
Sophia's Story: Rev

That night, Martha tries a new game adapted from a novel she has read. Suddenly, Martha is transported into the game's world as the cousin of Sophia, the protagonist of the story. Sophia is a poor girl who lives with her wicked aunt and her nosy cousin Martha. Martha, who has read the entire novel, knows the fate that awaits her. Therefore, Martha intends to avoid this terrible fate by getting rid of everything that will hurt Sophia, including her own mother—the Wicked Aunt. Surprisingly, the Wicked Aunt is dead. So with every threat removed from all sides, Martha leads a fantastic life with Sophia. This is a fun CGDCT (Cute Girls Doing C̸r̸i̸m̸e̸ Cute Things) story!

Relucient · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


"What's the matter with you?"

Sophia asked, leaning against the school gate. I had actually told her to go home first. To be honest, I wanted to be alone right now. My lips were itching to grumble. Maybe it was my sour expression that prompted her to ask. However, I didn't want to talk about the issue from earlier. So, to divert the topic, I walked ahead—taking the lead.

"It's nothing. Oh, by the way, they'll be back later in the afternoon, right?"

"They? You mean my parents? That's what Uncle Julius said."

"I was thinking of preparing a welcome party."

"What kind of welcome party?"

"Well ... whatever. How about a Swiss roll cake party then? Don't worry, we can chip in to buy it," I suggested.

"Probably that's just your cunning plan to get some cake."

I didn't expect her to realize I was eyeing a snack.

"N-No way! Well, think about it, Sophia. Why did the cake shop open earlier, not like usual?"


In the morning when we were on our way to school, we noticed that the famous cake shop was open earlier than usual. At first, I thought there might be a national celebration today. However, since school wasn't canceled, it couldn't be a national holiday. So, I drew a conclusion:

"It's because they knew your parents were coming! They rushed to open so they could prepare the best welcoming cakes!"

"You're talking nonsense! My parents aren't important people who need that kind of welcome."

You're underestimating your parents, Sophia. You just don't realize how much your life has changed since they passed away. Maybe it's just my selfishness, but I really wish your parents were still alive.

Come to think of it, I think this was the first time I was so eagerly awaiting the arrival of a stranger other than package delivery couriers. But, contrary to me, Sophia's expression was sour. She probably still thought that the welcoming plan was unnecessary.

"Whatever," I replied.

Well, I can't force it. So, we just continued on our way back. Of course, we took our usual route, passing by the cake shop without planning to stop. Instead, I would just read the advertisement sign next to the shop's door...

"Oh, look at that, Sophia! Turns out they have a new menu! It says, 'Welcome special guests with a special treat: Marshmallow Surprise!'"

"'Welcome', huh... That's quite a coincidence. It's making me scared."

"It's not a coincidence!" I said.

"That's even scarier!"


In the end, we decided to stop by. The issue was, all this time, we had only passed by and never once made a purchase. So, as our feet led us to the front door, my heart was racing.

I had been living in this world for almost a week. Four days of passing by the same road. Coming home from school always meant seeing this cake shop in operation. However, not once did I stop, even though Dad often brought home treats from here.

This was a nerve-wracking moment!

"Let's go, Sophia!"

As I was about to push the bakery door open, Sophia snatched my bag, nearly causing me to stumble.

"Martha, are you sure you want to just go in like that?"

"It's right in front of us, why hesitate?"

"I mean, look at us, our appearance!"

Then why, Little Miss? Is there a rule that forbids a scruffy kid just out of school from entering a cake shop? Or perhaps you're just insecure because you're dressed in a T-shirt and shorts?

"You worry about little things too much, Sophia."

"W-Well ..."

"We're here to buy cakes, not to find a mate. Appearance doesn't matter as long as our wallets are thick. Let's go!"

"Fine, then."

After that, Sophia kept pinching the back of my shirt even after we were inside the store. The first thing I noticed was the aroma of freshly baked bread wafting through the entire room. In fact, there seemed to be more bread than cakes.

It seems I misunderstood this place as a cake shop. Well, it's my mistake and the shop's as well, I guess. They didn't even add "bakery" or something similar to their name.

"Look at that, Sophia!"

Each display case featured different types of food. The ones behind the window showcased popular and seemingly expensive cakes. On the other hand, long bread, round bread, doughnuts, and the like were displayed facing the door so they wouldn't be visible from outside. Nevertheless, once you opened the door, your eyes and nose would be immediately drawn there.

"They all look expensive...." Sophia's hands shifted to clutch my shoulders. Both of them.

I looked around, trying to find the marshmallow display case. I had no idea where it could be. Despite the store not being very spacious, especially with the variety of goods it offered, there wasn't much empty space other than from the door to the cashier's desk.

"Excuse me," I said to the Handsome Guy who was bustling around arranging the bread. "Where are the marshmallows?"

"Well, those have been sold out since morning," he said.


"But if you want, come back tomorrow, I'll have some for you then."

It can't be helped. Even if there were no marshmallows, there were still other treats. Our purpose was to buy a cake for the reception anyway, which meant it wasn't limited to marshmallows.

"No, it's okay. We'll just buy something else."

I glanced over the cakes in the display case. Compared to cake shops in the real world, the variety wasn't all that unusual. The bottom shelf had pancakes, pies, tarts, muffins, and mini pies. On the upper row were dry cakes like meringues, cookies, pineapple tarts, and so on.

By the way, since we entered the shop, I hadn't seen any roll cakes. Maybe those were sold out too?

"Looking for this?"

As my eyes carefully examined the cake display, a familiar voice reached my ears. The figure was small and almost unnoticeable because it was obscured by a bunch of bread.

The figure continued, "Too bad, Martha, I've already bought the remaining Swiss cakes today."

Duke Elrich's daughter, Vladilena, tiptoed along the narrow path between the bread shelves. In each of her hands, there was a box similar to the one from that day. Sophia, who had been sticking close to my back, moved to stand beside me.

"Lena!" she greeted.

Vladilena stopped in front of us. "Hello, Sophia."

"Since when are you here? You don't go to school?" Sophia asked.

"I have a private teacher at home, so I don't need to go to school," Vladilena explained, offering the box in her right hand to me. "Take it if you want."

"Wow, thank you!"

As I was about to take the box of pastries, Vladilena pulled it back. "Not all of them! Just take some."

"Tch ... if you're not serious about offering, don't bother."

"Hhh... it's good that I offered to you, and you even want more." Vladilena turned to Sophia. "You too, feel free to take some if you want."

"I don't need any. Besides, our purpose for buying these pastries isn't for ourselves."


"Oh, right! Lena, what if we buy your pastries? You still have another box, don't you?" I pointed to the box of pastries in Vladilena's left hand.

"But this one isn't filled with Swiss cakes." Vladilena lifted her box slightly. "Well, okay. But if you want to buy them, there's a condition."

There it is! The cliché moment where the antagonist sets an impossible condition for the protagonist!

"What's the condition?" asked Sophia innocently.

I immediately whispered to Sophia to be cautious in making a choice, "Be careful, Sophia. It's possible she might set an unreasonable condition just because we need the item so badly."


"Trust me. It's not impossible for her to ask us to help in Pacific War."

"No way! Besides, are you guys here to buy pastries or liberate a country? Also, your whispers are audible, you know!"

"So, what's the condition?"

"I just want to know who you're buying them for. Earlier, Sophia said you're not buying the pastries for yourselves, right?"

"Is that all?" asked Sophia.


"The condition is too easy." Sophia squinted her eyes. "Suspicious."

"Be aware, Sophia! You're getting influenced by Martha!"