
Sonic & The Planet Of Super Hedgehogs

An old legend tells the story of an ancient planet where lived a People of Super Hedgehogs endowed with fantastic powers! One Day The king and queen gave birth to 4 children. Then one day a great war broke out the universe trembling with each confrontation then the King and Queen Hedgehogs perished in this terrible war but it is said that a super nova appeared and absorbed the planet of the Super Hedgehogs however the 4 heirs were never found we whisper to each other in space that the planet has become forgotten in the depths of space, only the 4 child prodigies will be able to find this planet which gave them life by following the great crown of King Hedgehog and find the mystery of the planet of Super Hedgehogs. Or Justice will be done? The 4 children will have to unite their minds in one cosmic Entity ...! Sonic and his friends will have to face an enemy neither present, future nor past in this adventure Shadow, Silver And Scourge the hedgehog will be embarked on this search for forgotten truth which will turn upside down! all they know!

Tsukiko_Saikichi · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 1 A New Menace! The kidnapping of Shadow!

A day in Sonic's World as usual Sonic, Amy, Knuckles, Sticks enjoying a hot day by the sea, so take a nap occasionally. Then suddenly a noise is heard of an explosion coming from the top of the mountain to the hills hidden from the clouds in heights, Sonic's ears rose up and Sonic turned his head towards the mountain in the distance, his face expressing the curiosity of the source of this explosion. All Sonic's friends looked at each other surprised and thought that this could be the work of Doctor Robotnik, Sonic got up from his chaise longue and turned towards Amy and said "I was going to see what caused this explosion, maybe it was a plan of Robotnik to sow the zizanie and caused another disaster I'll be back soon" then Amy exclaimed "Sonic waits before acting maybe this is just a rock collapse and nothing to do with Robotnik! » Amy grabbed Sonic's hand and looked at him with a calm look, Sonic took his hand off Amy's hand and smiled, "Come on, Amy, don't be ridiculous, this mountain never exploded, something must happen, I'll take a walk and check if everything's okay and if nobody's been hurt" and then Sonic disappeared into a cloud of smoke Amy sighed, Tails said, "Come on Amy you know Sonic he's always like that! "knuckles smiled is answered" of course we're talking about Sonic the hedgehog everything always goes well with him! "Amy sighed as she stared at the horizon with worried eyes. Further on Sonic arrived at the site of the explosion he stopped and saw traces of fighting and damage of high intensity on the trees and burn marks on the ground. Sonic didn't understand what was happening and nothing on the horizon as if the place was being abandoned after a hard battle is violent, Sonic looked around him to find an explanation he said "it's not possible it happened here?" so he shouted "There's someone here if you hear me show you! "but nothing was heard Sonic decided to go home and talk about it with his friends, at that moment at Robotnik's lair, Dr. Robotnik working on a plan to defeat Sonic and his friends as usual, but suddenly the security system alarm was heard Robotnik exclaimed, "What does that mean? Who dares to disrupt my plans at this hour! "The robots rushed into Robotnik's office and said, "Dr. Robotnik, the system seems suspected of unidentified attacks outside the lair but the cameras are not able to perceive the source of these attacks that we must do? "the sounds of the attacks became louder and louder, the walls trembled with violent resonances due to the power of the attacks, Robotnik tried to identify using security cameras but even connecting to the main server he could not identify the origins of the attacks and concentrated on a few images captured during the attack Robotnik analyzed the perceived images from all angles but all he saw was a shadow at the black flames after a while the attacks ended as if nothing had happened the alarm stopped the main computer detected significant damage on all the facades of Robotnik's lair remained silent as if frustrated on his attacker with unknown identity only these fuzzy images is strangely worrying. Robotnik says to his robots "Cubot Orbot take pictures of the Damage caused and fix it as soon as possible Understand?! "Orbot answered" at your command, Dr. Robotnik, but do you know who attacked you?"

