
Son of the Dragon Gods

A fanfic where Issei is the son of Ophis and Great Red

LazyKiller1632 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
46 Chs

Secrets Revealed

The next day, everyone returned to their training as usual. They did notice how Tiamat seemed to be overly happy for some reason but no one knew why, except for Akeno who understood. She was happy for them and she did tell Issei that she was alright with him pursuing other mates as long as the feeling is mutual. That does not mean she wasn't a bit jealous of the attention he gave to Tiamat but that could easily be fixed.

'Ufufu, wait until I get you to bed my love' her inner desires spread to mind.

Issei, felt a shiver down his spine, as he looked around wondering what could have caused it. Spotting nothing, he decided to wonder about it later. Right now, he had to keep training Matsuda who was clearing not enjoying the tortu… I mean the training he was being put through.

"BLEGHhh" Matsuda let out as he was struck in the stomach by Issei punch putting him down for the count.


His body could no longer handle the stress of his power causing the boosted gear to reset. Now Matsuda was breathing heavily as he looked at the sky annoyed.

"Dammit, this training is killing me." He complained before Ddraig surfaced

["Stop complaining partner. This training will do wonders to make you stronger. I really should thank you Issei Hyoudou for taking the time to train my host. As I thought, only a dragon can truly train another dragon"] Ddraig thanked Issei for aiding in his training.

"Your welcome. It's an honour to be given the chance to train the host of the Red dragon emperor himself." Responded Issei who extended his hand to Matsuda to help him get back up. Matsuda took it as he steadily stood up.

All the while Matsuda looked annoyed as he stared at his gauntlet.

"You keep saying that. I still don't understand why you need a dragon to train me when I've been doing fine under Buchou and Akeno-chan training."

Before Ddraig could answer, Issei responded in his stead.

"It's for the simple reason that Dragon magic is fundamentally different than demonic magic. From what I've seen, Rias and Akeno have done the best they could to teach you about how to utilize your demonic power however… let's face it, you barely have any to speak off." Koneko and Kiba couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at the insult Issei said and Matsuda felt really frustrated but could not say anything as he spoke the truth.

"Your boosted gear however is where you draw forth your dragon powers and like I mentioned before Dragon powers are different than your demonic powers. Dragons are masters of their elements and they can become one with the element itself while devils are only able to harness the power an element therefore only a dragon would be able to properly teach you how to master your powers. In addition, due to being the wielder of the boosted gear, you gain the properties of a dragon. That, unfortunately is something a devil would not be able to train." Issei explained.

["Well said! It's just like he said, partner. Simply by having me inside of you makes you part dragon. That comes with both benefits and deficits. Since you are part dragon, you naturally inherit the weaknesses of our race to dragon slaying abilities. Only through rigorous training will you be able to learn how to adapt so you should pay close attention and do your best to become stronger, partner"] Ddraig.

Hearing that he had additional weaknesses did not make Matsuda feel good at all.

"Oh joy, even more weaknesses to add to my list. As if I didn't have enough to deal with" Matsuda sighed in defeat. Issei approached and gave him a pat on the back.

"Cheer up Matsuda. That is what training is for. To help build up your strengths and overcome your weaknesses." Issei replied making Matsuda scratch his head.

"I guess. It just sucks because I haven't even been able to land a hit on you and it feels like I haven't gotten any stronger since we started" brooded Matsuda over his apparent lack of strength.

Issei sighed before he walked over to Matsuda and karate chopped his head very gently but enough to hurt him.

"OWWW. What the hell was that for?" he asked as he rubbed his head in pain. Issei simply stared at him

"That was for spouting nonsense. Do you really believe that you haven't gotten any stronger just because you haven't been able to land a hit on me." He asked as he crossed his arms.

"Well… yeah… i-I mean I thought that I would at least be able to graze you after going through all that hellish training but… I couldn't do it. How am I supposed to protect Buchou if I don't get stronger. Ddraig was right! I am the weakest Red Dragon emperor." Matsuda sulked, feeling absolutely dejected with himself.

Issei once more sighed.

