
son of the mountain you stole my heart

WARNING: MATURE CONTENT AHEAD. "Now that I have tasted the serenity of laying my head on your masculine chest, no one can shove me away from you my king. we're entrapped to each other my King ... come with me tonight...let me feed you the honey from my mother land...let me reveal to you the fertile untilled land which no man has ever set their feet upon.. for it has been hiden from them for many a days...it is only for you till your highness..." Sheshije, a young maiden from the ukadama kingdom is forced by her greedy for power farther to mary Kodawa, the crown prince. Who is considered arrogant and evil by nearly every person in the kingdom... While being the damsel in distress she meets her knight in shining armor. Seghete who introduced himself to her as a hunter... due to reasons best known to fate.. the two end up falling in love at the very first day they met. Sheshije's father and the crown prince try their best to stop the mighty bond that was drastically sprouting between the two... Shock grips them all after finding out that Seghete is actually not a hunter but the only son of the great Tubheta emperor! SON OF THE MOUNTAIN YOU STOLE MY HEART. Is a novel beautifully painted with romance and a little potions of the taveta culture. One finds it hard to put it down once they start reading.. it has a fair portion of explicit mature content which may not be good for younger readers.. or anyone who feels uncomfortable with the content..

Joy_Rayasi · Fantasy
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17 Chs

chapter 2: striken by her beauty

The sun was slightly over head, Sheshije was happily singing while scrubbing her legs gently against the smooth stones which laid peacefully along the Izumo stream.

She had finished washing her clothes a while ago and she was buying sometime for them to dry, wet clothes were heavy to carry.

She was planning to run away from home the next day, very early before the second cock wakes the village women to get prepared to milk their cows and goats.

Thinking about her dear mother and how she will react the moment she finds her gone...streams of tears flowed down her cheeks freely. "Forgive me mommy...I love you so much but I cannot marry the prince. I hate him so much, he will make my life a living hell...he is not good for a husband...daddy is only thirsty for wealth and power..he doesn't see me as her dear child but an asset..."

Wiping her tears..she smiled with determination. she knew she has to be strong in this, crying would not solve her problem.

She looked up the sky and uttered a short prayer. " God of the great Tubheta empire. you who shines your eye to all the good and evil people..the light in your eyes illuminates our land and gives life to our vegetation...your eyes pours water to all the kingdoms of this vast empire... when you close your eyes at nightfall your face shines bright and bring more beauty to our motherland... please hear me out...do not let my father win.. please let your good spirits cover me when I set off to the dreaded Ukadama forest. I do believe in you and trust in your opinions.. please give me a husband whom I can rely upon in times of happiness and sorrow, a husband who will value and treasure me. "

She felt encouraged after the prayer and started singing a praising song to Izubha(God).

Behind the willows was a young man sleeping peacefully. he had been out for a hunt but luck seemed not pass by his way. He had decided to take a nap before returning home. His peaceful slumber was disrupted by a very a soft voice which uninvitedly penetrated deep into the inner most chambers of his heart.

It was a soft and aluring voice.. his muscles seemed to be getting weaker as the voice continued absorbing in his system.

The voice messing with his system was accompanied with a strong scent of lavender wafting through his nostrils.

"Tumuisise Izubha lanye..

bhandu bhose lanye hoye hoo...

Izubha eee ni wedii.."

(let's praise God for He is good .)

As if lured by a sirren he rose and subconsciously followed the origin of the bewitching sound... he seemed to have come back to his full sense on reaching his destination.

He was dumbstricken by the kind of beauty that the Almighty Izubha had decided to display infront of his very eyes.

Infront of him was a beautiful maiden. Her figure was exceptionally good. She had a slim waistline and a pair of round peaks standing straight on her feminine chest. Her southern part was fleshy and her curvy hips were well moulded not to mention her bottle shaped legs.

Sheshije was completely unaware of the presence of someone behind her. she continued singing while scrubbing her legs against the stones. Her body was beautifully moving with the tune of the song .this move was breath taking to the man..it was really a sight to be hold.

He had never been mesmerized by a woman in all the years ever since he was born. Or was it because he had never seen such a beauty?? his entire body was behaving so strangely and he knew he had to do something to break himself loose from the "spell" which was binding him at that moment.

