
Sorcerer's Path

It began with a book appearing before him. It holds within it secrets of the past along with his identity. The book acts as an anchor for his journey into the world of Erenoa and as a sorcerer, meeting with all sorts of legendary figures as well as getting stronger and making work of powerful entities with agendas of their own.

CatasOR8 · Fantasy
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137 Chs

Regretful Moments

How many days has it been now? A day?... Two days?... Five?... It's hard to tell when you are locked up in a cage and only allowed out in the cave when it's time to mine for resources, and at the end of all that hard work, we are only given a meagre portion as sustenance.

As for being inside the sun? I am having a hard time remembering what it feels like to be under one.

Every day is the same here. A day of tilling and toiling for the gain of others. It makes me question why I had ever thought of my life before all this as boring and repetitive.

And to think that I ever thought of my life as miserable back then. I thought I was restricted, working day in and day out, living the exact boring lifestyle.

How I so miss those moments. The time when I was just me, an orphan trying to get by on his day-to-day activities.

How did I go from that to being this? A prisoner tied down with a collar! I am no less a dog than the real dogs.