
Sorcerer's Path

It began with a book appearing before him. It holds within it secrets of the past along with his identity. The book acts as an anchor for his journey into the world of Erenoa and as a sorcerer, meeting with all sorts of legendary figures as well as getting stronger and making work of powerful entities with agendas of their own.

CatasOR8 · Fantasy
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137 Chs

A Real Man

I should have known! I should have been aware! I should have been more on edge! I should have been on the edge the whole time!!

When! Exactly when did I start to suspect that this world wasn't for me?! When did I become aware that in this world, I was born for the sake of ordeals?! When did I start to understand that in this world?! I am just among many others born never to be happy?!

I... I am tired!!!

Happiness was within reach of me! I had just gotten my hands on it! I believed that just like the rest of them, I too could end up happy!

Was it wrong of me to dream of a world where I will be filled with happiness?! A world where I am nothing but surrounded by people who care for me?! Is that so wrong to want?!...