
How it all Started

I wake up with a headache pounding behind my eyes. I open them up to find a room, painted light green with a white ceiling and a fan spinning overhead.

The only things in the room are my bed, and a few bookshelves littered with books of all sizes.

After getting up, I head out of the room to find a woman, around the age of thirty, making some food. She is short, around 5'4, and has black hair, light brown skin, and dark brown eyes.

"Hola niño, how was your nap eh?" She says, lifting her eyes from the bowl of rice. "I could 'ear you snoring from all the way in here, I could!" She tells me, a light Spanish accent peeking through her words.

"Hola mamá, my siesta was amazing, what are you making?" I say, coming around behind her to see what she is making. "Oh I'm just making your favorite, ropa vieja, why? Does it look bad?" She asks, turning around to look up at me. Surprisingly, her head barely extends past my stomach. "No mamá, the food looks good, I'm going to go outside for a while, vale?" I say, heading for the door. "Vale, you look as pale as death, you do, go get some sun!" She yells, and comes over, pushing and prodding me out the door before I can respond.

After getting pushed out, I head for the park, only a little under a mile away.

After getting there, I climb my way to the top of the play set, around fifty feet off the ground.

Finally, in my own little safe haven, I take a look at myself. My skin is a few shades lighter than the woman's, although that is probably from lack of sun exposure, and my hair, which falls into my eyes, is a dark brown, whit a hint of red near the ends. I don't know the color of my eyes, although I can guess that they are a similar shade to the woman's, who I assume is my mother. After sitting here for hours and getting my skin a few shades darker, I climb down and head back home.

Although, on my way back, I hear a scream, and, after realizing it came from close to me, I ran the rest of the way to my house, since I'm not crazy and I don't want to get shot, or stabbed, today, no sirree.


A few days after the scream was heard, the police found out that it belonged to a young woman, who was mugged, shot, and killed. They haven't found the suspect, but they believe that they live somewhere around where the lady was found, so now my whole neighborhood has been put under a lockdown.

So now, here I am, playing Mario Cart on my PlayStation, when I here a knock on my door. "Qué?" I yell, pausing the game and setting my controller down. No answer. "QUÉ?!" I yell louder. The knock comes again. I open the door to find a man, tall, pale skin, black hair, and covered in blood, holding a knife, at my bedroom door. He lunges at me, cutting at my jugular, and gets a small nick. He swipes again, and this time he cuts into my side, cutting right through a lung. He then pounces on me, and stabs me ten times, before getting off and leaving. I died right there, by having blood leak into my lungs and drowning me.