
Song of Ice and Fire: The Iron Throne [ Dropped ]

Game of Thrones fanfiction, A Song of Ice and Fire fanfiction. Transmigration, no harem, no system, no technology. No poison, supporting characters to stay close to the original. Mainstream storyline without being too bland, with occasional satisfying moments and interspersed with epic scenes. Protagonist name: Gallen of House Crabb Starting title: Lord of Whispers Family motto: United we stand Family sigil: Marsh Marigold ////This is a translation, my fourth(?) one so far. The original author name is 双河无忧. I do not own this book or anything that is related to it and so on. The original name is 冰与火之铁王座. Go support the original author. The original book have 330 chapters so far with steady update. I've read it all to make sure it'll stay good so it won't end up like my arcane fic. I've watched the game of thrones series but I haven't read the book. Even though I search the wiki, if y'all notice any wrong terms I used, point it out so I can fix it. Well, enjoy.////

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94 Chs

-73- Big Shots

When the last banner was hung on the platform, it seemed as if the air had momentarily frozen.

Sitting high up with an indifferent expression, Gallen looked at the increasingly noisy crowd and couldn't help but note that many people here were literate.

If this were Crackclaw Point, most people wouldn't have been able to read it.

The guides and various stooges that Gallen had secretly arranged for were all unnecessary, turning into part of the atmosphere instead.

Gallen thought it was a pity; if he had more time, he could have set up an outside betting pool.


The first challenger of the second day ascended the platform amid the clamor.

Gallen noticed the family crest on his pure blue tunic featuring a flock of golden cranes.

Gallen raised an eyebrow: House Crane? House Crane was one of the Reach houses directly sworn to House Tyrell.

Gallen recalled that after Renly Baratheon declared himself king, one member of House Crane had served as the Purple Cloak in the Rainbow Guard.


Gallen placed his longsword at his side with one hand: "Let's begin, swordsman from House Crane."

The Crane swordsman said nothing and swung his sword diagonally at Gallen.


Gallen parried, and the clashing of their swords produced a sharp screech of steel.

Although Gallen's expression was serious due to the ongoing duel, internally he was critiquing.

Another hot-blooded youth with sparse sword skills.


Yesterday, for the sake of the spectacle, Gallen had ended his fights after a dozen rounds.

Today, since he had already started the first phase of mocking the Reach, he could reduce the number of rounds appropriately.

After about eight or nine rounds, Gallen suddenly increased the force of his strikes.

The Crane swordsman, having just gotten used to Gallen's previous strength, was caught off guard by the sudden increase, making his arm go numb and nearly dropping his sword.

Before the Crane swordsman could recover, Gallen's sword swiftly slashed down again.

The Crane swordsman had no choice but to grit his teeth and block.

With a clang, his sword was knocked from his hand, and Gallen's sword was at his throat.

Gallen withdrew his sword and coldly glanced at the Crane swordsman, who had fallen to the ground, before turning and leaving.

Today, there were no warm consolations from Gallen.

The Crane swordsman picked up his sword, looking dejected, and left the platform.


The second challenger was defeated within seven to eight rounds.

The third challenger was defeated within six to seven rounds.


For the subsequent challengers, Gallen kept the rounds to six or seven.

By dusk, as the red sun slowly dipped into thin clouds, Gallen stood at the center of the platform, bathed in a reddish-golden hue, the color of a true warrior.

The crowd around the platform stood with their mouths agape, all wearing expressions of astonishment.

The platform fell into a strange silence.

With a thud, the swordsman they had pinned their hopes on was knocked off the platform by Gallen with a swift strike, leaving him in a sorry state.

This swordsman was quite renowned for his swordsmanship in the Reach.

The crowd thought that although the previous challengers had lost, they had at least put up a good fight... but for someone with such a big reputation to be so weak?

A sense of being deceived brewed within the crowd.

Taking advantage of the eerie silence, Gallen spoke coldly: "We continue tomorrow."

With those words, Gallen sighed slightly, shook his head, and left the platform surrounded by blue-robed soldiers.



King's Landing, at the foot of Rhaenys's Hill, Chataya's brothel.

The two-story house had a round tower.

Many windows were leaded, and the door had a gilded lantern decorated with deep red glass.

Nimble Dick arrived at Chataya's before nightfall and called out his sister.

His sister, usually expressionless, spotted Dick from afar.

A very stiff smile appeared on her face, but as she got closer to Dick, her smile became more natural.

"Dick, did you come to see me?" Her voice was filled with delight.

Although Dick had put on new clothes, he still smelled bad.

His sister barely frowned but outwardly seemed not to mind, warmly taking Dick's arm.

"The Gold Cloak captain you introduced told me to report to the guard tomorrow."

"Don't worry, I've made all the arrangements."

Dick's eyes were evasive: "Do you think I should use a surname tomorrow?"

Dick's sister distanced herself slightly, then took his arm again, her hands trembling: "Brother, what are you planning?"

"Tomorrow, I want to use Dick Crabb. The Gold Cloaks won't look down on me as a newcomer then. I tested it with the captain, and no one should care about it. It's a very unfamiliar name, and if I'm careful..."

Dick's voice trailed off as he noticed his sister's intense trembling.

Crabb... Dick's sister thought she had completely forgotten that surname.

No, she had recently heard that name from a customer!


"What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?"

Dick's sister snapped out of her thoughts: "Dick, have you lost your mind? How... you'll be hanged for this!"

"I... I'll be careful... don't cry, I get it, I get it, I just wanted to make a name for myself quickly and get you out of here!"

"I'm doing fine!"

Dick hunched his shoulders, cautiously glancing around and relaxing only when he saw no one was paying attention.

"Don't worry, I promise not to do anything rash! Please, trust me this once!"

Dick's sister wiped her tears: "Brother, I just don't want you to die...and..."

She looked around carefully and lowered her voice: "Maybe you'll have a better place to go..."

Dick, not good at hiding his expressions, looked at her skeptically: "Are you going to tell me you've quickly climbed up to some big shot?"

Dick thought his sister's looks were only slightly above average, and her "business" couldn't have suddenly improved.

Dick's sister felt her fists clench as she looked at her brother's sharp face.

Taking a deep breath, she continued: "A close friend of mine recently served a customer..."

She whispered in her brother's ear: "A Lannister, the Imp."

"A Lan... Lannister?"

To Dick, the Gold Cloak captain his sister introduced was already a big shot!

Lannisters, the ones whose gold rains from the sky?

"I heard that the Lannister have a good friend, he have the surname Crabb, and he should still be in King's Landing."

Casual words overheard from a chat... words she hadn't thought much of, all came back to her because of Dick.



The next day, at the break of dawn.

A new banner was added to the platform.

"You call yourself a man?"