
Sophia's Story: Rev

That night, Martha tries a new game adapted from a novel she has read. Suddenly, Martha is transported into the game's world as the cousin of Sophia, the protagonist of the story. Sophia is a poor girl who lives with her wicked aunt and her nosy cousin Martha. Martha, who has read the entire novel, knows the fate that awaits her. Therefore, Martha intends to avoid this terrible fate by getting rid of everything that will hurt Sophia, including her own mother—the Wicked Aunt. Surprisingly, the Wicked Aunt is dead. So with every threat removed from all sides, Martha leads a fantastic life with Sophia. This is a fun CGDCT (Cute Girls Doing C̸r̸i̸m̸e̸ Cute Things) story!

Relucient · Fantasy
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13 Chs


I might have been lucky going to the river this morning. If not, I would still be thinking about surviving in this world based on the novel's plot.

I'm also not sure if the game version's storyline will be as detailed as including all the gossips. If that's the case, the game's size would become so large that my brother's old computer wouldn't be able to run it.

The main character of this world is indeed Sophia. However, the world doesn't revolve solely around her. Moreover, from the very beginning, there's something more concerning than Sophia's fate, which has many routes to happiness.

The Eldersian Empire. Even though the situation within the Academy is peaceful and prosperous, the conditions outside are quite dreadful due to the excessive warfare.

I don't know what possessed the Emperor. The old man was very fond of war. I can't even recall how many times wars happened in a single volume of the novel, even though it's just a dime-store romance.

But it's alright. In fact, that's what kept me engaged with the novel, more than the romantic tales of Sophia.

Just look at her. That innocent girl hugging a bucket is going to be a great person in the future. I briefly thought about protecting her innocence, keeping her away from matters of nobility, even if it meant preventing her from entering the Academy and meeting her love.

However, that would also mean making Sophia miserable for the rest of her life.

Perhaps her fate is a little better now that Evil Aunt is gone and the role of nosy cousin has been replaced by my kind-hearted self. However, there's something Sophia can't achieve without continuing to the Academy: her social status.

"Why are you staring at me?" Sophia asks.

"What a narcissist! I'm just glancing at you."

Common folk are destined to work in fields or similar jobs. Although Sophia's parents are landowners—or whatever it was called for village nobles—this title doesn't elevate them to the elite. Sophia would end up inheriting her parents' land and working in the fields.

It's a bit different for Martha's family. In the novel, the Wicked Aunt has many connections among the nobility. Especially considering my father, Lord Julius, who was a viscount. My life is more secure despite not entering the Academy.

The problem is, after the Wicked Aunt's passing, my current life depends solely on my father, who knows when he'll also pass away. One thing is certain: by the time Sophia and I enter the Academy, he's already described as deceased.

In other words, my situation is more precarious than Sophia's.

Perhaps I should start considering finding a job. A job that doesn't require a lot of physical effort, mental strain, or capital.

"Look at you, daydreaming all of a sudden. What's up with you?" Sophia asks.

"Are you thinking about what my mother said at the river?" Mika asks. "You shouldn't dwell on that. At most, by now, Mom has probably forgotten her words from this morning."

"It's not about that. I'm just thinking about what I'll be like when I grow up," I reply.

"Oh my, the topic suddenly became this heavy."

"Well, when it comes to that, you don't need to worry. You're going to be a beautiful lady. I'm sure of it," Sophia says.

"Of course, if that's the case," I reply.

"Ugh, what a narcissist."

"But you were the one praising me!"

Mika chimes in, "If not that, then what?"

"Well... something like a job, maybe?"

"Hey, I thought you were going to become like Uncle Julius," Sophia retorts.

"Ooh... a party man, huh?" said Mika.

My father is a party man? Wait, isn't this country ruled by an emperor? Oh, maybe in this world, the Eldersian Empire takes the form of a constitutional monarchy. It wasn't elaborated much in the novel.

"Well, that's fine too. But I want a job that pays money."

"Eh, party people don't get paid?" Mika looked surprised.

Since when were they paid?

"If they were paid, they wouldn't have gone bankrupt after losing an election."


"Never mind," I replied. "What do you want to be when you grow up, Mika?"

"Hmm... I haven't really thought about it yet. But if I don't get money, I definitely don't want to be a party person."

