
chapter 1

October 9th was a pretty normal day, where three friends are walking on the sidewalk eating cream puffs.

These three people were a girl who has long curly red hair, white skin, wearing a red shirt, blue jeans, and white shoes named Seno, another girl who has purple hair, white skin, wearing a blue shirt with black stripes, blue jeans, and white shoes named Matsuorinji, and the last girl has long black hair, brown skin, wearing a brown shirt, blue jeans, and red sandals named Sorlos.

They were talking about how they want to have a halloween marathon.

"Then, how about we sing a song that celebrates the halloween mode?" Matsuorinji asks her friends.

"I got it", said Sorlos, then plays some music from her phone.

Seno and Matsuorinji starts vocalizing.

Sorlos starts with singing with Seno and Matsuorinji following her lead.

Here's the lyrics:

What a twisted halloween

What a twisted halloween

What a twisted halloween

What a twisted halloween

Cherry bomb feeling down in my toes

Poppin that thang, hangin in the club

This halloween, this is halloween

This halloween, everybody make a scene

And you, baby blue

This halloween, right here around

Girls the boys

Happy halloween to you

We are no longer halloween

We are no longer halloween

That halloween song starts with a tone and a hymn

This halloween, this is halloween

This halloween, everybody make a scene

And you, baby blue

This halloween, right here around

Underneath that halloween sky

Every place we ever hide

This halloween, this is halloween

This halloween, everybody make a scene

And you, baby blue

This halloween, right here around

All of them start to gather a crowd of teenagers and applaud them.

"Thank you", said Sorlos.

"Thank you", said Seno.

"You are a great audience", said Matsuorinji.

Sorlos, Seno, and Matsuorinji walk away from the teenagers and head to a trash can, where they throw away wrappers.

"Those cream puffs were delicious", said Seno.

"It was, and our singing voices are perfect", said Matsuorinji.

"So, true, but now I want more cream puffs", said Sorlos.

"Girl, you have the appetite of a lion", said Seno.

"What, that's silly", said Sorlos, not believing Seno.

"Oh, yeah, I bet you can't stop eating sweets for three days", said Seno.

"Three days!" Sorlos gasped, looking shocked.

"Yes, three days and we will be watching you carefully, it starts tomorrow, so you will be able to eat", said Matsuorinji.

"Yeah, I'll get more cream puffs", said Sorlos, then runs off.

"Don't forget our deal", said Matsuorinji.

"I won't", said Sorlos, while she was running.

A few minutes later, Sorlos gets seven cream puffs that is in a bag, she is eating one cream puff and walks to her house.

Sorlos feels her home vibrating.

Sorlos puts the cream puff in her mouth, grabs her phone, answers it; and says "Hello".

"What did I tell you about answering the phone with a full mouth?" a woman asked Sorlos.

Sorlos swallows the cream puff, and says "Sorry, I'm heading right to home".

"That's great. I need you to help me cook your dinner, I hurt my leg", said the woman.

"Aunt, why are you always so clumsy?" Sorlos asks the woman.

"I can't help it", said Sorlos' aunt.

"Well, I'm on my way, anything else?" Sorlos told her aunt.

"It's okay", said Sorlos' aunt.

Sorlos finishes all her cream puffs and throws away all her wrappers, then heads to a red house.

Sorlos smells fire, then turns around and sees a meteor; which made her eyes widen, she was about to run away , but she got crushed.

Inside the house, there is a woman who has long red hair with split ends, brown skin, wearing a red dress, while holding crutches.

This woman heads outside and sees Sorlos on the ground being crushed by a meteor.

The woman is Sorlos' aunt named Ryuichi.

Ryuichi heads to Sorlos, gets out her phone, and calls the police.

Ryuichi calls to Sorlos hoping she isn't dead, Sorlos slowly open her eyes, and looks at her.

"You are okay, I'm so glad", said Ryuichi.

"Yeah, except my back, I wish I could lift this", said Sorlos.

Ryuichi and Sorlos hear a crack.

"What was that?" Sorlos asks Ryuichi, looking worried.

They hear a crack again and the meteor splits.

Sorlos is covered in green goo.

"Eww!" replied Sorlos, then she glows.

Sorlos starts to feel pain, and says "My body feels like it's on fire".

Sorlos grows fangs.

"What is happening?" Ryuichi asks Sorlos.

Sorlos grows a tail from behind and some of her jeans rip.

"Are you okay?" Ryuichi asks Sorlos.

"Aunt back up, it's not over", said Sorlos.

"Huh?" Ryuichi asks Sorlos.

Sorlos body starts to grow and becomes taller and taller.

"Oh my", said Ryuichi.

A bunch of people in the town see Sorlos who is now 50 foot tall.

"It's a giant", said A woman.

"Is she friendly, mommy?" asked a girl.

"I don't believe it", said A man.

Everybody starts to take pictures and film Sorlos.

"Are you okay, Sorlos?" Ryuichi asks Sorlos.

"Can you say that again?" Sorlos asks Ryuichi.

Sorlos voice accidentally causes the ground to shake.

Ryuichi touches Sorlos' hand.

Sorlos lifts Ryuichi and says "So, what were you saying?"

"Are you okay? You looked like you were in pain", said Ryuichi.

"I am fine, even though I have fangs, a snake tongue, a snake tail, and 50 foot tall", said Sorlos.

"By the way, you might want to whisper because you're causing the ground to shake", Ryuichi suggested.

"Okay, well bye", said Sorlos in a whisper, as she puts Ryuichi down.

"Where are you going?" Ryuichi asks Sorlos.

"I have to go, I can't stay here, I'm 50 foot tall", said Sorlos, as she walks away.

"Please don't leave, you aren't seen as a monster", said Ryuichi.

At that moment, helicopters appear and releases bullets attacking Sorlos.

Sorlos' tail turns into a chainsaw, she spins it, and all the bullets are destroyed.

"Stop! That's my niece! Stop!" Ryuichi calls the helicopter.

The helicopter didn't listen, they try to keep attacking Sorlos.

Sorlos starts running, making the houses nearly fly, and the ground is shaking.

Sorlos soon escapes the neighborhood and goes into the woods, she stops herself, and says "I can't hurt any small animals and I can't let them do the same, enough is enough".

Sorlos holds her breath, and releases it; then the helicopter is blown away.

Sorlos looks back at the neighborhood and says "Bye old life, bye aunt, I'll call you. But, I must find a new home".

Ryuichi cries as she looks at the sky, and waves goodbye to her niece.