
Sorcerer who delivers death

“What ways can the living be tarnished by the evil deeds”. He asks Zihan hoping for an answer but was met with none, Jia sarcastically laughed inkling with regret for he knows that the end has come. "Die for the sake of peace, Jia." Zihan spits heavy words in his shaky tone, pointing the tip of his sword at man’s neck. Staring at the shaken man Jia’s eyes was full of adoration with a bitter smile; he stretches both his arms in the vast. "Zihan, I haven’t got the faintest idea that meeting you will be my happiest moment in my life.” waiting for his execution Jia shut his eyes facing the heavens. Hearing those, Zihan's face gets blotchy, eyes bloodshot and a mist forming in his puff eyelids. Then as swift as the wind blew, a “thud” was heard from the distance. “The witch has died…. He has died.” the crowd behind was cheering overjoyed as the turmoil has finally ended. Just like that, An Jia died in the hand of his confidante. His fated soulmate…... Just like how the bond between the two crumbled. Tears fall unto Zihan’s cheeks. The grieving crows cry as the resentful screams of Wu remnants were heard all over the hail valley for the last time. And then, as night was full of lament, it was followed by a painful silence. They thought the war has ended, but- The gossip around, flared like a blazing fire in the whole city with great horror once again. Yang Zihan the Bai Ling Sect Lord leaves his position, becoming a madman after the turmoil. Sects were collapsing………… And As the lustful glowed of the crimson moon once again emerge The name “Wu Siwang” has finally been born bearing all the resentment of the world. This time the story has officially begin………….

Yin Hu · Eastern
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

A Visit to Brothel

A rare feeling was embedded in Jia’s heart ever since. He was overwhelmed by the fact that he saves someone's life…. Someone that was considered worthless and garbage.

Just like him, like how he was running for his life

The man cannot help but be worried a little bit. It was really strange that Jing Jing just ran away like that. At least they could just have a proper goodbye.

The tavern was busy as it was; many customers and guests come and then leave.

As for Jia, a very dutiful man and lover of responsibility did a great task as always. He was being praised by Chen Xu almost every day.

When the tavern was not peaked as few customers were still enjoying their time. Chen Xu called for him to relax. “Why won’t you sit for a moment and accompany Shixiong here.” sipping tea as he grumbles at the man.

Jia sits down across him and pours his Shixiong another cup of tea.

He was silent

“What makes Jia think that you can’t spare Shixiong a talk?” Chen Xu asks like a worried parent.

“Shixiong” Jia tentatively called for him.

“Unn?” Chen Xu replied.

“I wanted to tell you this yesterday, but since you were occupied I didn’t bother to do so.” He intently looks at Chen Xu with a fresh expression.

His Shixiong slightly tilts his head and glances at Jia with a calculating look.

“What is it that you wanted to tell me?” Pressing the poor man to answer Jia’s throat bobbed.

“I saved a poor woman on the street yesterday. She was beaten heavily and they want to kill her. Luckily, I stop the man on time.” While Jia recounted the accident, he can’t help but look soft, heart fluttered.

He had freed someone who had a similar experience to what he went through. Of course, that was pleasing enough for him to do such an extent.

Chen Xu’s eyes suddenly widen…. He gaped at the young man like he was seeing a ghost.

“Don’t… don’t tell me you are the guy who the city was gossiping about?’ Jia didn’t like his Shixiong expressions.

He exclaimed with a slight confusion “Shixiong? Why can’t I? You helped us when we were dying on the streets that day. So how can it be different?” He was curious why Chen-Xu looking at him horrified.

“You are not a remnant of Wu” his Shixiong grunted at him; eyes darting straight at Jia.

The man was petrified……. What was his Shixiong talking about? Did Chen-Xu perhaps believe in the rumors as well? It was new for him to be misunderstood and he made his Shixiong more disappointed than elated.

He turned to gaze somewhere; completely avoiding his Shixiong scolding gaze, he heard Chen Xu exhale heavily.

“Shixiong…. I” he wanted to explain his side but it seems like it was creating a crack instead of away. He was also afraid it might get worse.

“It was my fault.” Chen Xu sighed shaking his head in disbelief.

Jia abruptly turn to look at Chen Xu grabbing both his hand and woefully said.

“Shixiong… I was the one who helped her... I don’t know what remnants or family she had originated. At that moment I feel sympathetic…. She was desperate and crying… I can’t leave and just watch her like that…. I am much of a pathetic person…. I shouldn’t get myself into trouble…. But Shixiong……… she’s……. she is like me………” Jia can’t let himself down for just this small matter of what he does; will certainly hunt him that he knew.

Taking someone’s life because they deserve it. Without a second thought nor spare, for the man, it was quite cruel and unjust.

His Shixiong looking more worried than before peeled one of his hands to pat Jia’s head.

“My little Jia was firm in principle; a man of his words.” Chen-Xu smiled at him comforting the glum self of the poor man across him.

