
Sorcerer King with Dimensional Group Chat [Re-write]

A man named Luke Storm is called the Greatest Sorcerer, Genius, Saint, Devil, and a person nearing becoming a god. All people are focused on him, but despite all the fame he has received, deep in his heart, something is missing. After a month, year, and decade, Luke searched for what was missing, but he couldn’t find it till his last breath. And Luke opened his eyes and saw an unfamiliar environment. And a new adventure awaits him. ––––––––––––––– Hello everyone! I hope you will enjoy my fanfic story. Also, I do not claim any character as my own, except for my original character. ––––––––––––––– Also, guys, to anyone here's my Patreon account. To anyone willing to support me, you can look at this account for advanced chapters. patreon.com/Mr_Chocolate

Mr_Chocolate · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 10: Dimensional Group Chat Members Reaction 2

Hey pals, Sorry for not uploading yesterday. I and my friends have some beer yesterday night and after that I black out.😂

And thanks for 'Dani Otaduy' for becoming my second patron and supporting me on Pat reon, I appreciate it very much! 🎉

You can look at the Author's note my Pat reon Account.

Next upload will be Dec. 21, 2023.


Ayanokoji Kiyotaka PoV

I'm in the assigned room that the Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School gave to me. My room is big nor small, it's enough for a young man like me to live in.

I look at the floating blue screen in front of mine. I read the content of the message that our Admin, Lucas, sent.

I don't know what I feel knowing that in just one click I will be able to know my future, a possibility.

[Do you wish to use the memory of what Lucas Cruz sent?]

[Yes] [No]

Then, I clicked the [Yes] button and a surge of memories entered my mind.

I saw some event that will happen. I also learned how the S-System works.

After that the scenery changed and one of my classmates was threatening me, because I saw her 'other' sides. In the end I promised her that I would never say anything that I saw earlier.

I'm just quite confused why my future self didn't fight back. I guess I didn't want my 'normal highschool ' life to come to an end, maybe that's the reason.

While I am in my thoughts, the scenery changes and I saw my 'future self' have accompanies my apartment. We are hugging like a couple. Even though my face is bland, once you focus on it you will see a little faint blush.

That scene left me speechless and asked myself.

Am I really that one?

Joke aside, after that. I saw one of my female classmates, Horikita Suzune, in short hair. And that is the last thing I saw that came back from reality.

"That was quite something else huh... The memory is not really detailed. It just tells some important event and gives some cliffhanger " Ayanokoji Kiyotaka look at the ceiling of his apartment and said while thinking about the memory he got from, Lucas.

"But to my surprise huh. I didn't expect myself to get a girlfriend. I thought I'd finish high school without any romance and all of the people that will be my girlfriend is Karuizawa-san"


Hikigaya Hachiman PoV

'Hmm... DGC-chan is really unfair, She sends us rewards but she gives more to Lucas. It's not like I am complaining. I am grateful for my rewards, so.... a thumbs up for yah DGC-chan'

Hikigaya Hachiman inwardly said while he checked the thing Lucas sent.

[Do you wish to use the memory of what Lucas Cruz sent?]

[Yes] [No]

I clicked the [Yes], and whose dumbass will choose [No].

I saw my future self confessing to someone I didn't know. She is a beautiful woman. She has fair skin, long black hair that spills over her shoulders and down to her hips.

And when the woman is going to say something. He came back from reality.

"Dang it! That's all!??? DGC- chan you can't do this to me!"

"Don't give me a cliffhanger. At least, let her answer it." Hikigaya loudly said while crying like a snotty child.

"Wait! Why the hell did I confess? Is that really me?" After some time. Hikigaya noticed something out of his character and couldn't help but be confused as to why his future self confessed.


In the huge land, there was a huge mansion that stood. And in one of its many rooms, a very beautiful lady was lying on a large bed. She was looking at the air and it was as if something was written on it.

"Hmm... I hope nothing bad will happen in the future " The beautiful girl said while looking at the 'thing' her admin sent.

The beautiful girl is Momo Yaoyorozu, a member of Dimensional Group Chat.

Momo took a deep breath and clicked the [Yes] and a surge of memories came to her mind.

She saw her future self that was quite shocking, because of what is happening. Many people are coming out in a fog like thing and her soon to be teacher yells at them and says that this is not a 'training'. Instead, the people are real villains. Her teacher then secures them and starts to fight the villains.

Some of her classmates were separated by the fog and also started to fight the villains.

After that the scenery changed and she was in school now. Her teacher came in and said that the U.A Sports Festival is coming and they need to prepare.

Then the scenery changes again.

She saw herself in a hall full of people. They are meeting about the mission they will partake in. Many Pro Hero are in the room and this shows how big this mission is.

They are discussing how they will take Doctor Kyudai Garaki and One for All.

After that the scenery changed again and she saw how devastating the battle was. Many people died, and some of them are her friends and teachers. This future event shocked her truly.

And lastly the bad thing, they failed to take All for One.

Momo came back from reality. Her eyes had tears, because she saw her friends and teacher die in the mission.

Although she didn't know them yet, they are still his future friends and teacher.

"Calm down, Momo. This is not going to happen. You have time before this even happens and you could change it."

"Besides, Lucas said that this is only a possibility and you could change it by preparing what will happen"

"But how would I avoid this horrible possibility.... I couldn't think of any plans. I'll ask Lucas later, I hope he had a plan"

"It's good that Lucas sent us our future. In this case we could change all the tragedy that will happen"

"Also, I can save many people from dying from that mission" Momo said with a resolute tone and a burning eyes.

(A/N: That is just a way of expressing. Her eyes are not really on fire. Anime Logic 😆, maybe in the next few chapter you will see the legendary smoke coming from head. Haha)

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5 Advanced Chapter on One Piece: The Sinner

2 Advance Chapter on Sorcere King Dimensional Group Chat.(Currently one, but I'll upload later in evening)

Mr_Chocolatecreators' thoughts