
Son of The Elder Blood: A Witcher Fanfiction

After dying a boy from the modern world is reborn into the world of the witcher and gets more than he bargained for when he comes to know that he is Ezera Von Ehmyr Riannon twin of Cirilla and thrust into a destiny of swords magic and blood. Armed with the power of the elder blood and the mutations of the school of the wolf he walks the path of betterment for himself and his sister but fate is a fickle mistress and has her ways of playing tricks. Join him on his journey and don't forget to toss a coin to your witcher.

WeebLuvsRamen · Book&Literature
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A Fight With Destiny

The Prince passed through a thicket of sparsely forested hills, maneuvering erratically across minor ravines covered in a thick haze Ezera calling back his summons as it was becoming difficult to spot

Taking a second to regroup and collect himself he turned expecting to be greeted with the usual sight of the squire but he was nowhere to be found. Once more fear started to overpower his senses as not only has he lost his sister but also the accompanying men he had with him his legs slightly giving away as he sat down on a fallen tree.

Ezera's mouth started to belch out his sister's name in distress but he quickly calmed himself as it would only draw unwanted attention. Seconds after a loud inhuman shrill was heard by him from a slight distance away pleading to be noticed by anyone nearby.

He sprinted towards the sound as he leaped over the tree trunk and forced his way through the thick brush while the closer he got to the source of the sound he as able to distinguish sounds of a fight. He took no chances as he hurtled into the clearing, yanking his sword from its sheath on his hip as he ran.

"parting the grass, ezera was met with a creature was about twelve feet long and was dark brown. writhing, yellow-stained, hooked limbs and uniform segments of the long thorax hugging a tree as it cried out in a sharp shrill. It was currently in combat with a figure striking with intentions to kill

The swordbearer danced, leaping over its now straight body and slashed it with his sword from a half-turn, aiming at a vulnerable spot between the armored plates on its body. Unafflicted from the strikes the monster was too swift for the man as it wound the posterior part of its body around his legs with tremendous strength The man falling over trying to free himself.

'Its Geralt! It was the last person I expected to be here but this works out fine give me an opportunity To have back up while looking for Ciri but first' freed from being immersed in his thoughts ezera sets his sights on the scolopendromorph remembering his playtime in Toussaint he figured the same tactic should work.

The flexed myriapod allowed ezera to see the softer tissue exposed in its uniform plating swinging his sword as fast a whip his blade struck it's intended target as the Centipede thrashed in pain in the process releasing the seasoned witcher and retreated underground.

"Judging by that medallion and swordplay, you're a witcher right, I suggest you use yrden as it will lock the Centipede in place giving us time to attack it's the weakest point," ezera said as Geralt collected himself off the floor trying to sense where the monster will emerge from

'this boy, His stance is pretty decent, with strikes that are precise with power behind them not bad, but I wonder if he is aware that he was being followed by another dryad hmm for another time'

Geralt ending his assessment of the boy in favor of focusing on the task at hand quickly flexing his fingers before slamming his handing the ground rolling away as the myriapod freed itself from the soil only to be frozen inside the trap

"Ahhhhh!" releasing a battle cry ezera shoots forward his sword driving itself into the underbelly of the Centipede, before forcing it upwards the vertical gash exposing creature's innards

Geralt leaped at it from the side, took a big swing, and hacked with his sword, finishing the fight with one blow. The trap acted like an executioner's block. "Thanks," the Witcher said, crushing the beast's severed head with several blows from the heel of his boot.

"It was nothing especially when —" before ezera had a chance to finish his statement "a dryad with a back featuring A full quiver of deadly arrows, and an outfit that all but masterfully helped her blend in with her surroundings leap out

no more than ten paces from him. Ezera was put off as he had no idea how he had not seen her as he approached. Naturally, her bowstring was taut and she was aiming an arrow at him and the witcher sweeping between the two of them.