Chen Xu continued “Let’s just hope they won’t attract you.” he then stops patting the man, grabbing the tea that was set before him.

“What might attract me Shixiong? Did I do wrong? Did I mess up?” he spat those words without even stopping; he was deadly curious if what he has done turned him into doom some of this day.

And then he remembers the man who threatens him.

Chen Xu just looks at him his eyes full of wariness and concern.

‘I shouldn’t have said that…” Jia said to himself. Hanging his head low as the question was abandoned and he never got an answer. Maybe he makes Chen-Xu furious.

“It is not Jia’s fault, but pay heed to whatever I say to you.” his Shixiong leaned closer towards the man who seemed to whisper as if it was a secret between them.

“Do not ever again help them. Never, even if they were begging. Do you understand?” with a serious look on his Shixiong’s appearance this might be serious after all.

Jia don’t understand why Chen-Xu was acting strange but he silently nodded with such great disappointment he dropped an eye, pursing a lip. He can’t look Chen-Xu straight right now.

The silence was killing him after the talk because no one even bother to initiate another conversation. He was a little desperate to open his mouth and say something but it never was done when.

Suddenly, a silhouette came running towards them

It was Zixhen, the man looks troubled. Chen Xu attentively went on to know what the man was worrying about.

“Zihan… that child was missing again.” he takes a look at Chen Xu who was now lovingly tending him to sit and relax.

Jia went into an immediate frown. He made his Shixiong disappointed and scolded him and when Zixhen came Chen Xu’s expression changed like a flip of a page in a book.

“Xiao Zhan? Maybe he went to stroll in the side streets?” Chen Xu comforted the man; neglecting the poor worm who had been in the corner sulking.

‘That child, really sometimes gave me a headache.” Zixhen sighs his gaze turns to Jia.

“Jia was a kid of culture; a rule in a book.” Although, it was a compliment to the man it was like mocking him.

“Obedient? Me? I got scolded for helping someone, you know.” He wanted to say those words right straight where the man was, but he didn’t have the courage and so shutting his mouth was the only option he got.

Without any warning, Chen-Xu proposed “Jia will look for Xiao Zhan, Gege do not worry yourself to sickness.” Consoling the man by patting his back tenderly.

Jia with a sulky face stands up and bows before them…

“I will look for a young master, please be at ease, no matter what I will not be returning home without him.” the man didn’t even bother looking at his Shixiong or at Zixhen all he know was it was irritating for some grown-up man who can’t even take good care of himself.

He already spat Zihan’s name on his mind; he didn’t want to get involved with that brat but it seems like his fate was playing with him.

Zixhen beams at him, eyes that were before full of wariness turn to comfort and satisfaction. He stares at Jia with admiration as he nodded full of expectation.

“Please do, that child sometimes does shameless acts. He might create chaos in the crowded place somewhere----” he sighed like a troubled father.

Jia then pay respect once more and turn to leave but Zihan hurriedly spoke as the man was pacing away from them.

“And, oh Jia- if ever you can’t find him anywhere maybe he was at a…… brothel…” Zixhen awkwardly laughs with a hint of embarrassment in his tone.

“Brothel? Since when? I never thought that child ……” Chen-Xu’s face stiffs as it daunts him what was Zihan’s real intention.

“You know that child…. He always likes to run into trouble… I am not capable of scolding him and may not be able to.” Zixhen face contorted, sighing with rather such disappointment in himself.

Jia wearing his casual expressions sigh in his mind. “Such a troublesome dumbass,” he said in the back of his mind. He stood up and then turn to face Zixhen and Chen-Xu.

“I will pursue the young master at all cost… Shixiong needed not to let himself worry.” He dismissed himself when he noticed the two silhouettes were already minding their own business.

The man was surely bitter perhaps this he knows… Zhen and Chen Xu were a hell of a soulmates….

And for a lowly commoner like him…. he will never reach Shixiong’s heart not even an inch.

A wry smile was fixed on the poor man’s face; but whatever happens, he will always be faithful to his savior…. That’s how things will never mind his feelings

Now the focus turns to the coquettish young master…. Jia with no time to waste, asks many stalls but to no avail failed to locate him

He even went so far as to go to some isolated area if ever the man was dragged into a fight and got beaten.

He failed…… all of it.

The last thing he never visit was the brothel. Yes, the brothel which he had never liked since.

“But what should be done; must be done…. “Jia with no other choice go as planned.

After a very long heavy trudge, he finally made it to the place.

The man looked up wanting to read the word displayed on the top of the establishment.

“Steam shots? The hell with that name?’ this is just a shot directly to the groin of those perverts.” He exclaimed clenching his hand unto a fist.

Standing outside the brothel’s main door…. the poor man hesitates

He can tell that this place was too immoral... too scandalous… with a flirty laugh and drunken shouts from where he was. He feels like running away.

But he promises Zixhen that he will be returning home with Zihan.

