
Soon-To-Disappear Character (STDC)

[The Hero In Ruins] was a tragedy tale of a hero being summoned to slay the demon king, and like all of the stories like this, he become immensely strong, happening upon great fortunes from defeating adversaries. That is until it begins to go down hill, and cracks in the fairytale began to show. It was a story that Eres wrote, a story he is in and most of all it was a story that ended before it truly began.

Jin_Frosty · Fantasy
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The Dude that Dissapears.

[The Hero In Ruins] is a tragic novel revolving around a cliche storyline of a summoned hero slaying the Demon King. The Hero faces many challenges, gaining cheats and power-ups and ladies.

That is until it starts to go downhill and the audience see another side of the story. The Hero begins to loose his loved ones, his harem begins to manipulate him, and we see snippets of the Demon King side.

The Hero grows more depressed, wanting to stop and take a rest, but can't as others push him forward with expectations.

The story then begins to show him being abused and used by the people, until the end where he slays the Demon King.

However instead of returning to his home like he was promised, he is instead trapped in an ancient curse and turned into the next Demon King.

Eres shivered at the reminder, it was one of the trap novels on the web that readers tend to read and continue till the end, the chapters promising some sort of happy twist, only to show a new sort of bottom.

Basically it was like living with a toxic partner who says they'll change for the better, only to get worse. Now usually Eres wouldn't bother remembering these stories if it wasn't because of the fact he was just reborn into one of the characters; Esten Vioholn, a minor antagonist who'd disappear later on in the story.

Now you'd think he would be afraid of what the hero would think of such a disgusting character right? That he would want to do all he can to change? No, he wouldn't, afterall he was the author and he knew his characters well.

It was part of the tragedy he had come with, connecting to the questions at the end of the story, it was going to have been uploaded as side stories to explain why some characters were as they were.

'What if the Bad guy wasnt actually the bad guy?'

'What if the good guys werent always right?'

'What if the judge never served justice?'

Basically every character in his story had a reason for becoming the way they did, the Demon King reasons were well known in the original story.

Actually hinted at the start.

'The Demon King and Hero are both external invading forces.

The only difference is the Hero is Loved by the Gods,

But what happens when the Hero is no longer Loved by the Gods?'

The rest are harder to catch however, due to the fact Eres was planning on adding side stories to explain and never explored to deeply in the main story. It would be have been the final thing to make his readers loose their cool.

Well either way he was getting sidetracked, Esten was a character that served as a minor antagonist.

With light blue hair and sky eyes of the Vioholn family and his moon light pale skin that could have made him the perfect ice prince, if it weren't for the fact he had the habit of acting like a trained barbarian.

With a tongue that could out-swear any fire dwarf and a mouth so dirty it could make demons weep if he tried, that and he was a drunkard, spending money as he pleased.

Of course like the copycat Eres was, he basically stole some stuff from other famous novels, such as TOTCF.

Esten was the 2nd son of the Vioholn, he wasn't overly favoured by his family, an outcast at a young age, the only attachment he had to the place at that age was Ariana, his mother, and later he partly bonded with his younger sibling.

After his mother died due to an infamous curse called Arayia's Love Flowers, Esten found himself alone, with no one to rely on and the knowledge that the servants were indifferent to him, a detached father, and siblings who had long forgotten about him.

Esten swirled into emotional instability, it was in this state that he awakened [Unique Past] a shard of his previous life, that allowed him to maintain some mental stability, however it left him emotionally detached to social expectation.

It's through his occurring acts afterwards that Esten became the rumoured Drunk Trashy Outcast of the family, the alcoholic drunk acts and smashing of bottles spread, changing and growing, his reputation evolved from drunkard to psychopath, pervert, killer, murderer, etc.

No one really attempted to stop him or interfered in Esten's growth, to show him another way of living, instead his father would pay for any damage he did, and his older sister would attempt to brush all his acts under the carpet.

His elder brother... well he loathed Esten, seeing him unworthy of the Vioholn name.

So he continued this till he later disappeared.

A strange character with a tragic past, a character that had been ridiculed and outcasted, yet didn't care. He had chosen to look at who he was instead of the reputation he built till the very end.

This was the character Eres had become.

A character that simply didnt care about anything but what really effected him.