anything as long as it does not hurt anyone else besides your opponent.

This Aphelion military academy was formed by one of the first hero's apprentices.

A top of the class military school only accepts capable specialists.

Other lesser academies give all students the same weapons and training.

Here the first test is to get enough money to get a weapon.

It favors rich nobles, but I get extra training.

My brother's will was to give away all his earnings to the families of his dead comrades.

A great decision, if you ask me.

So I will take advantage of bear hunting season and I will grab some good cash from bear hide.

Well it is illegal to enter the forest, but it is not dangerous for me.

They wouldn't mind if I were to join the military

Experience is the best teacher.

"Time to hit the woods I guess."

I started towards the forest.


The sun started to beam directly above the tree line.

Hunting bears all morning really is tiring.

I went back home 7 times in order to drag each bear carcass to my house.

There was a guy in town who owned a storage facility where I can put these items, but first I needed to skin the bears.

I decided to go have lunch first.

I went out of my way and used a spare 5 kels to be able to pay for some food at the local tavern.

Afterwards, I decided to go back to my house to finish skinning the bears then sell the bear pelt for around 125 kels.


"Finished!" That took a while.

I never had a load like this before in one day for nearly 7 months.

The afternoon sun poured in through the window.

It is time.

I stacked the pelt onto my shoulders and started towards town again.

The gates to the town were open as always.

The road of dirt towards the entrance was filled with dust in the air.

It looks like there recently was some merchant caravan that passed by.

That is some pretty great luck.

If I can sell these for a lot of money I may be able to buy a good sword by today.

I want to save up for some really tough sword, not some mid range sword.

"Sigh…" Well I got a lot of stuff to do.

I kept heading straight towards the gate.

The security looks a lot tighter.

I stepped on the path that has now changed into cobblestone.

"ID!" A guard ordered.

I grabbed my ID card from my pocket, and showed it to the guard.

"Hold on, are you Reed's brother?" He asked.

I clench my teeth.

"Word is you are the only person in this world right now with 20 skill units." the second guard said.

"Guys do not tell anyone, I dislike unwanted attention." I told them.

I know what they think.

The only people in history to have that many skill units were the 3 first Soul And Weapon wielders.

One of them helped their apprentice build this military academy right after the first ghoul invasion.

Ghouls are humanoid entities that have pale skin and dark red pupils.

Truly dreadful if you encounter one.

They are said to be more powerful than most humans.

I walked right into the center of town.

There was a huge crowd, which was very odd.

It is not yet dinner time for most people.


I pushed my way through the large mass of people and got to the front.

There were guards there that made sure no one made it past that point.

There were whispers all over the crowd.

Something was off.

I hope this has something to do with these ghoul things.

A woman clad in armor started writing out an incantation with her finger.

From what I can tell, that is a borrowed ability.

Her hair was brown just like Ned.

Who is this person?

"Namefinder!" I called out.

My eyes started to fill with energy.

One of the guards looked at me and glanced away quickly.

I may have gotten some unwanted attention.

I will keep my distance from here.

I started to shuffle to the left away from the front guards.


Olivia Wessic

Skills: Mind Pierce, Foresight, Swift Sword, Swift Knife

Abilities: Namefinder, Sword-7, Brainwashing-1, Knife-3


Well Ned only stated that he had an older sister but not stated any other details.

Who knew she was in the military.

"Listen up citizens of the Atomus Empire, I speak on behalf of the special counterintelligence group with no ranking.

We are here to gather the help of as many capable warriors with the "Mind Pierce" skill as possible.

Currently there is a funding decrease in the military as the government is trying not to go into deficit.

This does mean we will not be getting any profits from the government directly.

We will tell you how we operate only if you join.

Lastly, a lot of people know that there are activities in the artifact that allegedly was that brought ghouls here during every single one of the wars fought between each other.

A latest report disturbingly states that there are ghoul spies being sent to many different regions for the probable reason of finding a good place to start an assault on our nation.

If there are any volunteers, step forward!"

People began to shuffle around.

Quiet murmurs of people from behind me.

My brother told me to accept every opportunity to be able to get stronger, well, as long as it does not corrupt me.

This may be the coolest team ever.

"I want to see what is up with my own two eyes!" I shout.

I step forward before I can stop myself.


"So are there any more people?"

The crowd started to disperse and soon enough there was no one left.

"What the heck was that all about??"

Looks like there was not a lot of people who use mind pierce in this town.

"Not a lot of people took that nicely." Olivia stated.

"Well, I was mostly wondering what Ned's older sister was like." I said.

"I do not know who Ned is." she tells me.

"I know you have to make sure that Ned, I mean Mack does not get dragged into this mess you got here."

"How do you know Ned's real name?"

"Let's talk in a discreet location."

"Yeah, like one of your wagons."

"So do you know my name?" Olivia asks.

"I know your name and I bet you know my name too." I replied.

"So you do have "Namefinder" huh."

"Yeah, Olivia." I said lifting off the hood, "This is my face by the way."

"You actually look good for a kid that will be killing a bunch of spies, I bet you attract a lot of attention if you don't wear a hood all the time."

"In fact I hate all the damn attention. I am average height and I am also the average slim build guy, so I don't expect any people to suspect that I am anything strange."

"Alright kid, settle down now.

I need your –"

"ID, huh?

I am way ahead of you."


I set down all of the bear pelts that I was carrying.

"Here" I pulled out my ID.

ID cards are enhanced cards that change when you learn new abilities.

This way I do not have to worry about telling about skills.

"Wait, hold on.

Are you who I think you are?"


"You are Reed's brother."

"He is dead."

"Everyone knows that."

"Stop it with 'he is Reed's brother' ok?"


Do you not like him?"

"No, because I will be more powerful than he is."


"Your ID please?"

"Oh yeah I forgot to give you it."

She opens one of her chests in the wagon.

"Here it is.

Olivia Wessic."

"You are calling me kid even though you are literally only 2 years older than me?"

"Changing subject, Okay?

What relation do you have with Ned?"

"I am his training partner."

"That explains everything.

Being that you both are the same age and both probably going into the same academy."

"Alright I have a request.

Can I trade you these bear pelts for a good sword with any 1 engraving?"

"Sure, my time here is almost done anyways and you probably are going to need a weapon anyways.

I will give you a 98 cm 1075 steel o-katana with the engraving of "Ghoul Burn" and also the central white stripe on the blade to show you got this sword from the counterintelligence."


That has more carbon than your usual 1060 blade."

"Yes it makes the steel harder, but it will be slightly less flexible.


She pulls out the sword from the same chest that she had her ID inside.

"Promise you will take care of it and wipe off all the blood and gore.

It can damage your blade from rust and things like that."

"One last question.

What is 'Ghoul Burn?'"

"It is a basic ability that everyone in counterintelligence has.

It is made to feel painful and basically burn in any wounds you inflict.

It also makes this dark fire aura that prevents the target from healing.

Although everyone in counterintelligence has it, it is still a very rare engraving."

"Good to know."

"I will give you this belt with a clipped on sheath that goes on the back of your hip.

We sheath our swords behind our hips for one reason.

This is one way to tell between Atomus soldiers and operatives.

Soldiers have their sheath on their side."

"I have to go now.

I will go get some grub.

Thanks for the good trade and I will join you guys after I get into the military academy for selection."

Good thing she did not see my push daggers.

If she saw them she would assume that is my primary weapon and not have given me the sword.

Well now I secured the less powerful weapon I needed in order to enter the exam.

Now I have two weapons, a sword for day to day use, and a pair of push daggers as a trump card.

Chapter 4 dedicated to Taoran Wang

Yep more chapters coming soon!

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