
Sorcerer Kings Magic Academy!

A Magic Academy with many characters from the new world! Ainz had this great idea right after the Massacre of the Katze Plains. Follow a class that will be taught by the biggest monsters of Nazarick. Will they last or die before finishing school?

Solidex · Anime & Comics
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1 Chs

Chapter 1. The Idea

After the fight at the Katze Plains, Ainz returned to his throne room. To be precise, he was bored out of his mind. He expected more of the kingdom. He thought he would at least have one magic caster attack him. Yet there was none. And this brought him the greatest idea he ever had.

"I, will found a Magic Academy in E-Rantel and invite everyone to come! So that everyone can learn magic!"

He stood up from his throne while he said that. Yet there was no one who could praise him at the moment.

"Oh, that's right" "[Message]"

{Albedo, can you hear me?}

{Of course Lord Momo-... Forgive me, Lord Ainz. What do you request of me?}

{Where are you right now?}

First, Ainz heard nothing. He waited until...

{I-I am in the baths. Y-Yes, yes I am bathing right now.}

What Ainz didnt know was that she was secretly in his bed.

{Then do I disturb you right now?}

{Noooo! Please ask anything of me!}

{Then, I have something important to tell. Bring forth all the Floor Guardians except Gargantua and Victim to the throne room.}

{As you wish, Lord Ainz.}

The message ended and Ainz waited until the Guardians finally arrived. As they came closer to the throne all kneeled before him in a straight line.

"Rise, my Guardians."

They hesitated at first, but started to stand up shortly after. It was getting more common for them to stand.

"First, I want to praise everyone for the victory at Katze Plains and the occupation of the city E-Rantel. It was splendid work."

"My Lord. We do not deserve such praise."

"Enough Demiurge. It is only right that I do so."

"You are too humble, My Lord."

"Sure I am. Let's come to the point of why I called you all here. As you know, magic isn't very popular in this world, and most can only cast up to the 3rd tier, which is very weak. So I thought, why not make a place where people can learn magic? That is why I plan to found a Magic Academy in E-Rantel for everyone to enter!"

He stood up and made a grand pose as practiced. The Guardians looked at him with admiration in their eyes.

"As expected of Lord Ainz. He is so humble to even let these insects learn magic to protect themselves."

"You are right Shalltear, our Lord is truly worthy of ruling over all races." Albedo said in a lovely tone.

Suddenly laughter erupted out of Demiurge. "Hahaha… Do you truly think that was Lord Ainzs only intention?"

"What do you mean Demiurge?" Asked Shalltear in a confused tone.

"I. Would. Also. Like. To. Know. What. You. Mean. Demiurge."

-WHAT?! Don't tell me…- Ainz put his jaw back up that was wide open when Demiurge proclaimed that he has foreseen what he would do. "Eh… You have recognized my plans already. As expected from you, Demiurge."

"Thank you, My Lord. Yet I believe your plans to have even a deeper meaning that I couldn't understand properly."

-WHAT DEEPER PLAN?! I just wanted to make a school for magic.- "Yes, of course. But why don't you tell your fellow guardians what you have understood from my plan?"

"Of course, my Lord." He turned to the Guardians. "As you know, we still don't know if other players exist in this world. The Katze Plains experiment was to bait out players and kill them. Yet nobody reacted. So Lord Ainz made a new plan on how to learn about powerful beings, or possibly players. And that is a Magic School. Lord Ainz will invite everyone, but most importantly, the most powerful beings, to join the academy. And if they accept what they will, Lord Ainz will have perfect surveillance over the strongest people in this world. Yet why will they accept? Simple. Out of fear, respect, admiration, security reasons, and most importantly, to spy on us. I believe that was all that I could see from Lord Ainz, his plan."

All the Guardians looked at Demiurge with their mouth open. Yet the one who was most surprised was the only skeleton in the room. -Wha…HOW!…How did he get that out of me saying I want to make a Magic School?!- He had to personally close his bony jaw with his hand this time. "As…expected from you Demiurge…You have explained it perfectly…"

"I am pleased that you are pleased, Lord Ainz."

