
The Baelis

"Did you hear that, Boss? Friends?" Opal said.

"Quiet, Opal," Drevolan replied.

"Good day to you," Drevolan greeted the being, adding a strange sound at the end that might have been its name or a peculiar cough. "This is Viktor Dravos, and the Vorgan is named Opal."

"You forget the fourth, whom we've met, but what about the fifth? Because she is not fully here?" the creature said.

Drevolan's brow furrowed, and I offered him a confused shrug. "Have you two met before?" I asked.

"Once, far from here. He told me where to find him," Drevolan replied.

I looked at the Baelis, intrigued but not wanting to appear rude. The Baelis seemed less concerned, studying me and Opal as if we were strange plants in his garden. His complexion was pale and wrinkled, his hair thin and white, and his eyes a light, watery blue.

"Who is the fifth?" Drevolan asked.

"Who indeed," the Baelis responded, nodding wisely.

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