
Song of the Forgotten Angel

She bear the painful past. Unknown to many, she has two different personalities with a different names.

LadyKpencil88 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 21 : The Darkest Deed

Fier let the couple embraced their last moments together. With the help of the pendant and Fier's spiritual energy, LuLu able to touched and talked to his wife like when she was alive. Mia brings her forehead to meet with her husband's and her memories projected to him. LuLu saw Mia's spirit vision was crying whenever she watched LuLu was killing the innocent young women to resurrect her.

As Mia fears her husband to straying too far from the reality, she determined to stop him no matter how. Mia used her spirit energy to going on air once again under her alias — DJ MiYu!!

In the vent of determination to stopped her husband's wrongdoing, she happened to found the desperate Alan Danson. That man was about to taking his own life in his car at the night Mia went on air and when he listened to DJ MiYu's sad voice singing her cover song 'Memoirs of Love' on her radio show. He decides to made a call to DJ MiYu to relayed his last message to his family and friends. However, Mia was taking the advantage of the man desperation to possessed him and find a chance to approached Fier Vermillion.

LuLu is sobbing in regret when he saw his wife memories and her determination to stopped him from straying far into the devil's path. All of this time, he thought that all his doing are method to resurrecting his wife without knowing it is torturing his wife's soul. Mia tell LuLu about the lies that the woman was telling him and begging him to repent for his sin. When he is looking at his wife's sorrowful eyes, LuLu seem to be awaken from his long slumber and sobbing in despair.

"Miss Vermillion, please help me to stop all these things per agree by you and Alan Danson..." Mia holding Fier's hands tightly, her gaze is full with hopes.

"Who is Alan Danson anyway?" Fier is still curious about that man.

"He was just a fan that I able to reached on the night I went on air to seeking help from you. I was desperately looking for you after a spirit told me to about you." Fier become more curious when she heard about 'someone' mentioning her to Mia.

"Who is that someone?" Fier's asked in wonder.

"I can't tell you. I had promised that person." Mia smile.

Fier catches the glance of a woman's silhouette run away through the door behind the large red curtains. She chased after the silhouette after she asked LuLu to leave with his wife and rescued the abducted women. Fier arrived in front of the large door where she saw the woman sneaked in. She pushed the door slowly, it cracked open. She entered cautiously, but suddenly the door closed itself with a loud bang and she heard a thud sound come from behind her. At the moment, she feel like her body swayed and she hit the bottom of the floor with a loud thump!

LuLu is standing next to Fier's motionless body. He smirked wickedly. Mia's soul is nowhere to be seen. LuLu lifted up Fier's body and carry her on his shoulder, he bring Fier to the woman as promised. The woman welcome LuLu happily in the room at the highest level of that winery house. At the middle of the spacious room there is a twin stone altars, on one of that altar, Mia's lifeless body lay still. The room has a transparent blue glass dome that reflects the moonlight directly onto the altars.

Fier regain her consciousness. The first thing she saw is the bright full moon shining in from the transparent glass dome. The stars are twinkling in a rhythm. "What a beautiful night to die" she mumbled to herself.

"Ahh... You're awake!! Finally, I able to grasp you in my hand. An infamous ghost hunter with a high spiritual power." The woman traced her index fingernail from Fier's forehead to her lower chin.

"You're as elegant as rumoured." The woman giggle. Fier stayed silent and observed the woman's movement.

"Very good, LuLu. With her blood we will be resurrecting your wife tonight." The woman raised her hands high above her head like she is praying to the God. The she turn into LuLu and patting on his shoulder. LuLu did not give any responses. Fier looked at LuLu's empty expression. She tried to moves her hands and she feel that the straps are all loose.

"Is this LuLu's doing?" Fier wondered.

"Don't worry, my dear. It won't hurt you a bit." The woman come closer with a dagger.

When she brought the dagger closer to Fier's chest, she landed a kick on Lydia Yohatri's left body. That woman was thrown a few steps away and her right body hit the edge of the pottery shelves. She hissed in pain.

"Lydia Yohatri, famously known as 'The Witch' by your worshippers, I heard a lot about you too from my clients. It's so nice to meet you tonight." Fier sit on the altar and reach out her hand to the woman named Lydia Yohatri in front of her. She smirked at her.

The woman was taken aback with Fier's boldness and to her utmost surprise she is break free too!!

Lydia Yohatri stuttered under Fier's gaze. "How... How... Do you know my real name? We.. we have never met before..." She try to look unswayed in front of Fier's wicked gaze.

"Are you deaf, Miss Lydia Yohatri? I said my CLIENTS told me. So,..." Fier pressed her voice at the word 'clients'. However, she is unable to finishing her words when Lydia Yohatri cut in.

"W...who are you? Are you with the police?" She was stuttering in every sentences she speak.

"You can't do anything to me if you're the one. I'm immune to the human's law because I have many lines from the higher up." Her tone change. She sound arrogant in her claims and she laughs proudly.

Fier chuckles under her teeth, "I'm nobody. But I'm someone who can relayed the dead's messages to you. Ahh! How could you forgotten your own words? You said you know me and about my power?"

Lydia Yohatri is dumbfounded. The fear she had make her forget everything she knew about Vermillion Fier.

"Well, Miss The Witch, our special guests are all here now. You should welcome them warmly like you did when you lured them here in the past." Fier jump down from the stone altar.

Lydia Yohatri looks around with a fearful eyes. "Ha ha ha.. Don't lie! You can't freak me out. It won't work on me. LuLu!! Catch and tie this woman right now!!"

LuLu didn't move an inch from his spot, he is only staring into the floor seem as his soul had leaving his body. Fier walk closer towards Lydia Yohatri.