"To know, Lord Ainz planned all that. Truly a Supreme Being."

"He. Is. Most. Worthy. To. Rule. Over. Us. All"

"Uhm…T-To plan all t-that is really impressive."

"Lord Ainz is truly the man I love."

All kinds of reactions came from the Floor Guardians. They were always surprised when the secret plans of Ainz came out. But Ainz wasn't even the one making these plans. "Oh god. I can't keep this up forever! But what will they say if I tell them I am not all-knowing, just smart in the moment."

"...Good. Now, I have planned to give each one of you a role as a teacher. But you will only teach one specific class. That class will have all the powerful students in it. The other classes will be taught by hired servants. And now for your role. Cocytus."

"Yes. My. Lord."

"You will be teaching the sport and fighting classes."

"As. You. Wish."

"Shalltear. You will teach Magic."

"Of course, My Lord."

"Albedo. You will be giving art classes. Aura, you will be the teacher for Monsterology and Mare will teach about Nature and Biology. But because you two are still children, you will be accompanied by another teacher."

"Yes, My Lord." said the three in unison.

"And for the ones that aren't here. Pandoras Actor will teach acting and I have decided that Sebas will be... The security guard and janitor for the school. And Demiurge!?"

"Yes, Lord Ainz."

"You will be the Vice Principal. And I will be the Principal of the school. Now. Did everyone understand what you will be doing?"

"We heard it loud and clear, Lord Ainz" All of the Guardians spoke except Cocytus that said it a little slower.

"Perfect. I have faith in you Guardians that you will perform your task excellently. Now, send the invitations all around the world. I want that even the ants to see that Ainz Ooal Gown has founded his own Magic Acamedy!"

Two Weeks later, Princess Renners Room:

"Did you read the report, Your Highness?"

"Yes, Lakyus. If that is true, then we have to be wary of the Sorcerer King. No man has killed so many men with just one spell. And what do you have to say to that Evileye?"

"I don't know. I wasn't there to see it." Evileye replied in her cocky tone.

Blue Rose was currently visiting the Princess in one of her many rooms. They were just talking about the Sorcerer King when an important message arrived. A servant entered the room with a letter in his hand.

"Forgive me for the disturbance, Your Highness. But a letter from the Sorcerer King arrived."

He was one of her paid servants to give her the letters first that arrived in the castle. One of many things she controls in her home.

"Give it to me."

The servant gave the Princess the letter, and the others watched cautiously what it would say.

In the name of Ainz Ooal Gown, The Sorcerer King.

I invite all to visit the newly founded Sorcerer Kingdom's Magic Academy in E-Rantel.

Everyone may take part in the entry test to join the Academy officially.

You are all welcomed to learn and share magic at the Academy freely.

I await you in one month!

Sorcerer King and Principal of the Sorcerer Kingdom's Magic Academy.

The Princess read the letter loud, so anyone could hear what she said. And they were surprised that the Sorcerer King would do such a thing.

"Why would an undead care about the education of humans? Something is wrong here."

"Your right, Lakyus. And who in the world would go the-"

"I will go." Princess Renner said loud and clear, shocking all the others in the room. "This is to show that I am loyal to Ainz Ooal Gown."

"But Princes-"

"No but, Lakyus. I will go. And if you want to follow me there, you and the whole of Blue Rose can surely come too."

"I don't exactly understand why you want to go to such a place. But I can't let the Princess in the hands of some undead." Lakyus couldn't let her go without knowing what will happen to here there. She had to come with the Princess.

"And I, Climb. Will always be at your side and protect you if you face any danger in the Sorcerer Kingdom's Academy."

The Princess would jump on Climb if she could, yet she had an image to uphold.

"I thank you all for coming with me to the Academy. To lay away your jobs and to follow me is truly generous."

"Nah. We don't even have much jobs to do now that the Sorcerer King made his big move."

