
Chapter 11: Creating first golem

Chapter 11: creating first golem

Nox was excited to learn about golems and after speding one full day trying to comprehend the golem making process.

He believed that he was as ready as he could be to make a golem.

So, he looked at the materials available to him and he found out that he could make any golem he wanted with those materials .

Initially, he didn't want to create anything too complex so be decided to create a scout golem that looked like a flying ball

The design Nox decided on was extremely similar to a drone with camera.

This was easily understood by him as he was somewhat informed about the workings of camera and drones.

He started to carefully select the things that he needed and started to place them according to the instructions in the book.

Then he used magic chats to reshape the materials into desired form. "As minister of mana I command thee reshape"

He also used a carving knife to carve runes by following the instructions of golem making book. He used the spell sharpen on the carving knife to magically enhance it

"as minister of mana I command thee sharpen"

Then after individually reshaping and carving runes on various parts of the golem . Nox checked all of them once again before moving on to the next step.

It took him two days to reshape and carve the materials with everything needed.

Now, he moved on to the next step and said, "as minister of mana I command thee combine"

And all of the materials started to float in the air then they assembled themselves into what looked like a floating black coloured ball with a camera in the middle.

Nox held the final product in his left hand and after admiring his workmanship for a while .

He picked up carving knife again and started to engrave the final runes on the golum body he created.

After he was done the ball shaped black object had golden lines on it. Which appeared extremely pleasing to the eye.

Then to bring golem to life Nox decided to hold the ritual immediately.

He carved a formation on the ground according to the instructions written in the book and he used four days out of seven to get to this point

Knowing that he still had three more days he as relaxed and placed the golem body in the middle of the formation he just carved

"as minister of magic, I command thee, come to life, golem creation", after chanting he noticed that formation was glowing with blue colour

And the goelm body in the middle was also glowing blue and it started to float after flashing a few times

As soon as the lights dimmed down Nox smiled smugly and said, " come here"

And the golem floated towards him. The he used another spell from the golem book that was used for golems

"as minister of magic, I command thee link"

"as minister of magic, I command thee share senses "

As soon as he finished chanting. He could see himself through golem's prospective

And he was immensely happy because of his success

Then old man's hologram appeared before him

And said congratulations on passing my trials and acquiring my inheritance