Robotnik replied, "No, I don't know, Imbecile, but my instinct is that it's not just an attack and the attacker won't stop there! "the robots looked at each other without understanding Dr. Robotnik's words they remained silent and left to repair the damage of the assault and left Robotnik's office but Robotnik displayed the image or appeased this shadow surrounded by powerful flames is darker than a black hole without light he stared at this image eyes full of questions is worried about who is hiding behind this new threat. Robotnik decided to call upon the only one capable of identifying this source of unknown power he set out in search of Shadow because only he could help him find this new enemy he climbed on his Device and called his robot Orbot, Orbot entered Dr. Robotnik's office he said "Did you call me Dr. Robotnik? " Robotnik says "Do you have the images of the damage found on the walls of the lair? "Orbot replied," Yes, I have already calculated the power of our aggressor's attacks, it turns out that his power reaches peaks never recorded on our database! "Orbot displayed on the control screen the data collected. The statistics were so high that Dr. Robotnik couldn't believe his eyes, so Orbot turned to Dr. Robotnik and said, "It seems to me we have a threat that goes beyond Shadow's power, which is already the embodiment of the ultimate power "Orbot answered" according to our data, that you decide Dr. Robotnik? "Robotnik says" for the moment repair the damage as soon as possible is to reinforce the activated defense the dimensional shield is analyzed all the security cameras I want a complete explanation throughout the assault, is made me a portrait of this intruder ! Understand? "Orbot placed his metal arm on the top of his head and answered "At your command Doctor Robotnik" Then Robotnik flew away with his device leaving his lair. to find Shadow .

at this Moment Shadow felt a strange feeling of boundless chaos but he was unable to identify the threat clearly alone a shadow with eyes full of blood-red black desires... Shadow decided to teleport to Sonic to collect details about this threat and then Shadow focused on controlling the chaos but at the same time he felt like he was spying, he looked around him in every direction but despite not seeing anything he closed his eyes he felt a powerful presence in the surroundings but despite this feeling ! He observed the surroundings without being able to identify what was observing him and then suddenly "A hand hit Shadow's neck from behind without understanding anything under the shock he fell to the ground behind him a silhouette with a black dress like dark darkness, this silhouette with a masked face but of an incomparable discretion this silhouette dressed in a black cape with only a long feline tail and graceful and elegant this unknown raised his right hand creating a field of psychic levitation around Shadow's body. Then Shadow's body on the ground levitated itself with the help of a psychic field Then a dimensional portal appeared, Shadow's body was sent into this dimensional portal without leaving any traces, once Shadow is the unknown disappeared Espio who had observed everything removed his camouflage and he remained under the shock of the scene that had just occurred before his eyes, Espio took the escape towards the village of Sonic to prevent Vector. When he arrived at Vector's house he found Vector asleep on the desk, Espio hit the table with such a noise that Vector woke up with a start and fell backwards, Vector said "Espio! How many times have I told you not to hit my desk! You want me to have a heart attack? »

Espio replied, "Just don't sleep in the middle of the day imagine what the customers think of your image as a detective who spends his days sleeping on his desk, snoring like a whale, just take it into your own hands, more seriously! And then maybe I'll stop being a bully and wake you up! Moreover I have a unique information I attended an incredible removal ideal for the agency. With this affair we are going to be more famous than ever we would have imagined it then leaving you?" then he reaches out to Vector looking at him with an excited look, Vector takes Espio's hand, Espio raises Vector's hand then both sit face to face then Vector says in a curious tone " Then you say you have a golden info about an incredible kidnapping tell me to start physically describe me the kidnapper ! "Vector stared at Espio with an excited look at his face almost glued to Espio's face, Espio's expression tightened to the maximum and Vector moved forward as Espio tried to back away but Espio found himself against the wall and then closed his eyes and slapped Vector to the right, Vector walked away in shock looked at Espio and told him to press his hand on his cheek where he had been slapped " But you lost your mind my word Why did you hit me you try to provoke me, is that it? "Espio crossed his arms with an angry expression is said in an authoritative tone" No! But I dream you needed to stick your huge face right in front of mine! » .. Vector felt a little silly so he answered in a calm tone "okay, useless to get angry I may have gotten excited about the information you have! But now let's forget this moment of embarrassment and take up our main topic of kidnapping again! "Espio regained his calm Vector is Espio sat down and then Espio said "well I'm going to go straight to the goal Shadow was kidnapped but his kidnapper was how to explain ... hmm ...I felt a limitless power is a fear feeling petrifying me as in the face of death is also a desire to know more about it ! It seems crazy is incredible but Shadow couldn't even react his kidnapper appeared in a second microphone is Shadow couldn't move and without me blinking the kidnapper hit him in the neck with a sharp blow is Shadow collapsed unconscious and then Shadow's body was surrounded by a psychic levitation field and sent into an inter-dimensional portal!! "Vector replied with a suspicious look," I see, so it's Shadow who's still so damn big that he rivals Sonic that he was kidnapped and unretaliated by an unknown assailant and you stayed as if petrified without even having had eye contact with that unknown, right? "

