

Keep moving. Stay alert.

A faint illumination seemed to emanate from the soil beneath us, or possibly from the surrounding air, I couldn't quite tell. It was just enough light to guide our steps. The duration of our journey through the forest? Who knows? My sense of time was utterly skewed at that point.

Stay alert. Keep moving.

Every now and then, we would halt, and Thaleia and Drevolan would discuss quietly which path to take. I suspect they feared we were aimlessly circling. When this occurred, Opal would instruct, "Tell them to go that way, chief," and I'd point accordingly. I suppose by then, they'd come to trust me. Only the gods knew why.

At one juncture, Drevolan confessed, "I feel peculiar."

Thaleia inquired, "What's wrong?"

"I can't exactly pinpoint. Something's odd."

"Viktor, what did you administer to him?"

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