"It's as Gagaran said. And we can't let you go into the undeads city without protection. Maybe he wants to lure you in and kidnap you." Even if it was a little exaggerated, it could be possible.

"Then, I, Princess Renner of the Re-Estize Kingdom, proclaim my visit to the Magic Academy of the Sorcerer Kingdom."

Meeting of the Six Cardinals:

"Did you read it? What is he thinking? Inviting all to visit a school for magic?"

"Maybe the undead wants to lure our strongest fighters to join this school and spy on them."

"That isnt unreasonable. Raymond, what do you think of this?"

Raymond was somewhat in thoughts and didn't concentrate on the conversation they had previously. "Ah yes. I think we should wait before we send anyone there. And if it seems legitimate, we can send a squad to spy the insides of the Sorcerer Kingdom. It would be good to finally have eyes and ears in there. Since all our spies get killed for entering his territory."

"What! We need our scriptures outside of the undead's territory. How will you compensate that, Raymond?"

The Cardinal of Darkness asked the Commander of the Six Scriptures.

"As you know, Momon is in E-Rantel. And so is the so called Academy of the Sorcerer King. We might turn Momon and other adventurers on our side that visit the Academy."

"So your plan is to gamble. We don't really have time for this! We should kill that undead instead of visiting his pseudo school like little children!"

"Calm down, Dominic. We should act rational, not too bold. You have seen the reports that he destroyed the kingdom's army with one spell. And he also used the magic of the gods to do so."

"And? He simply copied their greatness. As if a normal undead could ever be compared to our gods!"

"Dammit Dominic! Get a hold of yourself! That being isnt a normal undead. That being made its own nation. That being destroyed one of our scriptures. And that being went against 250.000 men and won! If he were a human, would you treat him the same or try to talk to him?"

That question got somewhat the better of the Cardinal of Wind. He didn't know how to respond to that.

"Thats what I thought, Dominic. To protect humanity and secure our nation, we will not act with any aggression towards that being."

"I am on Raymond's side. So we don't act and let time pass?"

"Exactly, Yvon. Even when patience is on his side, yet we can still use it for our own advantage."

Carne Village:

"Are you serious, Lupu? Lord Ainz invited us to his new magic school?"

"Yeah, of course he did. Heres the letter."

Lupusregina gave Enri the letter that also showed it to her friend, Nferia.

"That is an official letter of His Majesty! He really did invite us!"

"That was what I said from the beginning. You should be ready in one month, su~"

The two simple commoners couldn't believe that Ainz, probably a god of magic, invited them to learn magic in his own school.

"B-But Lupu? Can we really enter it? I-I mean, we don't have any great potential or magic skills."

"Thats what a school is for, dummy. But you will get ranked at the beginning and put into a class of similar strength su~"

"But who will lead the village in my place? I mean to now I was the one to do everything."

If Enry went away, it would be a big problem. The summoned goblins wouldn't do anything without her permission.

"Dont worry. Lord Ainz has already prepared something for that su~. Isn't he just great?"

Lupusregina made puppy eyes as she stared into the sky, thinking of Ainz.

"If His Majesty said we can go. Then we can go. Right Nferia?"

"Of course, Enri."

"Thats what I like to hear, su~. But I have to leave now. Bye. See you in one month."

"Goodbye Lupu."

Baharut Empire, Imperial Palace:

"My Emperor. Word of the Sorcerer King has come."

At the words "Sorcerer King" Jircniv almost got a heart attack. He couldn't live any longer with hearing his name all the time. He was sure he would die of a heart attack soon.

"Show the letter to me."

The letter with the official Sorcerer King logo touched his hands and he could only shutter at that. And as he read it he was surprised even when he was prepared for what would come.

-What? He invites us to join his magic school? But we already have one here…No thats not it. Its a power play from his side. WHY? Why must his brilliance overshadow mine? He is truly a monster...- He looked at the four Imperial knights and Loune Vermillion, his secretary. "The Sorcerer King invited us to his Magic Academy, that opens in one month."