Espio replied in a determined tone while nodding up and down "that's exactly what it is!" Vector began to think about this terrifying attacker who managed to remove Shadow the hedgehog! Then Espio looked at Vector and said, thinking, "So what do you think?" Vector replied after a moment of silence "I don't know too much about hearing you, we have no chance alone, so I think I'll go to Sonic at least to get this story straightened out without making too many waves anyway, we have to warn the others that this aggressor is in action and harvested from information a little here and there to be able to really decide on our plan to thus reap the benefit without getting too tired ha ha ha ~ "Vector started laughing hysterically Espio closed his eyes and covered his ears and nodded his head from right to left in a desperate way on Vector's laugh , So after a while Vector saw Espio and stopped, he started coughing in an embarrassed way and said "Well, it would be better to go find Sonic and the others as soon as possible Espio! "Espio lowered his hands, he looked at Vector with a sarcastic look on his face and replied "you're the one who's doing it? while you clap a hysterical laugh" Vector replied in a haughty tone "Yes Yes Yes .. So I got the message I have a voice that carries it's in my nature I'm a crocodile at the base it explains the rest..... "Espio approached a few inches from Vector's face and stared at him with staring eyes and said with confidence" remember your memories crocodiles are known for their discretion not and for their unparalleled racket thought twice before coming out of such nonsense in public if you don't want to be seen for a complete idiot..." Slightly intimidated Vector stared at Espio with his eyes wide open again in shock, then Vector shook his head to regain his senses and then he spread Espio to the left with his left arm and walked proudly towards the door he opened the door and said "Good enough chatting if you have finished your wildlife science we have to go look for it and find Sonic ! »

Espio frowned! Vector smiled in a corner towards Espio with a mocking look then in the blink of an eye, then Vector and Espio went to find Sonic.

Well here we are in the heart of Space in the center of a planet with varied decorations of lush vegetation from the lakes immaculate sapphire blue lakes of the mountains leading to hot springs to endless plains .

Then at the bottom of these plains an imposing castle seemed to reach the sky. in the basement of the castle at the bottom of a corridor of the underground dungeon Shadow unconscious chained ,has chains absorbing his energy at fists and ankles and an electric necklace, then Shadow began to open his eyes still under the shock he began to move his arms but they heard the sounds of chains and felt paralyzed without being able to move has his sandstone he clenched his teeth and tried to move his body but without result, a blurred vision with just that same sound of resounding chains he opened his eyes and saw his body chained then he tried to force the chains but nothing seemed to break these chains he said "What is it! Chaos Control! "On these words he received an electrocution in his neck he shouted, "HAhhhh!!!!!! "then the electrocution stopped, Shadow shocked and lowered his head with his eyes closed, then he heard a voice addressing him but saw nothing corresponding to that "impressive" voice! Hedgehog I'm surprised to find that your power seems worthy of interest to me! But your power will not work in these places as much as saving your strength" Shadow lifted his head up and then said in a voice of rage "Who are you showing up! " then the voice replied "You sound a little stunned you're sure you want to see me? it's not going to help you " Shadow answered in a proud tone " Show yourself! "then the voice replied "Ha ha ha! Why not! after all we will be led to see us often hedgehog"

then the voice stopped then a creaking door was heard at the bottom of the keep Shadow remained calm he concentrated his ears and heard graceful steps approaching him he listened attentively then the steps stopped just in front of him Then Shadow said "at your step you are a cat !! " then the voice answered "Not bad! But you see, when I talk to a person I prefer that person to look at me! " then a hand dressed in black gloves raised Shadow's head the two of them faced each other, Shadow remained stoic in front of his opponent, she said in a charming tone "you have nothing to say in front of me in this position! Hedgehog?" Shadow replied in a calm tone, " Who Are You .. a Panther !!? "Then the panther answered in an elegant tone" Panther ! my name is Seira His Highness Seira Queen of this World the planet Felinathia ! »

