
Sorry, I Only Interested In Vampire, Not You

Lyta is a normal middle school girl that just about to graduate this year and attend a normal high school in the neighborhood as a scholarship student because she doesn't want to trouble her parents over money. That's why when she knows that a certain novel site creating a writing contest with a lot of reward for it, along with the unfamiliar Vampire concept that she never even heard of, she decides to challenge herself in order to get more money! "Wait, why am I enrolled into the prestigious Maria Academy!?" "You plebian need to be my helper, that's our contract" "Ehh, a human actually after me, a Vampire? Interesting." "Now then, why don't we bound our relationship in my house? "...I am sorry, I only interested in Vampire, not you."

Polos · Teen
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1 Chs

Let me join in!

"Father, mother, I will soon graduate from middle school!!!!"


"Congratulation to you, Lyta. How is it, want me to buy you something as a graduating gift?"

"Ahaha, no need father. Becoming a high schooler is not that special. I am just happy that finally, I would be able to wear the cute high school uniform soon."

"Lyta, you also said the same thing when entering middle school, isn't it? Are you really sure that you didn't need anything?"

"It's fine, it's fine, mother. I have a lot of saving if I indeed need anything anyway. Ah, I will be late, bye!!!"

"Wa--have a safe trip."

"Have a safe trip"

Fiuh, that almost got me again.

Well, how do I said it, I don't want to trouble them over a trivial thing unless I am helpless about it. In order to fulfill that little wish of mine, I had applied for a scholarship from the school nearby and got accepted!

And just in case I need something new, I can get them myself because I always save my money every single day by spending it thriftily. It's a perfect way to completely studying without wasting their money wastefully!

Oh, by the way, my name is Lyta, a third-year from a certain middle school in a certain country.

Currently, I am sooo happy because finally, I would be able to enter highschool. Even the road I always used to get to my school appears as if sparkling in brightness, that's just how happy I am.

Why, you ask?

It is because I would then be able to apply for a part-time job, that is!!!

For some reason, not even one part-time job around my place let me work there, even for as short as 3 hours only. Such a stingy rule applied throughout my entire country, unfortunately, so even if I went as far as begging the manager there to let me work secretly, they wouldn't budge and sometimes they even scold me for it.

Fuhehehe, Imma get there and applied again and see whether you dare to scold me again.

Of course, I didn't tell them that plan of mine because I am afraid I would end up hurting their pride as parents. I just want them to be happy without worrying about me too much, it's my way of showing them my love.

My school is not that far, only 30 minutes walk on foot so I finally entering the gate of my middle school that's still quiet because it's still early.

Heading straight to my class, I then immediately open my smartphone because today is the day after my test so probably nothing going to happen to class, I hope so.

As someone who strives to live alone, I always keep my study in check and it stresses me quite a bit, especially after 3 years of repeatedly doing so.

That's why now that nothing can stop me from lazing around for the time being, I will thoroughly enjoy my alone time by reading my favorite web novel!

Waah, my favorite web novel "You are not my everything" mass updates today!?

What's wrong with you author!?

Are you sure you take care of your healths!? If you die on me, then what's should I do later to pass time!!!

*Click click click

"Please don't push yourself too hard and take a regular rest properly---and sent. Fiuh, sometimes, I wonder what the heck on the author's mind when they can write that fast.", Leaning back to the wooden backrest on my chair, I let out a sigh of worry and wonder while saying so.

It's not like I am that ignorant in the way of authoring because I always love reading a web novel.

Probably just like everyone else, I dream of writing my own story that's full of high ratings and a lot of encouraging comments.

I had tried it multiple times using a lot of fake accounts because, well, I am afraid of being known about how shitty my writing is, and as expected they have a lot of harsh remarks...at least that's better in my opinion.

Looking at the other views that reach millions and some of the new authors with only 16 or so chapters but already reach ten thousands of view, I then open my own story that goes past 32 chapters but pitifully only gathers around 500 views and feel like crying.

I wonder if the admin of that site purposely hidden my gem-like story because they are afraid of their site spammed by readers?

"Woow, this new author even manages to catch 14 thousand viewers with only 4 chapters. How did they do that!"

I am envious.

It's not like I want to become a real pro author like them, but I really hope that I am talented enough to write something interesting.

"...on top of that, I might get money while at it. Isn't it nice~~"

Daydreaming is my specialty's after all.

If I can daydream, enjoy re-reading my own story, and then get paid for it, isn't that the best?

The truth but proves that I am maybe not cut out for it, so I close my phone after reading all of my favorite novel new chapters and then pretend to read a book in the corner while actually reading another web novel from my smartphone.

"Hey, so we are going to be a highschool soon right? I can't wait for it!!"

"Yeah, yeah, the uniform is so cute that I ended up applying there!"

"I am the same~ Wait, the boy's uniform also cool too!"

"I hope cool boys would attend there."

"Me to~"

Isn't that so~?

You know like, even the boys who are supposed to be in their teens somehow or another have shoulder broad enough to make adults envious?

When they first enrolled, he with a cool line and sharp eyes found the FMC somehow or another interesting, and then hooked to be closer to her?

And then and then, the boy with his height advantage and devilish chest muscle that's peaking from their uniform suddenly wall slam her while saying sexy things right next to her ears~?


