
Son of The Elder Blood: A Witcher Fanfiction

After dying a boy from the modern world is reborn into the world of the witcher and gets more than he bargained for when he comes to know that he is Ezera Von Ehmyr Riannon twin of Cirilla and thrust into a destiny of swords magic and blood. Armed with the power of the elder blood and the mutations of the school of the wolf he walks the path of betterment for himself and his sister but fate is a fickle mistress and has her ways of playing tricks. Join him on his journey and don't forget to toss a coin to your witcher.

WeebLuvsRamen · Book&Literature
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New Life, Same Ol Death

As Nathan now named Ezera laid in his mother's arms the creeping feeling of comfort spread over him, simply enjoying this sensation he didn't make a sound.

This child unbeknownst to his family had freshly arrived from another universe where this world was one of fiction; being brought back by unknown means he calmly took in his surroundings his eyes jolting back and forth.

Calanthe catching the alertness of this newborn she realized it is not one of norm, it is as if the young one is trying to come to grips with being here. As opposed to his sister whose drifting in and out of consciousness.

Ezera noticing his grandmother's gaze only tilts his head at her while closing his eyes deciding to further inspect his body, not wanting any further attention from the war maiden.

"I should have guessed that I'd be related to Ciri in someway but this, I didn't expect" Ezera contemplated the state he was in.

Being related to the Lady of Space and Time brought a lot of unwarranted trouble because of the blood coursing through her veins, now their veins. With that being the case he wouldn't allow harm to befall his sister while in his presence.

The longer his eyes stayed open the heavier they seemed to feel. Birth was a rather tiring process, for both mother and child. Snuggling down into his new mother arms Ezera let the darkness sweep him away to slumber. "I could deal with the bombshell of being reborn a lion cub of cintra when I wake up."

Ezera's plans for dealing with the upcoming problems was put on hold for a while. During that time the handmaidens and wet nurses of the castle keep a constant eye on the twin cubs. It was really rather unnecessary for Ezera since he was genetic different than his sister.

There isn't much he was able to do in the first few months of his life. resign himself to the life of a baby including the humiliation of his mother changing his soiled diapers. Sure it is to be expected but in no way was it a fun experience.

Ciri had been developing like a normal child, nothing much can be said about her except for the fact that her screams are ear-shattering with Pavetta and Ezera the only ones able to came her she follows her brother around like they are conjoined they're bond from the womb growing stronger by the day.

As the two grew the years started to blur together a mix of being waited on hand and foot by the servants of the castle to be douted on by all that loved them. Life for the cintrian cubs was nothing but bliss but that was not for long as a plot was beginning to stur in the castle walls with there father being a the forefront of it.

Northern Port off the Coast of Cintra, 1257

the flat sea stretched in all directions, all about us was the perfume of the salty water and the fine spray that came boldly. The wind had become the controller of the sea, sending waves into themselves by the droves washing across the shore the afternoon sun scattering diamonds across its surface.

It was as if life herself had entered the water and the energy was received by all that dwelled in her domain as Seagulls wheeled overhead, carried by the cool ocean breeze.

"Pavetta, my love if we delay any longer we won't beat the storm, we were supposed to depart before mid-day"

The solemn voice of Duny carried by the air disrupts the lady struggling to break from her offspring, her motherly instinct preventing her from living peacefully.

"You both once again want to go against my better judgement parting at this point is not only irrational it's unnecessary." Commented Calanthe voice in a matter of fact wall, oppressively counteracting the previous statement.

Seeking to calm the storm brewing ashore a ashen haired woman that was previously coddling two younglings turned around and walked towards the holder of the first voice, feeling that if she stayed any longer she would not be able to part from the two simply stating " Duny, love let us be off"

With there being no justification for the couples actions the grandmother of the two children wanted to interject her dissatisfaction once again but when met with the gaze of her daughter, her eyes pleading for her to end her unwillingness to let them depart she only sighed and walked away guided the children away unknowing what tragedy would soon fall upon them

That was days ago as revelations before they departed became subject of thought in pavetta's mind as she gazed upon the calm sea her husband coming from below deck deciding to disturb her once peaceful night

"You realize that your petty little actions are only delaying the inevitable they are of my flesh and they will rule under my banner"

Duny words no longer containing love for the one they were meant for, as this woman in front of him was only a means to an end.

"If you think for a second that I will let you subject our children to a life filled with malice and tyranny, I assure you my love you're mistaken"

There was no heat in her voice, as her heart beat so steadily, even though she appeared calm the look in her eyes assured the man that at any moment she could strike.

She simply conveyed her feelings without much emotion because she knows what could come if she doesn't. So accustomed the to ways of Duny and his fiery temper.

Pavetta was different, she absorbed things and then responded more than reacted, dampened situations rather than adding to the flames.

The days of recent though he's had a way of getting under he skin like no other, it was becoming harder to contain herself in the presence of this man

Fear has taken a hold of every man aboard the ship, as the couple continued to shout; their luck is as far gone as the winds that led the vessel off course. For it was as if the gods were using the venomous words as fuel for the chaotic storm laying all at the mercy of this ruthless sea.

Violent weather has turned the crew from noble seamen going through the paces of a normal voyage, to whimpering children. Desperation come and gone from pavetta's eyes, while the black, blistering clouds fasten above us, as endless as the ocean itself. The sea rocks our wood hull back and forth but has yet to flip her. The rocking forces our bodies to cling to any sturdy or available hinge, nook or rope, anything a man can grasp with a sea soaked hand. The impacts make every step a danger.

Unnatural maelstroms stirring constantly as the couple continue to banter back and forth lighting strikes pepper the sky above as if the gods are witnessing this feud the couple bordering closer and closer to the edge of the boat pavetta's back the closest as duny closes on her.

"My love was true at a point in time, you gave me something you live for, and now you intend to take that away from me; we'll I won't let you this day will haunt you for the rest of your existence duny because swear by the gods I will protect my children"

After her declaration the boat nearly capsized as a wave viciously tipped the boat sending Pavetta over the edge the sea swallowing her and incapacitating duny in the process as he was knocked unconscious. Not a moment later portal opened taking the body of duny leaving the boat and it's crew to perish among the waves in the Sedna Abyss

The howl of the lioness of cintra was echoed through the halls of a somber palace after the death of pavetta. Ezera with his base knowledge in the witcher history didn't know this was going to happen and was just as shocked as his younger sister although ciri was taking it hard staying in her room for weeks with minimum interaction

"I've been just going through the motions and not really taking the time opportunity to effect events and although I don't want change to much until the events of the wild hunt ill need to be on my toes, for me and my family "

Finding his resolve once more ezera sets his mind on one thing strength as that is what's needed in this life and that's the only thing that's going to provide safety for him and his family


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