
youth era

the boy grow up. he was healthy most of his time was gone with animals work and skool stdy. he was also fond of playing cricket. he nange his time in all these works. from harvesting the sylage from fields to take milk from cow and skool and ground . the boy remain busy. he was very active . he never feltt tired. after some years.. It was the time when his life was completely different and changed. the happy days or childhood was ended. the anxiety and depression takr place.. there animals died. his father was ill and paralyzed due tu high blood pressure. and have many disease..like sugar urik acid and so on.. it takes a deep effect on his life. on the other side his brother wal ill. he was operated of apendix. aftr two months big sis was same operated. and then his mother fell down seariously ill.. She was operated two times. his pita was out and then harnia. during this all. brother also suffer from hipatitas c. ehich was dangerous. he stated his treatment. he remains in hospital with him.. give all his time there and did his work of animlas and skol stdy his life was completely changed his childhood was vanished and he wa very intense those days.. due to continue work. he was unable to take care of his health and the boy fall ill. he suffered from piles and lack of calcium. due to this he started blooding. and didn't take care of himself. he was very down . his hemoglobin was just ,7 from 15 in a weak.