And so, with zero option Jia with all his courage strode stiff, his hand was cold.

From the view of the entrance, the main cellars were bright. It was full of decorations and lively colors.

Although, the designs were serene and gentle.

The overbearing glances and noises inside were the opposite. The people lacking sensitivity and morals, flirt with the nobles and thus high in status who dress gold.

Bearing the name of one of the most popular and expensive brothels.

The place was a mess of carefree impudent crowds.

Women pounding their buxom to their clients, drinking and letting them touch their bodies all over in the sight of the onlookers.

The poor man grits his teeth in silence…… it was domineering he felt chickening away.

Deep within he was flabbergasted by the overwhelming stench of alcohol and loud noises.

He heard faint steps directly towards him.

Suddenly, Jia was approached by a woman in her thirty yet, she still bears attractive features.

Her bosom’s plump and her waist is curvaceous.

The woman smiled at him and then asked “What can this humble one serves this master?’ lusciously stares at the helpless man.

Jia pretending to be aloof and indifferent replied “I am looking for my young master…. This madam perhaps recognizes someone called Yang Zihan?” Jia searched from within his eye range not even bothering to look at the woman anymore.

“Oh, that pretty master?’ she excitedly beams snaking her hands on Jia’s arm and shoving her breast on him.

Although the man acts disinterested. His heart was thumping madly.

Never in his life that someone would shamelessly do this kind of advance.

“Endure… endure this for once Jia.” He said to himself.

She replied, “he was in his best time and I am afraid I won’t be able to say to you where’s the young master’s chamber.” the madam lovely pouts at the disturbed lad.

“I was told to take care of the pretty man who will come fetch him. You are Jia, right?

The man was bewildered. So that punk already had a plan to mess up with him. Jia doesn’t know what to do. He can just deny it and run away from the suffocating place.

He can’t seem to decide and so the Madam decided to hook up with him forcing the poor man to come with her.

“No… no... this... this… I can’t… I really…” he doesn’t really like being pulled by some random woman, especially in the brothel. It is better to be a laughingstock than to commit such mistakes.

“Ah... look at you.” the madam caress Jia’s face trying her best to seduce the distant man. She even went too far as to cling and hug the man rubbing her breast unto the man’s stiffen chest.

Jia’s face got flustered he was red. He wanted to push the woman but the shock and embarrassment drown him enough to make him petrified.


The courage he had ago crumbled. He was speechless he felt like dying; not to mention the poor man got an erection. He didn’t know what to do. This is the first time that maybe he got excited.

The sudden realization of what Zihan told him about having fun in the brothel hunted him.

Jia didn’t notice that he was being dragged into one of the chambers. Confused, the man was pushed unto the soft blanketed divan.

The attending women closed the door behind them. As the madam looks at him frightening the gut out of his soul. Strange flowery smells linger on the man’s nose.

Almost like something soothing him. It made him relaxed but also it drives him into madness.

Jia put all his weight on his right arm, leaning his forearm on the soft bed to balance himself trying to get up. He will try to stop the woman from taking it to another level.

But the madam pushed him again. Moving closer until she was on top of him.

“So, shall we begin.” She leans caressing the hardened chest as Jia shudders.

“Ah... Wait… wait... stop this.” peeling the madam’s hand as Jia struggles to maintain his facade. He can’t let the woman know he was turned on.

No can do

“Grant this madam the pleasure today. You can do whatever you want” she grabbed Jia’s hand placing it in her bosom and the other hand on her curvaceous waist.

The man didn’t know how to react. His mind goes blank as he let the woman do the work. The intimacy between them.

He was helpless…… he needed to put up a fight not to sway with the increasing temptation. But the feeling of lust grew stronger.

The hot sensation that boiled inside was unbearable. It was as if something was itching. He can’t let this happen but---

The madam was delighted by Jia’s expression and kiss his neck to arouse him. Leaving the poor guy a reddish mark on his blanched skin.

Jia grunts as both of his hands turn to grope on the waist unconsciously. He felt strangely intoxicated and the dizziness started to affect him.

He can’t think right, delirious, and at the same time desperately hoping someone might stop him from going any further.

He wishes to die rather than do it. It was the first time for him. He can’t just let someone casually do it without his consent.

“No… stop, please...someone help... someone-- “he wanted to say these words but his voice betrayed him.

Whatever he was doing with the woman wasn’t his will. He didn’t like it.

It was too late for him to realize he was under control because of that damn bizarre candles.

His eyes began to blur as he heard his breath releasing an erotic huff resonating in the chamber.

He was being touched everywhere which gave the young man tremor; he was feeling the heat and weakness devoured him, and his vision started darkening.

Blinking erratically, trying not to fall asleep but the drowsiness was too strong that it was dragging him into a slumber.

Before he gave in, he heard someone dash to open the door to the chamber. Just like that.

Everything was pitch black and Jia was knocked unconscious.