"Can't you see that they're staring at you now? I do wonder how much is their resentment had holding towards you." Fier boldness had caused Lydia Yohatri to suddenly charged towards her with a dagger in her hand.

"You already know who I am... I won't let you live to see the tomorrow." Lydia Yohatri swing the dagger towards Fier, before she know it a kick landed on her tummy. The dagger on her hand flew into the corner. She is grunting in pain and landed on her knee. The kick had squeezed her inside guts and the pain throbbing rapidly. She feel suffocating. While she is gasping for an air, a punch landed on her face. Lydia Yohatri's body flopped on the floor.

"Before you try to hurt me, have a taste of your own games." Fier dragged Lydia Yohatri by her hairs into a chair, forced her to sit down and feed her a red wine that she always used to force her victim to drink. After a gulp of it, a moment later she feels like a thousand hands had holding onto her body. She could see a hundred pairs of furious red eyes are eyeing her. She wants to run for her life but her legs wasn't listen to her, she can't move and her body feel paralysed.

"What have you done to me?" She asked Fier in a hoarsely voice.

"I did nothing to you. It's just your favourite red wine that I feed you with. And now is your mind turn to playing games with you. Have a nice dream, The Witch!" Fier patted on Lydia Yohatri's shoulder before walked away from her.

"This is not real! Go away! Stay away from me!! Please..." She is begging towards the nothingness.

Lydia Yohatri's tears rolling on her cheeks as she feel her bone cracked when the invisible hands are twisting her limbs. The hands that only her could see and the hatred whispers that only her could hear are belong to the women that she killed for their organs that she sold at a high price on the black markets and their blood were offered to her worshippers. Lydia Yohatri is desperately gasping for an air when the fear had started to suffocated her.

"No! No! No! Go away! Don't come closer!! I'm sorry..." She screamed and squirmed as she feel that the hands are crawling more and more on her skin.

"You will be engraved with this fear until your death is coming forth. You have lose your chance to repent. We wouldn't forgive you!!!" A loud shriek follows after the soft voices whispered into her mind. Lydia Yohatri is screaming in the painful fear. She had totally lost her mind.

In a slight of her pain, she regretted her decision to offered Vermillion Fier's blood to her cult and also planned to sold her organs in the black market for a high price. She never thought that a woman named Vermillion Fier that she had been targeting for years is a sadist evil woman. Her titled as 'The Witch' is crumbling on this sadist woman's feet. She sobered loudly.

"What happen?" LuLu asked Fier when he saw Lydia Yohatri is screaming like a mad woman.

"She saw the ghosts that have resented her for taking their life. All the girls that you were taking to her for resurrecting your wife were killed brutally for their organs too. She is known as 'The Witch' for her wickedness in manipulating people's obsession for her own benefit just like how she used your obsession towards Mia to gain control on you to do all the dirty jobs. And also she always forced her victim to drink a red wine that she spiked up with a hallucinogenic drug and created unexist fear in their mind. She is the true wicked witch with an evil heart and deed." Fier look at LuLu in the eyes, he run his eyes away from her gaze.

"How do you know about all of this?" LuLu unable to hide her curiosity.

Fier sighed.

"She been on this business since more than 10 years ago but she never been arrested because of her connection with the law enforcement officer higher up. After I started helping the dead, I got many requests from my clients to track down 'The Witch' and I been chasing her for many years but I always lost her trace in the middle of my hunting. I never thought that she would come to me like this and this is the game that I won in the end. Thanks for bring her to me, LuLu." Fier smile warmly at LuLu.

LuLu have lost for words, he feel a chill in his bones when she smiled at him. The soft spoken and polite Vermilion Fier a.k.a Lin Qii that he knew from Kayden is indeed a devilish sadist woman. If he knew she is that kind of woman, he would not dare to mess up with her but he did feel grateful that he meet her. Because if her, he had a chance to bid a last farewell to his wife. Apart from that, she also pulled him back to reality from his long dream.

"Thank you, Lin Qii." LuLu said in a low voice.

"You should call me Fier from now on. FYI, Lin Qii have died many years ago. And also... Live a good life as your wife wants you to be." Fier pats on LuLu's shoulders and leave him alone with his wife's lifeless body. He wanted to asked her what do she mean with 'Lin Qii have died' when she is clearly alive safe and sound but Fier had already walked far from him.

Fier looked at Lydia Yohatri that is cowering at the corner indulging in fear, then she dialled a number on her phone and half an hour later, a siren wailing from afar. Police are searching the place and found the reported missing girls in a basement of that winery house. They also found the a bunch of nameless graves at the winery house's backyard and at the nearby forest. LuLu surrendered himself and confessed to his crimes. Lydia Yohatri was arrested with all the evidences found at the house. However she seem to be have lost her sanity — screaming , crying, laughing and begging to the nothingness nonstop.

The spirits are watching with a satisfied expression, then they are vanishing one by one while waving at Fier. Mia's spirit is following her husband in the police's car. Fier watched the happy and sad scenes with an unchanged expression. At the corner of her eyes, Fier catch a glimpse of a woman standing under the big Eucalyptus tree next to shed at the backyard and she disappeared in a blink of eyes.

"Fier!!!" Ayesha hugs Fier once she see her standing under the Ginkgo tree in front of the winery house. Fier's focus on the Eucalyptus tree was disrupted by Ayesha's hug.

"Are you okay?" K follow behind Ayesha. Fier nodded and give a little smile before she collapsed in Ayesha's arms. In her blurry mind she hear a woman voice, "We will meet soon, Vermillion Fier~"

"Who are you?" Fier mumbles in her subconsciousness.

Everything has turn pitch black.