
Song of Ice and Fire: The Iron Throne [ Dropped ]

Game of Thrones fanfiction, A Song of Ice and Fire fanfiction. Transmigration, no harem, no system, no technology. No poison, supporting characters to stay close to the original. Mainstream storyline without being too bland, with occasional satisfying moments and interspersed with epic scenes. Protagonist name: Gallen of House Crabb Starting title: Lord of Whispers Family motto: United we stand Family sigil: Marsh Marigold ////This is a translation, my fourth(?) one so far. The original author name is 双河无忧. I do not own this book or anything that is related to it and so on. The original name is 冰与火之铁王座. Go support the original author. The original book have 330 chapters so far with steady update. I've read it all to make sure it'll stay good so it won't end up like my arcane fic. I've watched the game of thrones series but I haven't read the book. Even though I search the wiki, if y'all notice any wrong terms I used, point it out so I can fix it. Well, enjoy.////

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94 Chs

-39- This is the last time

When Gallen was waiting outside the outer wall, he analyzed Petyr's political path.

Jon Arryn, Lord of the Eyrie, was already the Warden of the Vale and, through his alliance with House Tully, influenced the Riverlands, while the Lord of Winterfell in the North was his ward.

Jon Arryn alone could directly or indirectly control the Vale, the Riverlands, and the North.

In the original series, Petyr first facilitated the marriage between King Joffrey and Margaery Tyrell, successfully forming an alliance between the Lannisters and the Tyrells.

As a reward, Petyr was titled the Lord of Harrenhal, becoming the governor of the Riverlands.

In the second step, Petyr revealed to Tywin Lannister the plan of the Tyrells to secretly take Sansa Stark to Highgarden, marrying her to Willas Tyrell, giving Tywin enough time to marry Sansa to Tyrion.

Thus, with Tywin Lannister's support, Petyr, as the Lord of Harrenhal, married Lysa Tully without shedding blood, bringing the Vale under his control.

The third step was to go to the North to help Sansa Stark gain power in the North.

Petyr's path was to plot the power of the Vale, the Riverlands, and the North.

Petyr's power achievements overlapped with those of Jon Arryn, so is Petyr a imitator or an admirer of Jon Arryn?


Gallen spoke calmly, sending shivers down Petyr's spine. "Lord Baelish, do you like gambling? Personally, I'm not very fond of it."

Petyr shook his head, his smile tinged with unease.

Gallen continued, "If someone were to die in this room tonight, I bet I wouldn't be in trouble. I could safely return to Whispers and continue to enjoy the glory of nobility."

Suddenly, Petyr understood why others called House Crabb "Half-Wild" nobles.

They were too barbaric, not following the rules of the game at all.

Thinking this, Petyr felt not panic but fear in his heart.

I might die tonight....

How could he see through me? He's too young to have that kind of ability.

Yes, Tyrion, it must be Tyrion, that Lannister dwarf!

Petyr remembered when his servant replied after seeing Tyrion with Gallen.

And the intelligence about where I stayed tonight... Petyr secretly cursed the meddlesome Tyrion, all those who didn't abide by the rules of the game!


Petyr's gray-green eyes flickered. "Lord Gallen, I think there has been a great misunderstanding between us due to the slander of villains. In fact, I have always harbored goodwill towards you, and together we are a strong alliance!"

To boost his confidence, Petyr leaned back against the chair. "You and I, we actually have a lot in common, and we should have even greater power."

Unmoved, Gallen continued . "The ancestors of House Crabb taught me that a thousand schemes are not as good as one direct sword."

Bitterness filled Petyr's heart. This savage man wasn't listening to my words at all.

With one leg propped up against the chair, Gallen continued, "Lord Baelish, we are different. The ancestors of House Crabb spent hundreds of years of bloodshed to make our house into a military nobility, and I have inherited all of this."

Petyr forced a smile.

Gallen suddenly said, "Anguy, there's a wine jug on that table. It's wine from Arbor. Pour us a cup."

Petyr suddenly felt relieved, the heavy atmosphere from before dissipated.

This made Petyr even more wary of Gallen's youthful face.

Anguy, with an innocent look, poured a cup of Arbor Gold for Gallen and Petyr, very politely and respectfully.

Gallen raised his cup towards Petyr, whose face was still a bit stiff, and took a sip of the wine.

The soft and fragrant Arbor Gold flowed in, calming Petyr quite a bit. "So, Lord Gallen, could you tell me your purpose?"

Gallen lightly waved his hand. "You are a big shot, I am a insignificant person."

Gallen stopped Petyr's insincere flattery, gently tapping the wine glass with his finger. "My ambition is too small. I have no interest in the politics of big shots, nor do I want to get involved. There should be no conflict between us, do you understand?"

The sudden change in Gallen's eyes in the last moment made Petyr feel a chill.

Petyr nodded stiffly.

Gallen stood up from his chair, his face filled with warmth. "Please forgive my impudence in visiting tonight. Tomorrow morning, I have to meet with the Hand of the King. Whispers advocates peace, so please help me persuade Lord Arryn."

Petyr felt Gallen let go of his murderous intent, finally breathing a sigh of relief.

To prevent any further changes, Petyr said, "As I said, we are already friends, and I am very willing to help my friends."

Gallen nodded and took his leave. "If you don't mind, I'll take the front door."

Petyr had already resumed his usual composure and elegance on the surface, picking up the bell on the bedside and shaking it.

After the bell rang, a gentle knock came from the door soon after.

Gallen, who had already taken a few steps, suddenly turned around, approached Petyr again, and pulled open Petyr's robe. Petyr's pupils contracted but he remained motionless with rationality.

The dagger in Gallen's hand drew a cold light, leaving a line on Petyr's chest about a foot long.

The wound left by the dagger was very shallow, and Petyr didn't even feel any pain.

Warm blood flowed from Petyr's chest along the line left by the dagger, instantly staining a large area red.

"This is the last time."

Gallen opened the door and calmly instructed Petyr's servant outside to lead the way.

Petyr didn't like his servants being curious. Although his servant saw Petyr had no other instructions and was puzzled, he didn't dare to ask more questions and respectfully led Gallen out.

After Gallen left for quite a while, Petyr, who had been standing still, finally sat down, his gray-green eyes deep.

Gallen's skills were quite exquisite. Looking at the blood flow, the wound was actually very shallow, and the bleeding had stopped.

After Gallen left, Petyr, who had always been expressionless, showed a complex smile.


The next morning, Red Keep, near Maegor's Holdfast.

Tyrion lazily yawned.

Jaime glanced at the slightly brightening sky with a helpless expression.

Cersei had been a bit too enthusiastic yesterday, and Jaime had spent a lot of energy. He had been called by Tyrion early in the morning and had to force himself to stay awake.

Jaime asked, "Where did you go yesterday?"

Tyrion, half-awake, replied weakly, "I drank with the little lord all night, then I went to Shataya's brothel, Jenny, Elarya, Donna, they were all too enthusiastic, hmm, I slept for less than two hours."

Jaime chuckled, "After tossing and turning all night, you should rest properly. Why did you come to me early in the morning?"