As long as she gets money, she's fine with any job, huh? What a greedy girl. Well, let's hope that in the future, Sophia doesn't find you in the red light district.

"What about your goals, Sophia?" Mika asks.

Sophia falls into deep thought for a moment. "I want to become the empress of this empire."

I was so surprised that I squealed "Huh?" out loud.

"Don't be so surprised!"

How could I not be surprised? I know what kind of future awaits this girl. Sophia is a hick girl with high fortune that can attract the heart of the heir to the throne. That's the impression I've had while reading the novel. However, hearing this statement directly from her mouth, my perception of her changes once again. Her words imply that Sophia becoming the emperor's consort was not a mere coincidence. It wasn't because her soul mate was a crown prince that she inevitably became empress. In other words, it all happened because it was what she had always wanted.

Mika pats Sophia's shoulder from behind. "A coup. I'm looking forward to it," she says while raising her thumb.

Though slightly different, Mika's reasoning seems to align with mine. She managed to read Sophia's words well. "Empress" is a title for a female ruler, not like "Empress Consort" which implies being the wife of the emperor. In essence, Mika interprets Sophia's words as plotting against the current imperial dynasty.


"Don't mind her words, Sophia," I said. "Geez, mother and daughter, both have sassy mouths."

"Hehe... The apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

Ugh, she's even proud of it.

"Sounds really exciting. What are you all chatting about?" My father suddenly chimes in from behind us.

I'm not sure when he started trailing behind, guiding his bicycle. Maybe since our houses are just about ten meters apart, we often cross paths on our way home.

"Uncle!" Sophia exclaimed.

"Oh, Mr. Julius. Good afternoon."

"Good afternoon," my father greeted back at Mika, then turned to me. "How was the laundry, Martha?"

"Tiring. Sophia didn't help at all, she was just playing around with water."

Take that, you little brat. Scold her, Dad!

"I-I helped, really!"

"Sophia," my father called.

"I-I'm sorry...."


The distance between my house and the river could be covered in about five minutes. If calculated at the walking speed of children, the distance was probably around three hundred meters.

It was easy for me to carry the laundry at first. However, I didn't think about the fact that the wet laundry would need to be brought back home for drying near the house. I assumed there would be a clothesline there as well. Just imagine, a long clothesline stretching along the riverbank. Cool, isn't it?

By the way, this time it was Sophia's turn to work, hanging out all the clothes that I had washed by myself. It seemed like she was afraid of getting scolded by Dad again.

Meanwhile, Mika and I had gone up to the treehouse. The treehouse didn't seem to have suffered significant damage. There were some minor issues, like a broken hinge on the door's upper part, cracked walls, and protruding nails. However, the floor was still smooth and sturdy. I believed this place was safe even if ten kids of the same age climbed up.

"Hurry up, Sophia! Just hanging the clothes shouldn't take that long!"


You know, seeing Sophia pouting is a joy in itself. Maybe that's the reason the original Martha used to tease Sophia so much. Well, I shouldn't do it too often though. Because if I do, what's the difference between me and the original Martha?

Mika, who was on the right side of the treehouse's veranda, asked, "Which one do you want?"

She had divided the swiss roll cake that Dad gave us into six portions. Dad had bought two swiss roll cakes, one for me and one for Sophia. But it didn't feel right if Mika didn't get any. That's why I told her to divide each cake into three portions.

Chocolate flavor and cheese flavor. It seems like it's pointless for her to ask me to choose. The cake is divided symmetrically anyway. I'm sure even if we weigh them, they'll have the exact same weight.

"... Trying to show off, huh?"

"Show off what?"

Right when I was about to swap the cheese-flavored swiss roll to make them all chocolate flavor, Mika whispered while pointing downwards.

"Uh, who are they?" Mika asked.

I followed the direction of her finger pointing. There was an adult man and a little girl who seemed to be around the same age. They were approaching Sophia, who was in the middle of hanging the laundry.

Sophia looked confused by their presence, especially when the unfamiliar girl acted like she was all friendly and even shook Sophia's hand. After exchanging a few words, Sophia pointed in our direction. The unfamiliar girl then quickly ran over to us, while the other unfamiliar man returned to the front yard.

"Looks like they're my father's guests."