
Sorcerer's Path

It began with a book appearing before him. It holds within it secrets of the past along with his identity. The book acts as an anchor for his journey into the world of Erenoa and as a sorcerer, meeting with all sorts of legendary figures as well as getting stronger and making work of powerful entities with agendas of their own.

CatasOR8 · Fantasy
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137 Chs

Bewildered Master Gallus

"How's that? Want to keep going or do you want to put an end to it now". I teased, stylishly boasting of my achievement.

Here is a fact I must never forget; When it comes to hand-to-hand combat, Anadon is stronger than I am.

No. Calling it stronger sounds very misleading and does not exactly pass across the message I want.

What I meant is, in hand-to-hand combat, Anadon has a lot more experience than I do and in a way, that kind of makes him superior to me.

If what I said is true and he does have more experience in hand-to-hand combat, why then was I able to get a hit in? You asked...

Easy. Never forget that I am an Oduduwa and my bloodline trait is called adaptability!

To be honest, I have no control over the activation of my adaptability trait. It responds when I am in certain situations as it integrates my knowledge and understanding to sustain myself in such situations.

That is what adaptability is.