
Song of Ice and Fire: The Iron Throne [ Dropped ]

Game of Thrones fanfiction, A Song of Ice and Fire fanfiction. Transmigration, no harem, no system, no technology. No poison, supporting characters to stay close to the original. Mainstream storyline without being too bland, with occasional satisfying moments and interspersed with epic scenes. Protagonist name: Gallen of House Crabb Starting title: Lord of Whispers Family motto: United we stand Family sigil: Marsh Marigold ////This is a translation, my fourth(?) one so far. The original author name is 双河无忧. I do not own this book or anything that is related to it and so on. The original name is 冰与火之铁王座. Go support the original author. The original book have 330 chapters so far with steady update. I've read it all to make sure it'll stay good so it won't end up like my arcane fic. I've watched the game of thrones series but I haven't read the book. Even though I search the wiki, if y'all notice any wrong terms I used, point it out so I can fix it. Well, enjoy.////

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94 Chs

-35- Appearance is also a kind of combat power

House Lannister's members all knew that Tywin Lannister, favored Jaime Lannister the most.

Jaime's outstanding abilities further elevated his status within House Lannister.

Tywin Lannister had always been indifferent towards Tyrion, and regardless of Tywin's attitude towards Tyrion, it was difficult for people to like him just by looking at Tyrion's dwarf appearance. Some even look down on him, even though he's a Lannister.

Despite all of this, with Jaime's love and protection, the members of House Lannister at least maintained a superficial respect for Tyrion.

Lancel Lannister was no exception.

However, today, Lancel witnessed Tyrion slap Prince Joffrey in order to defend himself.

Lancel's feelings towards his cousin Tyrion changed from polite respect to admiration.

Lancel blinked his eyes, and his gaze towards Tyrion was filled with gratitude and admiration.

Lancel's gaze was naturally intense, and Tyrion, experiencing a similar situation to Gallen, couldn't help but shiver under Lancel's sparkling eyes.

Tyrion avoided Lancel's gaze and patted his thigh. "Let's go, let's leave and find the Little Lord. They've been preparing smoked beef since early this morning, and beef goes best with summerwine."

Lancel remembered the scene of heads rolling and couldn't shake off the creeping horror in his heart.

Could he still eat meat? Lancel swallowed the churning in his stomach and thought that Gallen and the others were too strong-willed.

Lancel cautiously glanced in the direction Prince Joffrey had left, seeing that there was still no one around, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief and followed Tyrion. "Lord Tyrion, should we tell Ser Jaime about this?"

Tyrion shrugged. "Jaime is discussing matters with Cersei. I don't want to disturb her at this time, my dear sister would love an excuse to punish me."

Tyrion reassured him, "You should calm down. I'm sure nothing will happen. We should think more about tonight's banquet."

Lancel felt that Tyrion made sense; he was indeed in a panic.

Tyrion said as he walked, "Lancel, don't just dwell on the horror you saw at the execution ground. You should think more about why Gallen acted that way. Perhaps you can learn something useful from his behavior."

Learn from Lord Gallen's cruelty?

Suddenly, Lannister felt that the battlefield might not be as glorious as he imagined. The numbers in the books and what he saw with his own eyes were completely different.

It's too gruesome, the battlefield must be even more bloody.

Perhaps my father saw early on that I wasn't suitable for the battlefield, which is why he kept me away from the army.

Tyrion continued, "You're too focused on the bloody scenes you saw on the execution ground, but I have to tell you, all of this ultimately belongs to the means of governance."

"Gallen is one of the few nobles I know who values commoners. Perhaps it's innate talent. He has already understood the essence of power at such a young age."

"Oh, really?"

"Later, don't just focus on drinking and having fun. You can learn a lot from Gallen about governance. This knowledge will be helpful for your future journey."

Lancel snapped out of his thoughts and nodded. "I understand, Lord Tyrion."

Tyrion suddenly became worried about the future of House Lannister.

Jaime was too emotional, and among the Lannisters who had brains, only Tywin and himself remained.

Well, there was also Uncle Kevan.

Three brains might just be enough, because House Lannister had plenty of gold.


King's Landing, Queen's District, a certain alley.

Mordin Waters raised his warhammer high, charging forward and swinging it fiercely, the sound of bones shattering echoing around.

Anguy carefully adjusted his blue robe, picked up his bow, nocked an arrow, pulled the bowstring taut, and with a swift motion, the arrow pierced the neck of a burly man in the distance.

Mordin's warhammer smashed another enemy's head, splattering thick red everywhere.

Mordin and Anguy silently competed; for every enemy Mordin crushed, Anguy swiftly shot another.

As Mordin's shield moved, it blocked a sword thrust from an enemy perfectly.

The enemy whose sword thrust was blocked by Mordin's shield, his hands numbed, watched helplessly as the warhammer came down, smashing his head.

Only two enemies remained out of a dozen.

Mordin briefly gathered his strength and charged forward, shield bashing one and swinging his hammer, leaving two bloody puddles behind.

Mordin panted heavily, sitting down on a rock, pulling down the visor of his helmet. "Anguy, I got one more, heh heh."

When Mordin charged, Anguy guessed his plan and reluctantly put away his bow.

Anguy frowned as he walked, avoiding the blood stains on the ground; his new brown leather boots remained pristine.

Mordin stared dumbfounded at Anguy's actions, saying, "Anguy, your clothes and boots will get dirty sooner or later."

Anguy walked to Mordin's side and carefully checked his boots again. "Mordin, don't worry about me. This is the first time I've worn such nice robes. And these soft leather boots, do you know how comfortable they are when I walk? I really love them.

By the seven, you don't understand. In my mind, only nobles can dress like this, and this robe is actually a soldier robe."

The soldier's blue robe of House Crabb, compared to the clothes of nobles, was several levels lower in dyeing craftsmanship and materials. Mainly because Anguy's knowledge was not enough, it was a beautiful misunderstanding.

Appearance is also a kind of combat power, Gallen attaches great importance to the appearance and uniformity of soldiers' clothing.

Born a commoner, later living like a wandering mercenary, this was the first time Anguy had worn such formal and good-looking clothes.

Mordin, silly saying, "Everyone came like this. It'll take a while to get used to it. We used to wear gray robes, and only recently switched to blue."

Anguy scratched the back of his head, embarrassedly saying, "I might take a little longer to get used to it."

Seeing Anguy interested in these clothes, Mordin said again, "Let's kill a few more today, move faster, there aren't many mercenaries sneaking in. Because you're the Lord's personal guard, if you perform well today, you might get a cloak embroidered with House Crabb's emblem early."

Anguy's eyes lit up. "I haven't seen it before. Do you have it?"

Mordin nodded.

Anguy was puzzled. "Why haven't I seen your cloak?"

Mordin chuckled and replied, "I'm afraid of damaging it. Unless there's an order, I'm not willing to wear it."

Agreeing, Anguy nodded, "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go! As you said, there aren't many people in total."

"Yeah, I heard Leyton say there are only a hundred. Not enough for us to share."

"Right, it affects my performance. Um... what does the cloak look like? Can I see yours when we get back?"

Mordin put away his warhammer. "It's blue, with marsh marigold embroidered on it. The flower is quite large. If you like mine, you can borrow it first."

"Then I'll treat you to a drink? Oh, I'm broke now. Let's wait until we get paid."

"Just kill a few more, after the fight, we can trade heads for drinks, and money too."

"What money? Of course, drinks always comes first!"