"I don't understand it, My Emperor. Why would he do such a thing?"

"That is a good question, Nimble. First, he wants to see where our loyalties are. If I don't go, he knows I am not loyal to him anymore. And with inviting everyone, he gives people an opportunity to spy in his nation."

"But why would he do that?" Loune Vermillion asked.

"Because he wants to do the same. He wants to find people with power. Thats why. And maybe even bring them to his side. A brilliant move."

"And what do you intend to do now, My Emperor?"

"I will go, of course. I want to keep my nation safe, and that is by showing my loyalty to Ainz Ooal Gown."

"As you command, My Emperor. Yet you need someone to accompany for your safety and your image."

"Good thought Loune. I will take you, Nimble and Leinas with me. You will fit perfectly in that school. And you three won't have to follow me around all the time. One person is enough."

"Should I make preparations? And what about Fluder? He surely would love to come with us."

"No. Fluder has betrayed us and he probably already has access to the Sorcerer Kings' information about magic. So why come with us to that magic school with limited knowledge?"

"As you say, My Emperor."

Draudillions Castle:

It was hell. There was not enough food, constant attacks on the cities. Everything just went down the hill.

"Prime Minister, have you read the letter?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. And I think you should accept it. You could even ask the Sorcerer King personally to aid us in our current situation."

"But why should I have a good time in a school while my people suffer from the attacks?"

"It is exactly that, My Queen. You will show respect towards the Sorcerer King by attending the event. You don't have to join the school, just be there to watch the opening and even meet with the Sorcerer King."

It was a good chance to pursue the Sorcerer King to help her. Yet one thing remained. "But why would an undead even help me? He doesn't care for the living!"

"This is our only chance, My Queen. The Slane Theocracy has abandoned us and the Baharut Empire has become a vassal of the Sorcerer Kingdom. It is our only choice at the moment. We don't have a better."

"If it is as you say. I will leave to go to this opening party. But I want one condition. Celebrate will stay here!" She said in an angry, childish voice.

"Well, we will look that he does so, My Queen."

1 week later, Nazarick, Throne Room:

"Albedo, is the little girl ready"

"Yes, My Lord. We believe she will be absolutely loyal to you. Now that her sisters are safe from any danger, of course."

Ainz and Albedo were talking about Arche, a girl that followed the job to invade the Great Tomb of Nazarick. Yet Ainz forgave her this time.

"And what about Clementine?"

"She has gone through extreme torture and modification to make her loyal to Nazarick. Her will is broken and she will follow every command you may give her."

"Good. I asked you because I intend to put these two into the Magic Academy for, other reasons."

"I understand, Lord Ainz."

She didn't understand it, but proceeded to say so.

"Another thing Albedo. As you know, we intend to spy on these people that come here. And to maximize that, I intend to put some of the maids into the school. This will be Lupusregina, Narberal, Delta, and Solution. And also tell Nigredo and Rubedo…wait, never mind, I will tell Rubedo. But tell Nigredo that she will also attend this school. I want the two of them to interact more with the outside world. Particularly Nigredo."

"But is it really save to let them out of Nazarick, My Lord?"

"Of course it is Albedo. But they won't go there with their gear and Nigredo…Nigredo will put on an illusionary face for…Good reasons everybody knows of."

"Then I will make my way to Nigredo right now and tell her the news, My Lord."

"Before you go…"

Albedo's mind raced when he said that. Would he finally ask her about something more private?"

"I don't want only humanoids to enter the school. Send command to Zaryusu and Crusch to attend it. I must make a good image as a ruler of all races."

"I will send word right after I informed Nigredo, Lord Ainz."

Albedo said, disappointed.

"Good. Now I don't want to disturb you anymore."


Ainz teleported out of the Throne Room to the surface of Nazarick and then right into his office in E-Rantel. He then put on his Momon armor and left to walk the streets of E-Rantel. He wanted to know what the people talked about, him and his government. And as he ventured the streets, he saw most of the people looking at him with mixed emotions. Some hated him for joining the Sorcerer King and others loved him for protecting them in his dearest hour.