I don't know about guys but for us girls, having that kind of princely or dominating cool guy who persistently pursuing you always makes our legs go limps even though it would be cringy if it happens in real life, isn't it~?

Such a refreshing and girly conversation...is unfortunately not how my life goes.

"But~ If there a girl like that girl wear that school uniform, I think that they wouldn't look that good right?"

"Fufu, you are being too loud! What if she heard us~?"

"Eh~? I am not particularly talking about girls in our class isn't it, so it's fine right~"

"Yeah, we are not talking about a certain girl in the corner, so of course it's fine~"

Oy, I can hear you all!!

I am only obediently sitting in the corner of the class with a book opened without bothering anyone!

Why do youngsters always like to badmouth others by the way?

Is it because they would then feel superior? Or maybe they are born rotten? Should I do some face slapping so that they would taste a bitter pill of revenge?

Like---"Hoy, if you have something you want to say to me, say it directly. Don't you know you are not only being a nuisance but also polluting the air with your bad breath?---" and then, a little struggle to prove that I am not someone to be messed with would make my life even harder?

No way~

Even thinking about it makes me tired. I wonder what kind of internal struggle does that kind of protagonist who always ended up either being betrayed or humiliated every single arc? Do people always that spiteful on their world verse?

"...I am the only one currently in the corner so I wonder who you are all talking about?"

But, I do know that if people keep looking down on me, they would feel exhilarated and ended up asking for worse, that's why I tried to let them know a bit.

"HAHH!? Why do you care?"

Uwaah, please don't shout in the middle of the class, you are being a bother to people.

"Don't be too self-conceited! We are not talking about you!"

"Not only your a loner but also big-headed, I really wonder what your parents feel birthing a girl like you..."


I am tired.

I really, really didn't like someone looking down on me directly so I tried poking them a little, yet now they blatantly curse my own parents. If I am not wrong, their parents would have the same personality according to multiple novels that I already read in the past.

It did make one wonder just what kind of pure white-blank life they had been through to be that ignorance, immature, and stupid enough to let their daughter have such as shitty personality without doing anything.

Look, even the rest of my class now glancing spitefully at that group of girls like they are someone they despise of. People are not that stupid, though sometimes too coward to interfere, but they actually know who to believe and hate based on whatever they see.

Especially after they had been classmates for around one year with them.

But if you being silent and all, you all will go like "But, you didn't say anything~ We would stop otherwise~" even though you would spit at us after we do so!!

This is exactly what made us introverted people become even more scared at speaking their thought out!

It's not our fault!

Well, but, how do I say this...if you keep doing that in public without even realizing it, "...my condolence. I also think the same thing about you.", said me out loud without realizing it.

As expected, they went fast from being snakey into tigress directly, going *roar *roar like that.

Probably because they thought it wouldn't matter if they make a scene now after they are already fixed to graduate, these girls unexpectedly ended up being saltier than before.

Not only they group trash-talk me, but some also throw things to me directly while saying that my place is a trash bin or whatever.

Why didn't I elaborate on it, you ask?

Because I found it unnecessary.

The student in my class, my classmates who though not that close to me, but human enough to interfere and end that barrage to a stop before my homeroom teacher came. I mean, though not a popular person, I am still a scholarship student so it's really do make the other feel like ignoring me wouldn't be the right choice.

Good, good, the time I lent you all my homework for a year didn't go to waste!

Afterward was full of nothingness because they didn't teach us anything, only a morning full of lecture and guidance, and then my homeroom teacher ends the class just like that, making the students in the classroom free to do whatever they want.

After thanking the lot who helps me one by one, making the girls feel stabbed so much that they choose to leave the classroom spitefully, I then walk to some dark corner to continue my reading time.

As for the others, they decide to watch some film from a laptop one of them brought from home and use the class projector to watch it on the white screen that already installed in front of the class, not forgetting to close all windows, door, and turning off the light.

I am not that fond of a film because I rarely watch it in the first place after all, so it didn't bother me one bit that they leave me alone like that because probably they already get used to my antics.

After opening the web page again, I then surf the entire directory and tags in order to find the most related wen novel that's closely similar to my favorite's.

"Writing contest? heh~"

And while doing so, I ended up reading that certain announcement from them.

Writing contest, it's not like it was the first time that website held such a thing, but I always ignore it because I know I wouldn't win anyway. But, probably because I am becoming more sensitive than usual after that little arguments, I ended up clicking the link that blatantly being placed on the main page after a little hesitation.

Fumu, writing a novel...concept is Vampire? Isn't it kinda boring?...Oho, the example outline indeed could make things interesting. I wonder if all the famous authors always had that much creativity?...bla bla bla, minimum word count, maximum...Yup, not my thing I guess?

Just when I was about to click the previous button, a certain colorized and bolded word on the bottom of that announcement fall into a corner of my eyes.

Waah, wait a minute! I already clicked the previous page! Ugh, why did the loading become this slow!??

It is an important thing that's shouldn't be ignored!!

After waiting that felt like an hour, the page finally reloaded again, and then I re-confirm what's being written there.

Reward, points, medal, and...a contract!?

At that time, I almost want to shout my joy even though I am still in the class.

This is it!!

Hi, an amateur writer here. Please let me know if you like this kind of storytelling and concept because I have been trying some of it on my laptop now. Any constructive comments or critics are much appreciated.

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