
Song of Ice and Fire: The Iron Throne [ Dropped ]

Game of Thrones fanfiction, A Song of Ice and Fire fanfiction. Transmigration, no harem, no system, no technology. No poison, supporting characters to stay close to the original. Mainstream storyline without being too bland, with occasional satisfying moments and interspersed with epic scenes. Protagonist name: Gallen of House Crabb Starting title: Lord of Whispers Family motto: United we stand Family sigil: Marsh Marigold ////This is a translation, my fourth(?) one so far. The original author name is 双河无忧. I do not own this book or anything that is related to it and so on. The original name is 冰与火之铁王座. Go support the original author. The original book have 330 chapters so far with steady update. I've read it all to make sure it'll stay good so it won't end up like my arcane fic. I've watched the game of thrones series but I haven't read the book. Even though I search the wiki, if y'all notice any wrong terms I used, point it out so I can fix it. Well, enjoy.////

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94 Chs

-46- Flat-bottomed ship

King's Landing, Afternoon.

As Gallen entered the courtyard with Mordin and Anguy, they encountered a sturdy young man in a blue robe.

Upon spotting Gallen, the young man approached eagerly and knelt down, saying, "Lord Gallen."

Gallen gestured for Mayson to rise, a smile appearing on his face. "Mayson, are you well enough to be out here?"

Embarrassed, the 22-year-old Mayson scratched the back of his head. "I finally have a son. My father has been away, and I couldn't wait. I asked Hershel to send me on a merchant ship. I followed the address Hershel provided and arrived just now."

Martill Beck is the firstborn son of the knight Mayson Beck, who serves House Crabb. The Beck family has a strict rule: the eldest son cannot participate in battles or travel far from home until he has a son of his own.

According to rumors, this rule was deliberately set by House Crabb's ancestors for their vassal knights. Similarly, House Crabb's other vassal knight, Phillip Rally's family, also has the same rule.

Under Ser Mayson's arrangement, he spent seven years working tirelessly to fulfill his family's duty and earn his freedom.

Gallen understood Mayson's eagerness to leave after the birth of his son. House Crabb's ancestors did a great job!

Gallen patted Mayson's sturdy shoulder. "Welcome, Mayson. From now on, you will be my attendant, responsible for caring for my steed and managing my bows and arrows."

Suppressing his excitement, Mayson knelt again. "I swear to uphold the Beck family's generational tradition, to serve you faithfully until death. I swear in the name of the Old and New Gods."

Following House Crabb's tradition, Gallen rested his hands on his sword and solemnly said, "You will always have a place by my hearth, and there will always be food and wine on my table for you. I swear in the name of the Old and New Gods."


Anguy watched with envy and asked Mordin in a low voice, "Can I sworn allegiance to Lord Gallen now?"

Mordin blinked his eyes, lacking the light of intelligence. "Not yet. Haven't you seen the lord's rules? Unless under special circumstances, only after serving the lord for three years and based on past merits can one qualify to swear allegiance to the lord individually. I'm not in a hurry."

Anguy scratched his head sheepishly. "I'm not very literate... Wait, are you literate?"

The simple-minded Mordin looked somewhat proud. "My mother taught me. No learning, no food."

Anguy's expression darkened for a moment, but he quickly regained his composure. "What counts as a special circumstance?"

Mordin replied, "Like him? Like Mayson's family, they have been loyal to the lord's family for hundreds of years, starting from their ancestors."

Hundreds of years? That's really beyond comparison. Anguy's mood instantly plummeted.

Mordin comforted him. "The most important thing in the first three years is obedience, obeying every command of the lord. It's just about being obedient, I think it's too simple."

When Mordin was young, if he didn't obey his mother, he would go hungry. For Mordin, obedience was a very familiar and comforting word.

Mordin continued, "After three years, you qualify to swear allegiance to the lord. After swearing allegiance, if you achieve great feats in the future, the lord may even knight you. I specifically asked, even bastards can be knighted. I also have the chance to become a knight, heheh!"

In Mordin's words, Anguy saw a very clear path to promotion.

I can also be knighted? Anguy's momentary disappointment turned into excitement.

"Yeah, by the way..."

Mayson suddenly remembered something and said, "I remembered another special circumstance, Em... Emer, the commander of the Thorn Corps, she swore allegiance to the lord on the first day."

Anguy's interest peaked. "A woman by the name of Emer? How did she manage that?"

Mayson wore a simple expression. "She's strong, everyone says she's formidable, the first female commander in the lord's domain."

Anguy wondered aloud, "Are the women of Whispers all that formidable?"

With his beast-like intuition, Mordin replied with a hint of cunning, "Some are special?"

Well, it's normal for some women to be special. Anguy nodded in agreement.

Women of Whispers, hmm, Spearwife, just a bit stronger, fiercer, and more ruthless, but otherwise quite good!

Mordin, who always had a simple expression, nodded along with Anguy.

Mordin felt like he should change the subject. "Anguy, you're very skilled. Don't worry, you'll have a chance too."

Anguy expressed his gratitude. "Mordin, I believe so. I didn't expect you to know so much. I'll ask you for advice in the future."

Mordin grinned. "I have very good hearing since I was young. I can hear a lot when everyone's eating."

Anguy first looked impressed, then said, "You have to teach me to read. I can give you all my liquor in the future"

Mordin shook his big head. "No problem, I like working with you. I'm happy to help you. You like wine, no need to share with me. Learning to read will help you memorize the lord's rules, which is really important."

Between Mordin and Anguy, there blossomed a certain flower.

Ahem, the flower of friendship!


Leading Gallen's steed, Mayson hesitated for a while before speaking to Gallen. "My lord, do you remember the merchant named Jeffries?"

Jeffries is a moderately successful merchant who owns two 100-foot flat-bottomed sailing ships. He mainly trades along the coast of the Blackwater Bay and has had several leather transactions with Whispers.

Gallen took note of the expensive fare and nodded.

"My lord, I boarded Jeffries' ship this time as well. On the first night of the journey, we encountered pirates. Although the royal patrol ships of the Blackwater Bay arrived in time to prevent major losses, Jeffries was struck by an arrow in the abdomen. His injuries are severe, and he may not last long."

Stannis Baratheon, the Lord of Dragonstone, is King Robert Baratheon's younger brother and serves as the Master of Ships.

Stannis Baratheon is serious and stern, meticulous in upholding the law, and never compromises. Under the jurisdiction of Master of Ships Stannis Baratheon, the royal fleet dares not relax their patrols in the Blackwater Bay and other sea areas.

But the vast sea, there are always some daring and cunning pirates who evade the royal fleet and take risks to enter the Blackwater Bay, which is most valued by Master of Ships Stannis Baratheon.

Gallen's heart stirred, and his brown eyes shifted towards Mayson.

"After I boarded the ship, Jeffries knew my identity and treated me warmly, saying he greatly respected you, my lord."