Geralt trying to break the tension spoke first "Ceádmil! Vá an Eithné meáth e Duén Canell! Esseá Gwynbleidd!" before he could continue he was interrupted with a twang of a bowstring losing an arrow that was placed no more than two paces away from him

Ezera not faring any better as a second dryad can from out from hiding as she undid the strap that held his sword to his him while holding a dagger on his neck, his carotid artery jumped underneath his skin

"Tháess Aep, Glaeddyvan vort!" the command was short but displayed authority as the forest became dead silent only to hear a faint murmur close behind, something like the rustling of leaves in the wind. Geralt knew there was a third. As it dashed out from behind him, removing his sword. Following which ventured over to Ezera picking up his sword was recently removed as well

Words now stuck in Ezera's throat as he felt even the moment of his lips could set the dryads off were forced from his mouth. " Aen Woedbeanna Brokiloéne Squass'me essesa Ezera glosse te meáth me sor'ca aép caed Brokiloéne"

Geralt's face noticeably contorted as his thoughts ran wild trying to process the young boy's words, as the only reason came in contact with the centipede was because it was attacking a young girl who he pushed into bramble thicket some ways away before leading the monster away could that be this boys sister.

While Geralt was wrestling with his thoughts the dryads decided to take them to their queen and let her decide what to do with them. Judging by the unwillingness shown by the honey-colored haired one she was assigned to guide the two there; the leader letting the two males know that they will follow the chosen dryad or they will be killed

With not choice in the matter Geralt and Ezera were lead deeper into the deadly forest by the dryad, protecting them from the savagery that was concealed deeper in the forest; disarming traps and maneuvering through the forest in all manner of way only know to the children of woodland.

Though the dryad who was later known as Braenn chose an excellent spot for their nights rest that being a hill onto which thermal updrafts carried gusts of warm air. Ezera had a sleepless night as he could only worry for his sister who was likely to be all alone in this deathtrap of a forest cold frieghted and lonely these thoughts caused him to want to venture out on his own but he chose not to as he realized how lucky he was not to spring any traps earlier today haphazard speeding through the grassland.

The group later set off again at daybreak while it was still dark moving through broad, grassy glades and across clearings of wind-felled trees Braenn stopped once again and looked around. She had apparently lost her way, but the two males knew that was highly doubtful.

All of a sudden a shuffling noise followed by a whelp alerted the group as Braenn knelt down in a flash, at once drawing two arrows from her quiver. She seized one in her teeth and nocked the other, bent her bow, taking aim blindly through the bushes towards the sound of the noise.

"Don't shoot" pleaded Ezera as their was a certain familiarity with the tone of the disturbance. Rushing over to a thicket he plunged an arm among the thorny shoots.

'thank the gods' ,' he thought while a rush of relieve pasted over him, pulling the little creature in a tattered dress from the thicket.

It was not a dryad. Neither was it an elf, sylph or any other woodland creature. It was a quite ordinary little human girl. In the centre of Brokilon, the most unlikely place to come across such a thing.

She had fair, mousy hair and huge, glaring emerald eyes which when realized who was in front of her broke down into tears as it was the one person she wished for all night to come her brother.

Ezera gripped the girl as tight as he could as he felt if he let go shed disappear again pulling her back from his grasp he gently wiped the tears that streamed down the princess's face her lips veering into a smile Ezera's doing the same before the two turned around to be met with the gaze of the uninterested dryad and surprised witcher

Ceádmil! Vá an Eithné meáth e Duén Canell! Esseá Gwynbleidd

”Greetings, I am the white wolf here to meet Eithnè in Duèn Canell”

”Tháess Aep, Glaeddyvan vort!”

”Shut up, drop your sword ”

”Aen Woedbeanna Brokiloéne Squass’me essesa Ezera Lionor Aep Xintra glosse te meáth me sor’ca aép caed Brokiloéne”

”Wood Woman of Brokilon forgive me I am Ezera looking to meet my little sister in the forest of brokilon”

WeebLuvsRamencreators' thoughts