
Song of Ice and Fire: The Iron Throne [ Dropped ]

Game of Thrones fanfiction, A Song of Ice and Fire fanfiction. Transmigration, no harem, no system, no technology. No poison, supporting characters to stay close to the original. Mainstream storyline without being too bland, with occasional satisfying moments and interspersed with epic scenes. Protagonist name: Gallen of House Crabb Starting title: Lord of Whispers Family motto: United we stand Family sigil: Marsh Marigold ////This is a translation, my fourth(?) one so far. The original author name is 双河无忧. I do not own this book or anything that is related to it and so on. The original name is 冰与火之铁王座. Go support the original author. The original book have 330 chapters so far with steady update. I've read it all to make sure it'll stay good so it won't end up like my arcane fic. I've watched the game of thrones series but I haven't read the book. Even though I search the wiki, if y'all notice any wrong terms I used, point it out so I can fix it. Well, enjoy.////

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94 Chs

-64- Rose Road

In King's Landing, Queen's District.

In a house near the precinct, Leyton was talking with a robust man.

"Captain Rath, you will stay here for now. Lord Gallen will have new orders when he returns."

After receiving Gallen's raven from Whispers, the 20 soldiers of the Scouting Corps set out and arrived in King's Landing.

Rath, looking about thirty years old, was the captain of this unit.

Rath nodded, habitually scanning the surroundings: "Leyton, thank you for the welcome. What do we need to do during this time?"

Leyton moved closer to Rath and lowered his voice: "Lord Gallen needs you to get familiar with this place for now—familiarize yourselves with every house, every road."

"I'll arrange it right away."

Leyton shook his head: "We need to prepare first. King's Landing has many eyes hidden in the shadows. You also need to change clothes. We have some time so we need to plan well."

"I understand."

Leyton nodded slightly and asked, "Captain Rath, did you see my sister Karliah before you left?"

"No, we didn't. You know, our Survey Corps has always been stationed in the old lands. After receiving the deployment order, Ser Phillip chose the personnel, and we were sent out. We didn't pass by Whispers; we went straight to Mermaid Harbor."

Having been apart for some time, Leyton missed his sister.

After a pause, Rath added, "I heard that the overseer of Mermaid Harbor, Hershel, is very busy, and your sister has been helping him with many of the affairs of Whispers. I think she should be doing well, so you don't need to worry too much."

Leyton nodded slightly: "I hope so. My mother and I are both in King's Landing, and I don't feel at ease leaving her alone in the territory."

Though Rath didn't quite understand the sentiment, he shrugged in understanding.


In the southeastern part of Crabb's old lands, at the Thorn Corps camp.

Inside the captain's tent, Emer, dressed in a short robe, was sitting at a table with a serious expression, writing something.

At this moment, Reyna, with her hair in a high ponytail, entered the tent.

"Damn weather, it's so hot these days. Is it ever going to rain?"

Reyna said as she threw off her robe and tossed it aside.

Emer glanced up at a pair of exposed buns and moved her lips.

Noticing Emer's gaze, Reyna angled her body slightly, striking a pose and laughing: "I know, I know, I'm just too hot. Let me cool off for a bit. I'll be careful when others are around."

Emer's gaze returned to the table.

Reyna leaned over the table and looked down, her tone surprised: "Emer.. you!"

Emer put down the quill, her cheeks flushed.

Reyna sighed: "It must be tough for you. All morning, and you've written only a few words..."

Emer pulled the paper to the side, her tone a bit annoyed: "Don't forget, it was your idea! It's just been so long, I just can't remember how to write properly...."

Emer's words lost confidence towards the end.

Reyna nodded in agreement: "That's true. We only learned a bit from the septa when we were very young. I remember you were the best, but I forgot how long it's been."

Reyna shook her head, spreading her hands: "When we grew up, we were busy hunting every day. We had no time to spare for such matters"

Yes, exactly!

Forgetting how to write has its reasons!

Emer nodded in strong agreement.

"Sigh, it's a pity. I saw several new short swords in the Survey Corps, the perfect size for us... The blades were even sharper and definitely sturdy!"

Emer wiped the sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand: "There are only a few in the entire territory. Ser Phillip told me the blacksmiths would forge more."

"That's why I told you to write to the lord quickly! Who knows if the next batch of new swords will make it to our corps!"

"Reyna, Ser Phillip is a just knight!"

Reyna sighed again: "I know, I know, but that doesn't stop you from writing to the lord! We're constantly at war; every corps's weapons wear out quickly. No need to guess; others have already acted already to get their hands on those new equipments!"

While talking, Reyna placed her hand on Emer's shoulder: "Gosh!"

Reyna withdrew her hand and moved behind Emer: "I just realized how soaked you are right now. Lift your arm; I'll help you take off the robe."

Emer hesitated for a moment but then raised her arm, cooperating with Reyna's actions.

After helping Emer remove her robe, Reyna continued, "Where were we? Hmm... hmm... anyway, just listen to me, everyone is doing it!"

Emer moved a bit, feeling much more comfortable! She held her head in her hands, "This is harder than fighting... Reyna, the problem is, there are many things I can't write!"

Such matters are hard to ask others for help with.

Emer decided in her mind that the next time she went to Whispers, she would recruit a sister who could write!

Reyna crossed her arms, her eyes turning as she suddenly said, "If you can't write something, you can draw it!"

Emer blinked, "Draw?"

Emer thought Reyna's idea was terrible. Drawing is an even more advanced skill. With her drawing skills, even White Walkers wouldn't understand what she was depicting! Seeing Reyna so excited about her idea, Emer, unable to think of a better solution at the moment, hesitated.

Why not give it a try?


The day before the royal hunt ended, Gallen left the camp with his guards quietly.

After Gallen left, the hunting camp's security was taken over by Jamie.

Gallen set off in the morning and entered the Rose Road near noon.

Near the Rose Road, Gallen found Rosell and others waiting to join him.

Gallen noticed that Rosell seemed much more spirited than the last time they met.

"Good day, my lord."

Gallen nodded slightly, "Rosell, how did you find the prices?"

"My lord, the grain prices in King's Landing are the easiest. After receiving your orders, I quickly organized the information. On the way out of King's Landing, I continued to gather information as I went. My face is unfamiliar here; they have one price for acquaintances and another for strangers. I'm not sure if the information I gathered is reliable."

"This is sufficient. These are exactly what I needed."

Gallen's purpose was just to get a general idea of the price fluctuations between the north and the south.

Gallen pulled on the reins and shouted, "Let's move out!"