She jumped in horror when he cleared his throat.. she lost her balance and just as she was about to fall she felt strong arms firmly grasping her.

She turned to look at the man and she instantly froze. She blinked her eyes twice to make sure she wasn't in some sort of a dream. she was amazed by his handsome face. His eyes so captivating. His chest was broad and he also had a well built physique.

"Im sorry beautiful, I didn't mean to scare you. I have no I'll intentions against you and am truly sorry for this. I was resting just behind the willows and I heard a beautiful voice singing and I thought it was good to congratulate the owner." He innocently explained.

" Who are you?" She asked him in horror as she backed away from him

She was never used to interacting with men since her male siblings were still young.

It was also a taboo to be seen standing with men, it was viewed as a misconduct because the Tubheta tribe strongly prohibited pregnancy before marriage. If such happened, the woman would be considered a curse and the child would immediately die after birth. The woman then would remain unmarried for the rest of her life.

"I didn't mean to startle you please my lady forgive my unreasonable approach," The lad further apologized.

" It ok.. um.. thank you for holding me when I was about to fall, it was so kind of you but I would advise next time you don't appear on someone's back like this." Being the outgoing person Sheshije couldn't resist the urge to scold the poor stranger.

The lad only smiled without taking offense in her words.

" My lady please may you grace me with your name"

Sheshije was not used to be addressed in such royal manner yet she felt flattered. She fought hard within herself to hide her blush.

"I..am Sheshije Iam a maiden from a simple family in this Kingdom am not a member of the royal family as you think" she managed to tell him so as to stop him from addressing her in such a manner.

Smiling broadly the man spoke, "What a beautiful name you have my lady. You may not be from the palace but you're oozing a royal aura which is so magnetic to me that I found myself dragging my feet to your presence."

She laughed at his remarks. The young man seemed to be very friendly.

He extended his hand to her, "Nice to meet you I was on my way back home from an unsuccessful hunt."

looking around if there was unnecessary pair of eyes seeing them Sheshije brought her hand forward for a handshake but paused midway on hearing a disgusting voice behind them.

"Hey you cheap, poor and pathetic daughter of the most greedy man in my father's kingdom!

is this how you misbehave knowing pretty well that your miserable father has sold you to me to be my wife?" Sheshije and the young man were startled by the sharp and disappointing voice behind them. She knew it was the prince whom she hated with a passion.

She boldy turned around and faced him giving out her sharpest glare, she fired out, " look at you good for nothing lad. you really shouldn't have been the king's son. you lack all the traits of a royal blood. You have womanly behaviors beautifully smeared in your system. you even can't control your ill mannerism, how can you control this kingdom when you become the king!? we'd rather plead to the emperor for another king, we can't accept to be rulled by a sluggard like you. And for the records I won't be married to you. I would prefer killing myself to getting married to such a piece of shit!"

Everyone present at the scene ws taken by surprise with the kind of response she gave back. It vividly described the level of hate rage she had for the prince.

He had never felt so offended in his life especially by a woman not to mention an ordinary woman for that matter.

He turned to fiercely look at his guards and barked at them "You slugs aren't you going to do something?! I want her whipped thoghrouly!" his nostrils were flaring with anger.

she tightly clinged to the lad beside him who inturn gave her an assuring nod. In a blink of an eye all the guards and their prince were beaten into a pulp.

The lad escorted her back home and left her when they were a metre away from their yard.

" Thank you for everything. I really don't know what would have happened if you wouldn't have been there with me. you are such a wonderful person. May the God of my ancestors bless you for me." she sincerely spoke.

"It was only right for me to protect a woman from such dangers, it was nice interacting with you..If I happen to pass by your kingdom some other time I will surely look for you..." there was a hint of sadness when he voiced out his parting words.

she smiled and bid him goodbye.

He took a deep breath as the lavender scent drifted further from him.

He spoke in his head. ' stay intact for me beautiful.. you are mine given to me by Izubha. I cannot allow anyone to take you from me'

He was too tired to walk back home and he decided to use his magical abilities. The imperial family had supernatural abilities. It was a family's secret. He teleported to his chambers.

my dear readers. am glad that you have decided to stick a long with me as I start this journey. I promise not to disappoint you. I will be updating the chapters frequently to keep you guys in touch.

hope you enjoyed the start...

Joy_Rayasicreators' thoughts