He heard many things as he walked through the streets.

"Is that Momon?"

"Didn't he betray us by joining the undead?"

"He saved us my staying here with us, the people of E-Rantel."

"Yeah, he's a hero!"

"Did you ever hear about the tragedy of the Katze Plains?"

"Yeah, the Sorcerer King killed almost all of our army with one spell!"

"That's what I call unlimited power."

"Guys, the Sorcerer King has all these beauties, but if he is a skeleton, he has no genitals, hahaha."

"Hahaha, you're right. What a shame."

-Is that what they say about me? Maybe I should increase the security in this city.-

Ainz went to the man that said the comment. The man only saw a shadow over him and slowly turned around.

"Oh…H-Hello Sir Momon…W-We were just talking about s-something."

"I know what you were saying. And I have to correct you. The Sorcerer King has told me himself that he indeed has genitals, even as an undead. And with all these beauties around him and not around you, show him a bit more respect, don't you think?"

"Y-Yes Sir Momon. W-We won't talk about that anymore."

"Good. Now, if you excuse me."

Ainz left knowing that he just made a new rumor about the Sorcerer King that would spread the city in hours. His next location would be the Adventurer's Guild to check what they would say about the Sorcerer King.

On the way, he saw many adventurers coming to the Guild because of the Sorcerer King's proclamation of opening a new school. He was surprised that so many had come, even when he was undead.

"Is that Momon?"

"That is Momon!"

"Look at the size, his armor, his great swords. I could dream of such equipment."

"Where is he?"


A feminine voice shouted out. Ainz turned his head to see the face of the familiar voice. The adventurers that had made a line in front of the guild house parted to let the person through.

It was Evileye, followed by the rest of Blue Rose. It seemed that they had come earlier than the Princess.

"I welcome you to E-Rante–"

He couldn't finish because Evileye suddenly jumped on him, hugging him with exceptional strength.

"I missed you so much Dark Hero Momon…Haaa Momon…"

"Evileye! Get a hold of yourself!" A manly voice said from the ranks of Blue Rose. It was Gagaran. And at her words, she realized what she was doing in public. Quickly leftshe and stood back at the Blue Rose.

"It is no problem, Lakyus of Blue Rose. But what brings you to this city?"

Of course, he knew why they were here. He just wanted to be polite to these insects.

"I suppose you know of the Sorcerer King's plan to build a magic school. Well, we have come for that reason. To see what this undead does and protect the Princess from his hands."

-But who will protect you from my wrath, Lakyus.. Hahaha…- "Ah, that's why you're here. Well, then I won't hold you for long."

"No, it's alright. We even wanted to meet you before anything else. You know, because of the Sorcerer King."

"Oh, I see. Then let us enter a tavern of sorts to talk about that, Lakyus."


The Blue Rose and Momon of Darkness entered a local tavern. All the commoners were astonished to see them and looked at them for five minutes at maximum. They found their way to a safe table in a corner. All sat down, but not Tina and Tia.

"Can I invite you to eat something, my ladies?"

A high-pitched sound could clearly be heard from Evileye as he said that. Ainz just ignored it and continued.

"I would like a good old beer. Nothing beats that."

"Won't you just get fatter, Gagaran?"

"Shut your mouth Tina. You should put some weight on for once."

Both of them looked at each other with anger clearly visible on their faces. Yet stopped when they realized how professional Momon stood there emotionless and did the same.

"Don't you want anything to drink, Momon?"

"No, I am fine, Lakyus of Blue Rose."

"You can call me Lakyus. Leave the Blue Rose on the side."

"Of course. Now, what did you want to talk about?"

"As we traveled here, we thought it would be horrible, but it is the opposite. And we wanted to hear it from your side how it really is in here."

"The Sorcerer King has done nothing to harm the innocents of this city. And if he would, I would stop him, of course."

"That's right! Eat it, Sorcerer King! Momon is the best!"

"Shut it shorty."

