
Soprannaturale (Yaoi)

I was born a girl, but after some ups and downs occurred within my life. A Guardian Angel regenerated my soul into a male body.

ninaesinko · Fantasy
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2 Chs


A/N: Before you start reading, re-read the first chapter again if you read this story before 09/20/2020. No major changes have been made, but I made the chapter a bit more readable and have fixed up grammatical errors.

I also want to make sure that this second chapter makes sense when you read it. Anyway, I apologize for not updating it for so long. Due to personal issues, I ended up bed bound for 4 months.

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Huh?. I yelled in my head as clear confusion appeared on my face. Marina, what are you talking a—Eek!!!

My curiosity got abruptly cut off when I felt a strong grip on my shoulder. I shrieked in surprise, jumped up, and swirled my body to see who's hand was on top of my shoulder a second ago.

There stood an older man in a buttoned-up suit. He had really long legs that made it look like he was way taller than he was. The grey hair that was on top of his head was slicked back and looked as though someone used a whole bottle of hair-spray on it. The expression that the man had was emotionless, and the hand that was reaching for me was now next to his torso.

"Master." The man said, causing me to once more jump up from surprise.

Master? Huh? Who the hell was this?!


'I am not completely sure. Though from the looks of it, I think you should respond diligently.' The timid voice echoed through my head.

I sighed as I stared at the man that stood in front of me. What the hell did Marina mean when she said that? How do I act diligently in this situation?

"Master Kyo, your father asked me to find you." The gray-haired man said while placing one of his hands on top of his chest and quickly forming a bow.

I stood there in silence and shock. What in the world? Is this man a butler or something?

Sabastian?! Did you grow old? Where is Ciel!?!

I shook my head in exaggeration. I can't be thinking of an anime at this time! Don't be an idiot!

I courageously put up a soft smile before responding.

"Sounds good, let's go."

┈┈ · ꕥ · ┈┈

The walk through the woods was filled with painless silence. The grey-haired man that was walking in front of me didn't say a word.

The ground had a path with white bricks on it, while bushes of flowers were following the path on each side.

Once I got the chance to look around and see the surrounding area. I was shocked at what was in front of me further down.

My soul slowly but surely started to evaporate from extreme shock.

There stood a mansion, so big that it seemed as though it was made for a giant to live in.

In front of a large crystallized glass door were two gold statues on each side.

From my point of sight, they looked like oversized dogs.

I was so troubled and frightened to a point where I didn't notice that the grey-haired man was already at the front. He held the glass door open and stood there motionlessly.

I watched him for a second. Why was he standing there like that? Is he waiting for someone?

'Isn't it obvious?' Marina's voice suddenly rumbled through my ear, 'He is waiting for you, go in.'

Oh! Marina was right. Who else could have he been holding the door for... I was the only person around.

I quickly ran up towards the door and walked inside before thanking the gentleman that peacefully stood there for almost a minute, holding a door for someone like me.

The gray-haired man bowed in response and closed the glass door behind him.

I was so shocked at the inside of the mansion that I stumbled over my feet and almost fell onto the silver marble floor. However, due to my balancing skills, I got back on my feet without issues.

Why was there so much Gold around here?!

The walls, the large staircase... Everything was covered in gold and non-see-through glass. It was so shockingly beautiful to a point where my eyes couldn't handle it.

It was all way too shiny for my poor soul.

"Master Kyo!"

A sudden male voice came through, interrupting my admiration for a long golden staircase in front of me. What do these people want from me? I sighed in exhaustion and glanced at the direction the voice vibrated from.

A really handsome man stood in front of a glass door with his arms crossed. He had really pale skin, blonde hair and was wearing a black sweatshirt with dark blue jeans.

The man looked as though he just got out of a shower because water tints were falling down his cheeks from his wet blonde hair.

"Where have you been?!" The said man shouted in question before speedily making his way towards me. The expression on his face was of worry, sadness, and anger all in one.

If an emotional rollercoaster were to be a human, the blonde-haired guy would fit the definition perfectly.

Anyway... What the hell! Who is this person, and why is he yelling?!

A sudden grip on my hand brought me back to reality, causing me to yelp from surprise.

"Come on! Your father is really worried!"

Before I knew it, I was pulled down a long wide hallway not knowing what hellfires were awaiting my soul.

Thank you for reading! If you notice any grammatical errors, please let me know and I will get on to fix the issue as soon as I have time.

Be mindful, the story will get better as it goes.

I am happy that you chose to read this story! It will strongly motivate me to write more if you leave a comment below and tell me what you think!

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