
Song of Ice and Fire: The Iron Throne [ Dropped ]

Game of Thrones fanfiction, A Song of Ice and Fire fanfiction. Transmigration, no harem, no system, no technology. No poison, supporting characters to stay close to the original. Mainstream storyline without being too bland, with occasional satisfying moments and interspersed with epic scenes. Protagonist name: Gallen of House Crabb Starting title: Lord of Whispers Family motto: United we stand Family sigil: Marsh Marigold ////This is a translation, my fourth(?) one so far. The original author name is 双河无忧. I do not own this book or anything that is related to it and so on. The original name is 冰与火之铁王座. Go support the original author. The original book have 330 chapters so far with steady update. I've read it all to make sure it'll stay good so it won't end up like my arcane fic. I've watched the game of thrones series but I haven't read the book. Even though I search the wiki, if y'all notice any wrong terms I used, point it out so I can fix it. Well, enjoy.////

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94 Chs

-54- Beauty will be your most powerful weapon

Lancel revitalized with a youthful smile: "Rest assured, I'll remember your kind words. Lord Tyrion also said something similar to me, he told me that growing up is ultimately a kind of happiness!"

Gallen patted Lancel's shoulder again and sat back in his chair. "I've arranged for you to be in the guard behind the Queen's carriage. I believe that's exactly where you want to be."

Lancel blinked: "Can I still serve as a guard? What about what you said earlier?"

Gallen spread his hands: "Earlier, I was speaking as your friend, offering comfort. I believe you've taken it to heart. Now, I'm still your friend, helping you fulfill a small wish."

Lancel's eyes sparkled: "Lord Gallen, you're too kind to me, consider this me owing you a favor. I promise I will not let you down!"

Hearing Lancel's oath-like promise, Gallen smiled.


The morning sun bathed King's Landing in golden light.

Today marked the departure of the royal hunting party. Queen Cersei would depart from the Red Keep, passing through the Queen's District, and exiting King's Landing through the Lion's Gate.

Outside the Lion's Gate, Queen Cersei would personally greet noblewomen from King's Landing and the northern regions of the Crownlands who were participating in the royal hunt. After the greetings, the hunting party would officially depart south towards the Kingswood.

Noblewomen from the southern regions of the Crownlands would join the queen's hunting party along the way, according to their estates' locations.

Some noblewomen from remote regions would not converge with the queen's hunting party but head directly to the Kingswood.


Clad in silver armor with a blue cloak, Gallen stood alongside the Lannister red cloaks and the gold cloaks, neatly arranged next to the opulent carriage, awaiting Queen Cersei's arrival.

Under Gallen's command, there were a total of 764 guards responsible for the royal hunt, including 63 in House Crabb's blue cloaks, 201 in Lannister red cloaks (including Lancel), and 500 gold cloaks.

Noblewomen attending the royal hunt would bring their own family guards.


With a loud proclamation of the Queen's arrival, Cersei, accompanied by Princess Myrcella, wearing a crown, appeared before the crowd.

The jeweled crown on the queen's head sparkled in the sunlight.

The royal hunt had a somewhat exclusive male departure, with only accompanying guards and attendants, excluding other male nobles. Hence, Queen Cersei left Joffrey and Tommen behind at the Red Keep.


Gallen and his group bowed as Queen Cersei approached.

With his head slightly lowered, Gallen noticed the queen's gaze lingering on him.

After a brief moment, Queen Cersei spoke: "Lord Gallen, you've done well."

Upon hearing the queen's praise, Gallen looked up, but she had already turned away.

Gallen pondered the reason for Queen Cersei's sudden praise.

Princess Myrcella turned to look at Gallen, meeting his gaze with a cheerful smile.

Understanding the princess's silent message, Gallen nodded slightly and shifted his gaze away.

So Cersei's praise was because of Myrcella.

Gallen pondered, it seems the queen was satisfied with his way of standing up for the little princess.


Gallen straightened up and immediately spotted Jaime Lannister following behind Queen Cersei.

Today, Jaime was not clad in his usual armor but wore a wine-red robe embroidered with roaring lions and black leather boots. A breeze tousled his bright golden hair.

Without his armor, Jaime seemed less imposing but more handsome.

Jaime cast a sidelong glance at Gallen as he passed.

Ignoring Jaime's warning gaze, Gallen inwardly scorned him for dressing so flamboyantly. Did he think this was a leisure outing?

Leisure outing? Gallen seemed to latch onto something.

Gallen felt confident in his decision to assign all nighttime guard duties for Queen Cersei to the Lannister red cloaks.


Once Queen Cersei and Princess Myrcella boarded the carriage, Gallen waved to signal the others behind to return to their positions.

Wearing his golden armor, Lancel smiled as he approached with Gallen's horse, while the attendant Martil looked on with resignation.

After mounting his horse, Gallen took the reins from Lancel: "Once we're outside the city, you won't need to follow the queen's carriage anymore. Stay behind and keep an eye out for any issues. Report to me immediately if you find anything."

After hearing Gallen's clear instructions, Lancel nodded enthusiastically and left happily.


Seeing the preparations for departure were complete, Gallen ordered some of the gold cloaks to lead the way, clearing the path for the procession.

After giving the command, Gallen shook the reins and rode to the queen's carriage, announcing: "Your Grace, everything is ready."

Cersei's cold voice came through: "Let's depart."


The gold cloaks led the way smoothly, and the procession progressed without a hitch.

As the sun rose high in the sky, the royal hunting party entered the Queen's District.

Cheers erupted like waves as Queen Cersei's carriage appeared.

Inside the carriage, Myrcella looked out the window, delighted: "Mother, they really adore you!"

Facing her daughter's admiring gaze, Cersei lifted her chin slightly, lips curling: "You'll be just like me someday."

Myrcella shook her head: "Mother, look, you're amazing. Father couldn't command such love, and neither could I."

Though Cersei felt pleased by the adoration of the Queen's District, she didn't deign to give them a single glance.

What use was the love of these commoners?

Cersei hadn't forgotten the rumors and slander from the Queen's District's people. If she hadn't decisively handed them over to Lord Gallen, who knows what would have happened?

Now things were just back to normal, she was a Lannister lioness, it is only natural to be adored by the flock.


Queen Cersei lowered her head to look at Myrcella.

Cersei's delicate hand gently stroked Myrcella's golden curls: "Myrcella, your beauty will be your most powerful weapon in the future."

Myrcella looked up at Cersei with a puzzled expression.

Cersei leaned down and kissed Myrcella's forehead: "In time, I will teach you."