
Songs of the Villainess

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Queen_Ricky · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Song's of the Villainess Chapter3-/unfair/


JASMINE-Ella run faster

Ella-I can't my legs hurt, leave me behind save yourself

Said Ella while panting and kneeing on the floor

Jasmine-No am not going to leave you alone

Said Jasmine while helping Ella up

Soon they saw sky's men nearby .then they ran faster when suddenly a shot was fired .

JASMINE-Run Ella they are catching up

Jasmine was confused she didn't hear Ella's footsteps she turned back to see Ella struggling to breath. She ran to Ella , which was lying on the floor

Jasmine-Rlla,pls don't close your eyes, there is a village nearby we could go their they will get you treated don't die on me pls

Said Jasmin while Patting Ella's face

Ella-No *cough*,i-i don't think that i will make i-it go pls,i-i pro-promised your Mom,I wi-will ke-keep you sa-safe,pls leave for me please,Go without me run pls

Jasmine -No I won't hear a single word from you

Jasmine carried Ella at her back and she ran really fast she lost sky's men and went to the village She saw people with beautiful jewelry and fancy clothes she went to a lady who was talking to her husband about the new Jewelry she wants to buy, Jasmine knelt down at her feet

Jasmine-Pls madam please help me i need to treat my friend she is dying she needs a doctor please

The woman looked at Jasmine with disgust and pushed jasmine with her feet

Lady-I don't have time for pets, come Donald

The woman said while dragging jer husband with her .Jasmine begged everyonein the . to help Ella

Ella-Jasmine i really feel tired,i need to sleep

Jasmine-No don't close your eyes,we still have to stick together please Ella don't die

Ella-Jasmine i will finally see your mom again her, pretty face and long hair *sighs*,i will tell her know how good her daughter was don't worry

Ella closed her eyes, Jasmine who carried her at her back didn't know that Ella had passed away

Jasmine-Ella you won't die ok i will find a doctor soon,Ella talk to me, remember the time you always take my side against the bad kids or when you give me your snack whenever i was done with mine and wanted more Ella?,Ella?!!,

Jasmine laid Ella on the floor,

Jasmine-Wake up don't die pls Ella!!,we still need to find a good man,marry on the same day and dress our kids, please don't die Ella!!, please

Jasmine cried under the heavy rain and went to the nearby forest and buried Ella

Jasmine-Ella i promise you i will make them pay all of them for what they did to you i won't let them go i promise you

Said Jasmine while kissing Ella's grave.... Jasmine went to the village with a heavy heart she looked for a job there for months and started leaving in the streets, she finally found a job at the Opera stadium where other people watch people sing,Jasmine had a good singing voice so she was accepted,They paid jasmine well enough for her to have a small house with only a bed.she worked their for 7months. Lily her co-worker , who hated Jasmin cause of her gifted talent stole a huge amount of golden coins and stuffed it in Jasmine's bag

Boss-Where are my money?,who stole it

Everyone stayed quiet

Boss-Am asking a damn question where is my money

He said while trashing everywhere

Lily-I saw Jasmine take it

She said while pointing at Jasmine

Jasmine was shockedg

Jasmine-What?,No i didn't steal anything i was practicing my vocals that's all

Lily-Lier you can check her,it must be with her

Boss -Search her

He said while pointing at Jasmine and they saw a large sum of gold coins they all looked at Jasmine disappointed,

The boss was angry he took her hair and took her out of the stadium

Boss-You wretch you stole my money

Jasmine-No i didn't steal anything let me go

Boss-I shouldn't have brought a begger living in the streets to work with us,boys beat her

Guards-Yes sir

They all started hitting Jasminein front of everyone,she screamed for help everyone just looked at the scene and didn't do anything

Jasmine's thought *If Ella was here she wouldn't have let this happen*

She started crying and lily stood there smirking looking at the scene