-She really thinks so? Wait until she realized that I am Ainz Ooal Gown. But that will never happen.-

"So it would seem so. Maybe he is planning something more sinister. He is the heresy of the gods and must be stopped. Undead cant be friendly, never!"

"If you continue to talk such bullshit, it will be soon like you say."

"Momon, will you enter the school as well?" It was Evileye to ask such a question. She obviously wanted to spend more time with Momon.

"No, I will be needed in the city. Yet I know who will enter it except me."

"Did the Sorcerer King tell you that? We would like to hear."

"There will be the Emperor of the Baharut Empire, the Queen of the Dragon Kingdom, and the Princess of the Kingdom. Others I don't know of might possibly join too."

They were shocked. Why would so many monarchs choose to come to this school of this undead? Even that the princess came surprised them earlier.

"I hope you're not joking. In the end, everybody will be in the school of that undead. He really put his bony hands around the world."

"I can only shutter when thinking that. Even at my size"

"Well, if that was all you wanted to ask, then I will make me on my way. It was good seeing you, Blue Rose."

"Ahh…Please don't leave!"

"Evileye! The honor was all mine, Momon. I wish you great travels."

Momon left the tavern to disappear shortly into the next dark alley.

"What do you think, guys? Do we really wanna do this? I mean stay here?" Asked one of the twins.

"Yes. I promised the Princess that we will accompany her here. We can't leave now."

"And it is also an excellent opportunity to get a grasp of the Sorcerer King's strength. All I know is that his magic surpasses mine. But he isn't unkillable."

"Just don't get tempted by his good offers. I'm sure he will try it on us."

Sorcerers Kingdom Academy, E-Rantel:

Located outside of the city walls, the Academy could be thought not to be safe, at least when it would be guarded by normal humans. Yet this school was surrounded by Death Knights at all times. A 5-meter wall surrounded it of 150 meters length and had one main entrance.

There was a brick road leading to the Academy. When passing through the main entrance, a long way will greet you with golden statues on each side. These were all the 41 Supreme Beings and at the front was Momonga in the middle as the biggest statue. You had to pass him on the left or the right side to see the main building.

It looked like a typical school, but with much better design and material. There was a main entrance in the middle with a 3-meter high and 2-meter wide silver entrance. The school was at least 12 meters high and had about two floors.

When you entered the school, a corridor that would go from the left to the right would greet you. One could access all the classrooms from the one big corridor. The same design was also on the first floor.

You could walk forward and exit the building again to come across the sports field where exercises would be held.

The building itself was made of gray bricks and many columns of marble to hold the structure.

That was all that Ainz saw when he visited the construction site. It was really a sight to behold, even for him. He knew this would become a tremendous success and would surely build more of these academies when his kingdom would grow.

An Elder Lich approached Ainz in his moment of thought. "My Lord. I hope you are satisfied with the end results. We have been working for three weeks straight to build this school and will successfully finish it in three days."

-What? Have they been working nonsto– Oh wait? I only got undead, demons, and golems as servants who are currently building this place.- "This brings a smile to my face. It is a job well done."

"I thank you for your praise, My Lord."

"Did any divination attempts happen at this place?"

"Yes, My Lord. There were two attempts, yet they were unsuccessful. Both had failed to breach our anti-divination."

"Well, I invited them to see it for themselves. Why do they spy on it? Dumb people really are the ones making more effort than they need."

"Indeed, My Lord."

"I hope this will be finished in three days, as you said? Then I will leave you alone again."

"Of course, My Lord."

"Time to spend the rest of the week watching Moon Knight on my multiverse television. Really, a brilliant invention of Demiurge."

Ainz made his way into a secret room of Nazarick where only he could go, and sadly, someone else too. As he teleported into the room, a specific person greeted him.

"Mein Führer. My Lord. What an honor to see you here!"

Pandoras Actor said while posing in five different poses. And Ainz had to admit that one of them was cool.

"Enough Pandoras Actor. I have come to watch the new show. You want to watch too?"

"If Mein Führer commands it!"

