
Song of Ice and Fire: The Iron Throne [ Dropped ]

Game of Thrones fanfiction, A Song of Ice and Fire fanfiction. Transmigration, no harem, no system, no technology. No poison, supporting characters to stay close to the original. Mainstream storyline without being too bland, with occasional satisfying moments and interspersed with epic scenes. Protagonist name: Gallen of House Crabb Starting title: Lord of Whispers Family motto: United we stand Family sigil: Marsh Marigold ////This is a translation, my fourth(?) one so far. The original author name is 双河无忧. I do not own this book or anything that is related to it and so on. The original name is 冰与火之铁王座. Go support the original author. The original book have 330 chapters so far with steady update. I've read it all to make sure it'll stay good so it won't end up like my arcane fic. I've watched the game of thrones series but I haven't read the book. Even though I search the wiki, if y'all notice any wrong terms I used, point it out so I can fix it. Well, enjoy.////

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94 Chs

-18- Semi-Military Farming Estates

Bernarr Brune of Dyre Den served as squire to Ser Alyn Stokeworth, who once served as Hand of the King to King Aegon I.

During the Battle of the Ruby Ford in the War of the Usurper, House Crabb and Brune of Crackclaw Point fought side by side with Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, shedding blood together.

Both were exemplary loyalists of the dragon house, deeply trusted confidants.

Life under the new Baratheon dynasty was miserable for everyone. Misery within misery.


Perched atop towering cliffs, the sturdy gates of Dyre Den, estimated to be over 40 meters high, remained tightly shut. Gallen decisively abandoned the plan to seige it.

Capturing a well-defended castle through conventional siege methods would exact too high a toll, Gallen felt. The road to supremacy inevitably involves sieges, but without dragons, Gallen needed to prepare more unconventional methods and strategies for sieging castles.

Gallen was not prepared for a siege of Dyre Den at this time. He would seize the opportunity if it arose, but would also promptly abandon the effort if it did not.

Gallen consoled himself, "We're all poor lords; why make things difficult for one another?"


"When your enemies defy you, you must serve them steel and fire. When they go to their knees, however, you must help them back to their feet. Elsewise no man will ever bend the knee to you."

Recalling these words from memory, Gallen turned to Ser Mason. "Mason, I leave it to you. The ransom for House Brune's captives will follow the usual rules. In consideration of our past comradeship under House Targaryen, we'll make an exception this time, but it's a warning: there won't be a next time."

Ser Mason nodded in obedience.

Gallen then quietly instructed Ser Phillip, "Escort the captives to Emer. Your reconnaissance unit will stay behind to continue striking at the wildling tribes, especially those friendly with House Brune. Destroy their settlements as before, relocating their populations. House Crabb's former lands need many farmers."

The semi-military farming estates planned by Gallen would soon be implemented by Ser Mason in the recently reclaimed lands.

As time passed, these semi-military farming estates would spread across all arable lands in the eastern part of Crackclaw Point.

"As you command, my lord."

Gallen nodded in acknowledgment and continued, "The main force of the wildling tribes near the old lands has been crushed by us, and there won't be any fierce resistance. However, I still demand caution in every battle. Recruit skilled hunters into your unit while waging war. This is a rare opportunity for training."

Ser Phillip replied, "As you wish, my lord. But about House Brune..."

Gallen flicked the reins, urging his horse to move in another direction, with Ser Phillip following suit.

As they rode side by side, Gallen said to Ser Phillip, "When I talk to you, I feel at ease. Yes, we lost this time, but House Brune won't submit to me. For a while, House Crabb's old lands won't harbor any power capable of threatening us. It's a good time for us to consolidate our gains. Also..."

"Except for the 20 warhorses I've selected to take back with me, I'll allocate the remaining horses to you. The reconnaissance unit needs speed."

Gallen glanced again at Dyre Den. "House Crabb's footsteps must not stop. We need to keep raiding to support the populations of our new and old territories. We've expanded too quickly, and the farmland can't support too many people."

"The only nobleman in eastern Crackclaw Point who can still cause trouble for us is House Brune, and I won't tolerate that. One Crabb is enough to rule over eastern Crackclaw Point."