Shadow replied, "Seira!? Félinathia! What the hell is this?! "Seira replied " I am surprised that another hedgehog survived your race was exterminated centuries back ! "Shadow expressed a surprise expression and said "how it destroyed! I was created by humans " Seira surprise answered "how it creates? By humans ! "Shadow replied with a cold and strict tone" I am a form of life created by Doctor Gérald Robotnik to become the supreme weapon. Panther! "Seira expressed a vexed face" Panther! You have a very arrogant ! But your race was well known for this arrogance! "Shadow says" My Race .... You must be Crazy... I was created to be the ultimate species not just a simple bastard like those hedgehogs you're talking about! "Seira replied surprised and intrigued" create you say ? you seem to have really lost your memory for forgetting your people and what you are! it's interesting to see how humans have been able to make you! 2 hours ago 1 hedgehog and came to my planet and stole a sacred relic belonging to my family ... So maybe this is a plan to fool me, you must know where it is, Black Hedgehog? "Seira pulled Shadow's thorns to put pressure on him, Shadow displayed an angry expression but his power being useless he clenched his teeth not lowering his eyes in front of Seira, Seira and Shadow looked at each other like a challenge, After a moment Seira smiled on the side with a teasing look released Shadow's thorns.

Shadow remained proud without lowering his head and then Seira squatted down in front of Shadow and said, "So you don't know ? "Shadow replied " I'm not interested in other people's business, "Seira said in a curious tone, " Why .. ! " Shadow replied "it's none of your business"

Seira said " you are really strange .. i feel like your memory has been changed by humans. I know the race of humans and for centuries they have only destroyed their planet this species and a curse it keeps killing each other for silly reasons " Shadow reply " Doctor Gerald was not like the others he was a genius that's why he was the only one to have earned my respect and Maria .... too " Seira heard of dubious ear Shadow of the words but she felt something strange in the story of Shadow ..

Seira said "Maria! you seem to have an affection for this Maria .. Who was she? Shadow replied" forget that! it's none of your business it's in the past she and killed by other humans .... "

Seira says "you see! Humans just know how to kill each other without mercy it's a cursed race!"

Shadow was silent about Seira's comments. Seira said advancing towards the exit of the dungeon she opened the door stopped her gaze towards Shadow "it is cruel humans we are manipulating you were not created by humans and it is a fact because your power exceeds their knowledge you should accept that! as long as your fate and well you will end up telling me where are the hedgehog who stole my relic! "

Shadow said "I don't know !!! the only hedgehog I know is that stupid Sonic !!"

Seira lifted her left ear and said curiously, "Sonic! Who is this?"

Shadow replied, "Sonic is the shame of the hedgehogs, he's always accompanied by these idiot friends, Sonic is just an idiot who thinks he's the fastest in the world" has these words Seira said in an interested tone. "You don't seem to carry this hedgehog in your heart even though you are of the same breed I have to admit i like your personality! you seem to have no mercy on others "

Shadow replied with a cold tone "I don't need these kind of futile feelings feelings are only illusions for the weak"

Seira replied "It is strange to hear such words from you when you are of the same race it is amazing how humans have molded you into this cold and ruthless image!" Shadow clenched his fists, frowning and responded in a surge of anger trying to break the chains holding him captive but in vain he fell to his knees under the discharges of the chains, Seira smirked at the sight of Shadow trying to destroy these chains. Seira said facing Shadow's face "it looks like you will be the perfect bait, you will be me of great help Shadow the hedgehog. "

Seira smiled at Shadow, Shadow gritted his teeth then said in an annoyed tone "I am Shadow and I swear that once I am free I will kill you with my hands!" Seira surprised by the threatening expression on Shadow's face, Shadow watched Seira with a face full of rage, Seira closed the door, then she gave a charming wink, Shadow clenched her teeth and fists then Seira closed the door.

- Chapter 1 End -