
Sophia's Story: Rev

That night, Martha tries a new game adapted from a novel she has read. Suddenly, Martha is transported into the game's world as the cousin of Sophia, the protagonist of the story. Sophia is a poor girl who lives with her wicked aunt and her nosy cousin Martha. Martha, who has read the entire novel, knows the fate that awaits her. Therefore, Martha intends to avoid this terrible fate by getting rid of everything that will hurt Sophia, including her own mother—the Wicked Aunt. Surprisingly, the Wicked Aunt is dead. So with every threat removed from all sides, Martha leads a fantastic life with Sophia. This is a fun CGDCT (Cute Girls Doing C̸r̸i̸m̸e̸ Cute Things) story!

Relucient · Fantasy
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13 Chs


Although often unpredictable, Sophia's behavior never seems to endanger lives. The worst outcome I've experienced due to Sophia's antics was getting hit by a magical explosion and falling from a treehouse. Perhaps that was a bit risky, but well, it was actually pretty dangerous. I mean, anyway, there has never been a loss of life due to Sophia's actions. The evidence is that I, who am almost always right beside her, am perfectly healthy until now.

This reminds me. There was an incident when we were coming home from school, Sophia threw a pebble at the neighbor's dog. That dog was noisy. Almost every dawn, it barked as if it wanted to replace the role of a rooster. Since the time I entered this world coincided with the first day Sophia stayed over, I was equally annoyed because I wasn't used to being awakened by a dog's barking.

That afternoon, Sophia suddenly picked up a few rocks along the way home. Since the stones were quite large, I thought she wanted to play marbles or something. So, I asked, "Are you going to play marbles?" Right after I asked that, Sophia began throwing the rocks at the dog.

Even though it was late, she still responded, "Marbles? What kind of toy is that?"

Well, it's not surprising if she didn't know. It would be strange if she did. At that moment, I was just guessing randomly because she was still in elementary school.

Setting aside the misunderstanding, the dog that was lying down suddenly barked loudly and ran towards us. However, its collar was tied to a leash, so it couldn't move beyond its owner's gate.

"I've never liked dogs. Especially noisy ones."


That statement was truly surprising. I always thought that Sophia, being the protagonist, wouldn't refuse any animal, any creature—even if it was a demon—and she would say, "Uhh, so cute!" to everything she encountered. The image that had formed in my mind changed once again. Shattered this time. The girl in front of me was apparently nothing more than an ordinary human, someone who likes various things and also dislikes some things.

"Give me a stone, too."

As an effort to respect her humanity, I decided to join in and throw stones at the dog. Well, the dog was quite annoying too. Sophia gave me a stone. Fortunately, that was more than enough to teach the misbehaving dog a lesson.

I threw the stone towards its nose. I had heard that a dog's nose is a sensitive area. Unfortunately, my throw went off course because its head wouldn't stay still. As a result, the stone went straight into its throat as it barked.

"Oh no!"

"Haha, that was good, Martha!"

I quickly pulled Sophia away as the dog's barking turned into painful yelps. It would be dangerous if its owner found out that the dog choked on a stone because we intentionally hit it. What's worse, we were the ones who hit it – a nobleman's child and the landlord's daughter. I couldn't imagine how many compensation claims would be made.

Therefore, when Sophia suddenly jumped out of the carriage, I didn't panic, even though I was equally surprised along with Vladilena. In the end, most likely, I would be the one who suffered the consequences.

"Don't go there, Sophia! Oh, Martha, why are you just standing there?"

Such irresponsibility. Why do you think she was in such a hurry to run there? Wasn't it because you said her parents were in that carriage?

"Yes, yes, I'll go after her."

Adults have to give in sometimes. With that naive thought, I got off the carriage to pick up our little protagonist. Although, upon closer consideration, how ironic it is to help Sophia, who will become our enemy in the future.

Maybe she won't be an enemy for me, as I realize that Martha's mischief is actually a way to get Sophia's attention. But it's a different story if Vladilena helps Sophia. Their roles are the Prince's fiancée and his mistress. There's no compromise when it comes to matters of the heart. If Vladilena knew what awaited her in the future, her behavior might be different.

Ah, why bother thinking about that.