"Mason will stay behind to oversee the development of the old lands. I'll order him to cooperate with your conquests. Start by conquering the wildling tribes friendly with House Brune, one by one. I want you to blockade House Brune, making it difficult for them to move until they submit or disappear."

A smile played on Gallen's lips as he patted Ser Phillip's shoulder. "I'm about to head to King's Landing. I'm not good at multitasking, so I'll rely on you. Luckily, you're here. Your loyalty and ability have always been my greatest comfort."

"Ser Phillip, for the glory of House Crabb."

Ser Phillip solemnly placed his hand on his chest and bowed, "My sword will serve you forever!"


Mordin Water, carrying a large shield on his back and a warhammer at his waist, was chewing on smoked sausage.

Beside him, Reyna sighed helplessly. "Mordin, don't you ever get full? How can you keep eating like that?"

Mordin Water replied with a simple smile, "Oh, I was always hungry before. Since following the lord, things have gotten so much better. I don't feel hungry anymore."

Reyna rolled her beautiful eyes at Mordin. "You're still so fat even though you never got enough to eat!"

Mordin Water scratched the back of his head. "Heh heh..."

Reyna's eyes gleamed mischievously as she teased, "Mordin, if you keep eating like this... be careful of getting punished by the lord."

Mordin widened his eyes, lacking the intelligence to understand fully. "Th-this... I know I have a big appetite. Should I go to the lord and confess?"

Reyna first snickered, then couldn't help but burst into laughter, leaving Mordin even more bewildered.

Fortunately, Gallen's voice came in time, "Mordin, Reyna is teasing you."

Gallen approached, lightly tapping Reyna's head. "He takes everything seriously."

Reyna cried out in pain, holding her head and crouching down, while Gallen nonchalantly glanced at his own hand.

Mordin suddenly exclaimed, "My lord! Reyna isn't really hurt! She's faking it! I saw her! Just now, she smirked! I saw it!"

Mordin Water had good intuition and felt from the first day he joined Gallen's camp that military discipline was closely related to his future.

For Mordin Water, Gallen was the first person who didn't mind his large appetite and was the one who no longer let him go hungry.

Chewing on food incessantly, Mordin exerted himself to memorize the rules with his not-too-bright brain.

He had been momentarily tricked by the cunning Reyna, but now Mordin Water finally realized that overeating didn't violate military regulations, so naturally, he had to "retaliate."

Mordin Water stomped his feet mercilessly, exposing Reyna's deception, his large belly undulating like a meat wave.

How did this guy suddenly become smarter?

Reyna pleaded 'miserably', "Lord Gallen, I beg for forgiveness... I..."

Mordin scratched his head, realizing he might have gone too far with his retaliation?

Gallen waved his hand helplessly, "Go on, get Mordin some more food, and he'll forgive you right away."



King's Landing, a corridor in the Red Keep.

Tyrion Lannister sat on the marble railing by the corridor, his short legs swinging back and forth.

Tyrion held a wine cup in his hand, which seemed to never leave his grasp, his face flushed from drinking. "My dear brother, think of something pleasant. You worry too much. Sometimes I suspect your affection for our sister isn't normal."

Jaime Lannister couldn't help but glance once more in the direction of Cersei's room, heaved a long sigh, and then sat on the railing as well, his handsome face still showing traces of anger. "King Robert, he has forgotten his honor. I've lost count of how many times he has harmed Cersei."

Tyrion shuffled closer to Jaime, reaching out to pat his arm. "You have to understand why I stopped you. If you get involved, it will only make things worse."

Jaime rubbed his face with both hands in frustration. "Tyrion, you're always the clever and rational one."

Tyrion's gaze was deep, his tone unusually serious. "Our sister always thinks of herself as a Tywin Lannister with tits, but she falls far short. Putting aside everything else, Father has always been as cold and ruthless as a great glacier, while Cersei is like a wildfire when her emotions flare up. Our king and queen are like two raging fires. The slightest touch sets them ablaze."

Jaime sighed deeply once again. "I just want Cersei to live happily."