"Good. And if you don't stop with that, your Führer will send you back to the Treasury."

"Of course, Lord Ainz."


Both sat down on a luxurious couch and Ainz activated the 52 inch television. He selected Disney Plus and put on Moon Knight.

"By the way, Pandoras Actor. Have you seen that knock off of me, Skeleton Knight, from another world?"

"N-No Mein Führer. Of course not." Pandora's Actor was lying.

"Well, he is not so much of a badass like me. I mean, look at him. He is always so excited. He should start acting like a real Bone Daddy."

"B-But Lord Ainz. His appearance is not his race. its a ski-"

"Enough, Pandoras Actor. We are watching Moon Knight now."

"As you wish."

He selected Disney Plus and put on Moon Knight.

"I wish I could eat popcorn while watching this."

"If you didnt know, the Skeleton Knight from another world can eat. It is bec-"

"That was your last chance, Pandora's Actor! But I am generous and will let you stay here."

"Thank you, my Lord. This will not happen again."

Day of Opening, Magic Academy, E-Rantel:

The day has come. Ainz had watched almost all the good Disney Plus shows and was now ready for the opening of his magic school. It was still early, yet Ainz was already there. Ainz was in his new principal's Office where he checked the softness of his boss's chair. And the quality of what he was sitting on astonished him. Everything else was also very noble made. The wooden furniture where of the best wood that exists. And everything else was at least on the quality of gold.

He watched out of the window that was behind him to watch the entrance of the school. And he saw that Blue Rose was just about to enter.

"You see this place, Shorty? It's like a palace."

They saw the building in front of them as nothing lesser than a noble estate. It was praiseworthy of its beauty.

"These statues. There are a lot of them on the left and right. Big ones at the middle."

"Yeah, and at each, there's a text to read… I am going to read this one." Evileye said and went to the golden statue that looked like the embodiment of all knights.

"What does it say, Evileye?" Lakyus asked nervously.

"Supreme Being and World Champion of Justice?!"

This statue should embody a god? They couldn't believe that they would proclaim themselves as such.

"There are only the Six Great Gods! These here are all just heretics and the biggest one is the undead!"

Lakyus couldn't stand this heresy. She was a loyal believer in the six gods. To be in such a place meant nothing but to betray her gods.

"Just ignore it, Lakyus. We arent in Re-Estize anymore but in the Sorcerer Kingdom. But I can't help wonder who these beings are right here."

"Yeah, must have been strong when even the Sorcerer King would make a statue of every one of them."

"Let's go to the entrance, Gagaran. We shouldn't get distracted by these things right now."

They went to where they thought was the entrance and passed the big statue of Ainz Ooal Gown. It was so real they thought he would move any second.

Before the entrance were tables full of food and drinks. The Emperor and the Queen of the Dragon Kingdom were already there talking to each other. There were only maids there at the moment and all the food looked very delicious.

"Leader? You don't mind me taking a bite over there?"

"Sure Gagaran. Go on."


The enormous woman ran towards the donut section and started eating like a wild animal. She loved donuts above everything else.

The fine orange juice seduced Tina and Tia. Lakyus was almost tempted to go and eat the cupcakes that were displayed, but resisted the urge. Evileye felt nothing because she is undead. And what they didn't know was that they were being watched by the Sorcerer King.

It took another 25 minutes for all the invited guests to arrive. There were villagers, adventurers, and royals all alike. On these grounds, they all counted as equals and talked as such to each other.

"How could you, the Bloody Emperor, become a subordinate of the Sorcerer King? I mean, he is undead?"

"Hahaha, Draudillion, he is no simple undead! You will see soon enough."

Lakyus listened closely to the claim of the Emperor. She always thought of him highly, yet now that she saw him, he looked like a broken man.

"Princess. If something happens, I will always protect you, no matter what."

"Of course, Climb. But it won't be necessary here."

"But Princes-"

"No, Climb. We are save here. The Sorcerer King has made it so."

And exactly that made Climb worry.

