1 Prologue of the story

Sophie" Hello! My name I sophie I'm 22

I work for the largest it company "Wolf Develop". Just a few years ago I was a regular student.I tired very hard to enter a super fancy Univesity." Anderson University"as the name suggest, was founded by Anderson.By the way, that's where I'm working now.Well then with great effort , I entered this university.Only 100people on year from all over america enter it.My parents were very proud of me! I was so happy!But most of all I'm glad I made many friends there! The years at life.I've made a lot of friends...And most importantly, there were many difficulties, obstacles...It's hard for me to remember about them...

his father... You shouldn't communicate with my son.For your own good.Get out of his life.Other wise I'll grace you big trouble.

Sophie's friend!!!Sophie you and I are friend but...He is all I have! I won't give him to you! whatever it takes!

-Sophie was cried after her friend said and the man said...

Sophie...Difficulties intefered with our relationship. A lot has happend...And now I'll tell you my story.Right from the beginning how it was.And I hope you listen to it till the end.Shall we start?
