
Song of Ice and Fire: The Iron Throne [ Dropped ]

Game of Thrones fanfiction, A Song of Ice and Fire fanfiction. Transmigration, no harem, no system, no technology. No poison, supporting characters to stay close to the original. Mainstream storyline without being too bland, with occasional satisfying moments and interspersed with epic scenes. Protagonist name: Gallen of House Crabb Starting title: Lord of Whispers Family motto: United we stand Family sigil: Marsh Marigold ////This is a translation, my fourth(?) one so far. The original author name is 双河无忧. I do not own this book or anything that is related to it and so on. The original name is 冰与火之铁王座. Go support the original author. The original book have 330 chapters so far with steady update. I've read it all to make sure it'll stay good so it won't end up like my arcane fic. I've watched the game of thrones series but I haven't read the book. Even though I search the wiki, if y'all notice any wrong terms I used, point it out so I can fix it. Well, enjoy.////

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94 Chs

-79- The benefits

In the silent night, under the soft candlelight:

"An exhibition match?"

Gallen nodded. "Lady Margaery, just like a theatrical performance. Performances don't necessarily have to be real. We can treat the challenges of the past few days as a display of swordsmanship."

Margaery's brown eyes moved. "Lord Gallen, please continue."

"Opportunities come with challenges. We just need to give it a different name, and what happened before will have a reason behind it.

For example, these six days of challenges in the arena could actually be a grand tournament organized by Lady Margaery herself for the swordsmen of the Reach.

Margaery Tyrell, the light of Highgarden, raised by the wisdom of Highgarden, ignited the passion of all the swordsmen in the Reach in a harmless way, bringing them together in Highgarden for the glory of the Reach."

After a pause, Gallen continued, "You have two pieces of evidence to support this. First, although swords are dangerous, those who were defeated before only suffered minor injuries at most.

Second, I, Gallen Crabb, am directly employed by Lady Margaery Tyrell. Because of my identity, it's easy to resonate with the swordsmen of the Reach.

So, it won't be seen as deceit. Everyone will consider this a rare and entertaining event for the Reach."

Gallen leaned forward, a smile curling at his lips, and lowered his voice, "All the swordsmen I defeated in the arena will be deeply grateful to you. You have restored their honor single-handedly."


Gallen's solution was more brilliant than her own plan.

If everything went smoothly, she, Margaery Tyrell, would be the biggest beneficiary.

Though she was pleased, Margaery Tyrell remembered her grandmother's teachings. While she did not show it outwardly, she remained cautious of Gallen.

Margaery Tyrell felt that Gallen's words were too pleasing, easily leading one astray without noticing.


Gallen ignored the fleeting vigilance in Margaery's eyes and took the initiative to speak, "Lady Margaery, this is your first time hosting a tournament, isn't it?"

Margaery Tyrell nodded lightly. "Strictly speaking, yes."

Gallen spread his hands. "In previous tournaments, there is only one champion. The closer it gets to the end, the more brutal it becomes. This doesn't align with the kindness you would want to express."

Margaery Tyrell's brown eyes flashed, and she asked, "Lord Gallen, do you already have a proper solution?"

Gallen replied, "Since this is an event hosted by you, it will naturally be different from the past. This tournament will allow people to know you better. In the past, there was only one champion, so it was brutal. But what if there were ten champions this time?"

Margaery Tyrell couldn't help but ask, "Ten champions?"

Gallen nodded. "Ten champions, ten times the enthusiasm, and ten times less brutality."

Can it be calculated that way? Margaery Tyrell was even more puzzled.


Gallen continued, "We can't call them champions, as there can only be one champion, which would lead to misunderstanding, which is not beneficial to you."

Yes, that's exactly what I think! Margaery Tyrell nodded inwardly.

"Let's call them the Ten Blades."

After thinking for a while, Margaery Tyrell asked, "Ten Blades?"

"Yes, Lady Margaery. In the tournament hosted by you, ten swordsmen of the Reach will be recognized as the Ten Blades, and in the future, they will be the ten swords protecting the Reach. Because of you, their names will be renowned throughout Westeros."

Margaery Tyrell rose from her chair, lifted her skirt slightly, and bowed to Gallen. "If this works smoothly, I will not forget the help that you have provided me."

Gallen stood and bowed in return.

Gallen had to admire the little rose; she was indeed a female power player who knew how to win people's hearts. Her demeanor was pleasing to the eye, but she possessed courage no less than a man's.


Gallen's proactive suggestions finally earned the little rose's reward.

The 3,000 gold dragons brought in the name of Highgarden were ultimately left with Gallen in the name of the little rose.

[The progress of arming Crackclaw Point +1]

This was a private gesture of gratitude from the little rose and needed to be kept secret.

Gallen graciously expressed his understanding, which suited him just fine. Such matters could easily be misunderstood if word reached Cersei.

The Gold Rose family did the job thoroughly; Lord Puff Fish was indeed "arranged" to inspect territories outside Highgarden.

Before leaving, Margaery Tyrell informed Gallen that Mace Tyrell would return within the next two days and could be seen then.

After the little rose left, Gallen immediately had the banners on the arena taken down.

The rest of the arrangements did not require Gallen's involvement; the little rose would handle them herself.


Red Keep, late at night.

Lancel tossed and turned on his bed, unable to sleep.

Lancel wondered if he had been poisoned; every time he closed his eyes, all he could see was Queen Cersei's image.

Lancel's emotions were complicated. Was his earlier refusal too resolute?

The longer he lay there, the more a feeling called regret spread among his various emotions.

Rewards... if only I could satisfy her... Lancel hastily shook his head, trying to dispel further thoughts.

He didn't know when he fell asleep, but he dreamed warm-colored dreams all night.

Jaime Lannister was in a hidden spot in King's Landing.

Jaime needed to investigate secretly, but he was too conspicuous during the day to hide his tracks. Only under the cover of night could he avoid others' eyes.

A bag filled with coins was thrown out by Jaime.

A shadow caught the bag, nodded, and left.

Again, pointing to the Riverlands!

Jaime had to fulfill his duties during the day and gather information at night. The continuous days of travel made him feel exhausted.

Jaime scratched his head. The more he investigated, the more confused he became.

Although Gallen had advised Jaime not to rush, Jaime wanted to eliminate the danger lurking around Cersei as soon as possible; he couldn't bear to see her harmed.

So, the sooner he could resolve this, the better.

If only the little lord was here… Jaime believed that with the information he had gathered, Gallen could surely deduce something, maybe even pinpoint the mastermind.

Perhaps due to tonight's exceptional fatigue, Jaime especially missed Gallen, who was in Highgarden.