
Sorcerer Nightfall

A nocturnal taxi driver witnessed a supernatural murder but unforeseen circumstances are delaying his death. Sorcerers that cross over to this side carry a certain charm and add mystery to everyday life. Good or evil, it rarely matters as every time some unforeseen events erase their existence to preserve balance. A taxi driver’s mundane life turns up side down that one night when a young female police officer questions him about a suspicious fare. As they work together to unravel the largest bank robbery in history the officer realizes that this unmotivated taxi driver is oddly shrouded in mysteries.

PluckMyLife · Urban
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12 Chs

Chapter 10. Breaking Point

The time for prosecution to start was nigh. Charm anxiously looked over to the opposing attorney, Christopher's side. The police were charged for harming Lyle, who was apparently the patient of a prodigy doctor. Thus, she was worried because it was her own sister and herself who brought over this predicament.

"Cher, is he the doctor?" Charm spoke her first sentence since she entered the courtroom.

"Don't worry," Cherish consoled. "Dad said this is only a minor matter. He has already seen to that."

Inspector Flake looked back when he heard the words 'only a minor matter.' He frowned purposefully to show displeasure at the spoiled girls. All the responsibility regarding the matter here had been dumped on him. He snorted and looked away when Cherish frowned back at him.

An old lady arrived in the courtroom and quietly headed towards the jury table. In an instant, she was the center of attention. Carol Liberation was single-handedly assigned to pass the verdict on this case. She wore a long black robe and a white piece of cloth was puffed just below her neck.

The wall behind the jury's long table was wooden and painted dark brown. Carol sat in her seat and looked towards the people attending the session. A smile leaked her lips when she saw Lyra Lou Clark's smile. She was aware of the defending attorney in this case, but who was the person leading the other side?

She regretted her own question because of seeing Christopher Morgan. Of course, it's him. Who else would take on such a wacky case? As she shook her head at the crazy man but a frown developed on her forehead when she saw the color of his tie. She sneered at how this guy was more out of his mind than ever.

The clock struck 10, and it was time to start, but the accusing party was still not here. Christopher Morgan opened his eyes and stood up, but he stopped with an open mouth. He gulped his saliva and sat down after seeing the judge.

"Where is your client?" Carol immediately rebuked. "The court will be adjourned if the accusing party is not interested."

"I am sure you are aware that my client's patient who was harmed-"

"Objection hearsay." Lyra immediately interrupted Christopher's statement.

"They will be here any moment now." Christopher sat down and secretly looked at the time on his watch.

Comet luckily arrived only 10 minutes late. He was dressed in his usual attire, a white lab coat outside casual clothes. In the courtroom, no one was older than him. Even Charm, who looked the youngest, was two years older than him.

The commotion on the police's side rose as they saw a pale man behind Comet. This person's hair was perfectly slicked back. He walked slowly with a numb expression. The white face with a black suit hinted that this man had just walked out of a coffin. It was Lyle who looked like a celebrity with all that makeup and the expensive suit.

"Order in the court!" The judge, Carol, disliked the newcomer duo. "The reason for your late arrival better be justified."

"Who are you?" Comet looked at the old lady in the jury's seat. "I thought we were going to get a real judge for our case." He joked and turned to see Elliot. But the butler wasn't by his side.

"You must be the one who arranged the procession to start at 10. Comet Vega," Carol checked the documents on the table. "The 19 year old who has a doctorate hanging on his patient, Lyle Frost. You sued the police department for obstruction of your research, which you claim can double the human lifespan." Then suddenly she looked up. "Misusing your father's graceful influence is the subject that concerns me." She smiled.

Comet clenched his fist on hearing the last sentence. He was about to show this ignorant old woman her place but was stopped in time by Elliot, who just arrived with a phone in hand. The old butler looked at Carol, then at Lyra.

"I just got the news. It's a move by the new police Chief. They stopped Judge Haybarn's car, thus delaying his arrival and this new judge arrived. She has deep ties with the police and, along with the attorney, will press charges even on minor matters." Elliot whispered in Comet's ears.

The police officials cheered, but the judge only issued an order in the court once Comet and the team silently sat in their seats. Flake, however, was still unhappy. He repetitively cursed the new police officer who was born with a silver spoon.