Suddenly, a purple void opened in the middle of the entrance area. Out of it came a beauty in a white dress, two dark elf twins, a short girl with pale skin and hair, a giant blue insect monster and…Demiurge.


Evileye screamed at the realization. She had seen this person before. All of Blue Rose made a combat formation to fight the demon.

"What do we do now, Leader?" Asked Tia and Tina.

"We fight the demon, of course. He caused all this pain. He must die!"

"As you say, Leader."

They just wanted to attack Demiurge, but then…

"[Stop! Kneel Down! Do not resist!]"

The words left the demon and all the members of Blue Rose obeyed the commands of Demiurge except Evileye. All the other guests looked with awe or were shocked to see someone control a person with only their voice.

"W-What did you do, Jaldabaoth?!" Evileye asked the demon before her.

"Demiurge, that is enough!" A deep noble voice entered the ears of the present people. And as slowly a two-meter-tall being left the portal, everyone knew who just said that. It was none other than Death itself. The Sorcerer King.

"As you wish, my Lord." "[You are free to move again!]"

Gagaran, Tia, Tina, and Lakyus were freed from the spell and went into a fighting stance once again.

"Stop!" This time it was the voice of the Sorcerer King that said that. "You confuse him with someone else. This is not Jaldabaoth, this is Demiurge, his twin brother."

"It is as My Lord says. My twin has rebelled against Lord Ainz and is now the enemy of the world in his quest to spread chaos."

"How can we believe you?"

"Demons can't lie by their name, Lakyus. It must be true then."

"Yes, I, Demiurge, am a loyal servant of Lord Ainz, nothing more." And the smile on his face never left.

"Now that this was cleared…" The Guardians made way for their master to let everyone see him. "...I thank you all for coming. Especially those who dislike or hate me."

Blue Rose couldn't stop feeling the pressure the Sorcerer King released. It was nothing they ever felt before. All the other guests felt the same or were already kneeling to Ainz. They thought he was slightly more powerful than an Elder Lich. However, that was a massive misconception.

"I hope the food was to your taste, my dear guests. But that is not why you have come. It is because of this place that my loyal servants built in one month. I am very proud of their accomplishment."

"One Month?!"

"You're kidding me? All this in one month?"

And many other comments came from the crowd. It was an unbelievable thing to believe.

"As you know, this is only the party for the opening ceremony. Tomorrow will be the entry trials. You can't fail them, but will be put into a class of similar strength. Everyone is welcome to take part in them."

It scattered surprised looks across the people. Normally only nobles and royals could enter, but now even commoners and peasants could join the school. The Sorcerer King is really something else.

"And I heard many of you ask themselves about the statues that decorate the path from the main gate to the school entrance." As he said that, he looked at Lakyus and back at the crowd. "These are my friends. The 41 Supreme Beings of Nazarick. With them, we conquered one of the Nine Realms. It was really something to see…"

Ainz started to talk like a man that lost his friends but did not hold that expression for long. Lakyus showed a small annoyed face as Ainz confirmed that he and his fellow friends proclaim to be gods. It didnt please her in any way.

"How can you say that you are on the level of a god? There are only six gods and these are from humanity!"

"Oh, really..." Black mass left the Overlord's body and spread fear to all present. "I don't care about your gods. I even allowed you to insult me. Yet if you take up word against my friends...You will pay with every fiber of your being..." The dark aura surrounded even the sun and absorbed its light. Fear, panic...Everything was being felt at the moment. On all the guardians' faces were annoyed expressions that could kill a person. But all of a sudden the aura disappeared back into the Sorcerer King. "Forgive me, but I don't take disrespect against my friends lightly."

Everyone felt that physically. His power surprised Lakyus and the other members of Blue Rose to not even need to fight them to immobilize them.

"Now! I, Ainz Ooal Gown, officially open the Sorcerer Kingdom's Magic Academy!"

While he said that, fireworks flew in the air and made it look like a real futuristic festival.

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Made this to connect all Overlord Characters somehow.

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