I looked at the Coachman. It seemed like he knew the little girl with white hair was his passenger. However, the reins in his hands indicated that he couldn't leave the carriage to chase after Sophia. Not to mention that Vladilena would lose protection if left behind.

"Hurry back, Miss."


In the illegal comics I read online, in moments like this, it was at times like this that I could use magic to speed up my running. I also happen to want to know how much magic power I have. Thanks to the game developers and the creators of this novel. Your laziness in composing incantations makes it easier for me to recite them.

"Through prayer I seek, my pace, to chase what's hard to reach!"

It seemed to work. This sensation... a warm rush starting from my calves and spreading through my entire legs. I recited while running slowly, which gradually made my steps feel lighter, demanding them to be faster and faster. However, shortly after, I realized there were side effects to this magic.

It can be said that the functioning of this magic is similar to doping. It does feel like running without a burden, even when forced to run fast for a while. However, my chubby body—coupled with my lazy lifestyle until now—can't lie.

"Stop, Sophia!"

I caught Sophia from behind. We almost stumbled as a result. I felt a bit of loss of control over my body. It might be due to a disrupted metabolism. The influence of this magic still seems to be active, so the side effect I'm currently experiencing is just a flickering vision.

"Let go! My parents are there!"

The warm feeling in my legs slowly fades. Suddenly, both of my calves start to throb painfully. I realize that my heart has been beating rapidly for a while now, but only now does it feel tight. Then my whole body feels numb and starts to sweat excessively.

My knees go weak. My stomach hurts. I stagger despite still having my arm around Sophia's shoulder. This discomfort makes me retch emptily a few times, even though I just ate a roll.

"Martha? Uh, what's wrong with you? Martha! Martha!"

Oh my.

This is a mess.

I might faint.

"Ju... Just take it slow..., Sophia," I manage to say. "Your parents will be okay .... Now, let's go back to the carriage."


"Sophia!" I snap. "Listen to me... just this time... please...."

"... Okay."


In my whole life, this is the first time I've felt such extreme exhaustion. Even when I was about to return to Vladilena's carriage, my legs are trembling and lose their strength as I struggle to step. That's why Sophia has to support me to the side instead of heading back to the carriage.

Around five minutes pass. The knights secure the attackers at the bridge's railing, while Captain parks the carriage on the left side of the bridge—where there's very little passing traffic. After the attackers are fully restrained, people begin to dare to cross the bridge. Among them, there are those who curse and occasionally lash out with their feet.

Those attackers have it really tough.

Time passed by unnoticed as I observed that instant karma is indeed real. Just as I turned to the left, Vladilena's carriage was already close. Then, the carriage pulled over not far from us.

"Martha! Sophia!" Vladilena leaped out of the carriage.

I raised my right hand as high as my head. Even though ten minutes had passed, my body still felt weak.

"Are you okay?" Vladilena asked.

"While I'm struggling here, you're more worried about Sophia?"

"If you can talk that much, it means you're fine."

You manage to crack a joke at a time like this?

I leaned against Sophia's shoulder. "Ouch, Sophia. I think I'm about to faint."

"It seems like you've rested enough, Martha." Sophia stood up. "Come on, let's go greet my parents. You're the one who suggested this, so you should be the most enthusiastic."

My head slipped because of the lack of support. Sophia might have thought I was just pretending, but in reality, my energy had truly been drained to the point that if I forced myself to stand, I would collapse shortly afterward. So I told them to go to the carriage first, while I would sit here for a few more minutes.

The coachman came over after parking the carriage. Even though Vladilena and Sophia passed by him and returned to the carriage without saying a word, he chose to ignore them and approached me.

"Good job, miss," he said with his back turned to me. "Let me help you. Oh, by the way, what's your name?"

Turns out he was more perceptive than those two kids. Adults really can be dependable.

I looped both arms around his neck. "Martha."

The coachman carried me towards the carriage. "Martha? Are you Mr. Julius's daughter? Miss Vladilena and Duke Elrich often talk about you two."

"Is that so? Oh, so embarrassed. Well, I can't help it. Our family is full of handsome and beautiful people."

The coachman chuckled softly. "Seems like it."