Lyle sighed as he sat down on the leather chair. The makeup, new hairstyle, and suit made him uncomfortable. He looked at Charm, but the girl immediately looked away after a brief eye contact. However, the other female officials were eying him shamelessly. He was still looking at Charm with an apologetic look and couldn't help but glance at the person beside Charm.

No one had ever made him feel this way. Even though all eyes were on him, he was only drawn towards the girl in a pink tracksuit. Just as their eyes met he felt a shiver run down his body. It was as if his soul was under an unknown pressure. He felt his head heat up along with a rising pain in the spine at the back of this neck.

The eye contact, however, lasted only for a second. He immediately looked away and took out a handkerchief from his pocket to wipe the sweat on his forehead. After a while, he secretly put the cloth into his other pocket, the one which carried his phone. Expertly, he dialed a number, but the process was very slow.

The court was in the process, but Lyle didn't hear a thing. He was completely spaced out until Elliot shook him. Christopher and Comet were sitting in the front seat. Apparently, they decided to prolong the session so that the court could be adjourned for tomorrow. But Lyra, the defendant attorney, along with the judge, was bent on wrapping up the matter today.

It was Lyle's turn to be questioned for direct examination. Christopher and Comet were very confident that Lyle's answers would hurt. But still he received a paper with instructions. He walked up to be questioned by Lyra Lue Clark.

"If you would, please raise your right hand. Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?" Carol quickly said, while looking towards Lyle.

"I do." Lyle looked at the cheat sheet, which, he estimated, had over 20 questions and answers.

"Would you state your name and what you do?" Lyra asked, it sounded like she was in a hurry.

"Lyle Frost." He looked at the sheet and it said to waste as much time as possible. "My name, that is Lyle Frost, and I am a full time, self employed, licensed by-"

"So you are a taxi driver," Lyra interrupted.

"How do you define a taxi driver?" Lyle followed another hint from the sheet - ask them to define basic stuff.

"A person who drives a taxi," annoyance was clear in Lyra's voice.

"No, I do not just drive a taxi. I only drive a taxi at night."

"Why can't you sleep at night?"

"My work schedule is messed up. I sleep during the day and work at night because I have this disease that makes me fall asleep during the day."

"Did your doctor, Comet Vega, say that it was psychological?"

"Objection, hearsay." Christopher said.

"Objection overruled." Carol said in a tone of annoyance. The time was quickly running out.

"Is it psychological?" Lyra asked.

"Objection, your honor. Lyle is unqualified to answer a medical question," Christopher quickly interrupted.

"Objection overruled." Carol quickly said.

"His doctor is better qualified for such answers," Christopher said

"It is a simple question. Do you think your disease is psychological?" Carol pressed further.

"No," Lyle answered, this behavior from the judge was planned on the cheat sheet.

Comet suddenly laughed out loud. He got up from his seat and ripped off his lab coat button. Carol and Lyra had annoyed him to death by direct and cross questioning earlier.

"This is a camera that sends live recordings to my servers. You overruled three legitimate objections in a row. Doesn't it count as an abuse of power? I will sue you."

A few police officials stood up from their seats in anger. Earlier, this kid had been destroyed by their attorney and the judge. Now he threatens the only judge in the court? No one had ever heard about someone who threatened a judge during a live procession.

No one could act so bizarrely. Only he could. Because he was Comet Vega.

"I Comet Vega will destroy you, old hag."

A bell rang just as the sentence was finished. It was 12 midnight, and the session was over for today. The gloomy judge postponed the trial for another day. She planned to meet the police Chief right after this.

Comet, Elliot and Christopher felt relieved, but Lyle did not. He felt that someone was watching him and he knew who. The first to leave the courtroom was the judge Carol, next were Lyle and company. He made sure they would leave, trailed by the police officials.

The sky was dark when a group of four people left the courthouse, followed by twenty. Lyle was sure that nothing would happen as long as he was surrounded by a lot of people, but suddenly someone approached him from the front.

"Hi, my name is Cherish," the girl in a pink suit said while extending her hand for a handshake.

This chapter turned out to differ from what I had planned. I wanted it to be more realistic, but that would have increased the dialogues by ten folds. (will do it in the future, probably)

I broke while trying to wrap up the chapter.... (breaking point? ~jk)

PluckMyLifecreators' thoughts