"Just because you could not land a hit on me doesn't mean that you haven't gotten any stronger. I suppose I just have to show you." Issei said before walking back towards the others until he found the person he was looking for.

"Kiba, may I have a moment of your time please?" He called out to the knight who stopped his training upon being called by Issei.

"Sure, what can I help you with Issei-kun?" Kiba inquired.

"I would like you to have a spar with Matsuda to help prove a point." Kiba did not understand what he meant by that but he was more than happy to spar with Matsuda.

"Alright, I don't mind." Kiba accepted.

"Thank you. Although I would like you to do this for the spar." Issei then proceeded to whisper something in Kiba's ear. After he finished, Kiba simply nodded indicating that he understood.

They both then made their way towards Matsuda who was waiting on Issei to see what he was doing. When he saw him coming back with Kiba, he wondered what he was up too.

Seeing his reaction, Issei stated

"I brought Kiba here to have a quick spar with you. The best way to show you how strong you have gotten is by battling him. So, get ready!" Issei told both of them to stand at the ready. Kiba took his stance and activated his sacred gear to materialize a normal blade. Matsuda, also took a stance.

Seeing them both ready for combat, Issei shouted "Begin!"

Both Kiba and Matsuda immediately charged against one another. Kiba swung his sword only for it to collide against Matsuda's boosted gear.

["Boost"] Ddraig's usual power up was heard as Kiba began to use his footwork and speed to try and get an advantage to be able to find an opening against the red dragon emperor. It was during their clashes that Matsuda finally realized something.

'I-I can see him' Matsuda was actually able to follow Kiba's movements. Before, whenever they sparred, Kiba would run circles around him and Matsuda was never able to defend himself, let alone score a hit on pretty boy. Yet, now he was able to deal with Kiba's incoming attack and even strike back. He couldn't believe it.

["Boost"] After gaining another boost, Matsuda saw an opening when Kiba accidently swung a bit wide and proceeded to counter his swing.

But then their spar was interrupted by Issei.

"Stop" Both opponents stopped their attack mid swing and turned to look at Issei who was smiling.

"Now, do you see how strong you have gotten Matsuda? Before the spar, I had asked Kiba to come at you at the same speed he used in his previous fight against you. Before, you were never a match for his speed, but now after your training, you were not only able to follow Kiba's movements but also react to it were able to counterattack. So, you see…" Issei approached Matsuda before patting him on the shoulder.

"You have indeed gotten a lot stronger than when we started. If you need further proof then look at your boosted gear. I'm not sure if you noticed but you are already at your 7th boost and yet you barely seem tired at all." Issei remarked causing Matsuda to look at his sacred gear

'is it true Ddraig?' he asked his partner.

["Indeed. It is just like Issei Hyoudou has stated. You are currently at your seventh boost and yet compared to last time, your body is still able to handle more boosts. Therefore, you have indeed grown stronger. You should feel proud"] complimented Ddraig at his host. He was right all along. Only a dragon can train another dragon properly and it was shown here. There is no way his host would have gotten this much stronger without Issei's guidance in such a short amount of time.

'I see.' Matsuda thought as his mood suddenly took a 180 and now he was extremely happy at becoming stronger. Hopefully, he has taken the correct steps to being able to protect his beloved Buchou.

"If you wish to test how strong you have gotten, then go ahead and keep boosting until you've hit your limit. Afterwards aim a dragon shot towards the mountain over there." Issei pointed towards a single mountain in the distance. Matsuda nodded as he started boosting himself even more

[Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost]

He was able to boost himself 6 more times before Ddraig notified him that he had reached his limit.


"Dragon Shot"

He released a beam of concentrated demonic power powered by his boosted gear towards the mountain. Once it made contact, it immediately exploded and Matsuda saw that he had effectively destroyed the tip of mountain. He was actually a bit surprised at the amount of power he had accumulated. He didn't think he could destroy the top of mountain. Everyone else also stopped their training for a brief moment to witness Matsuda's display of power. They were all very impressed especially Rias who seemed very pleased with his improvement.

"As you can see, you are currently capable of causing much destructive damage with your dragon shot at full power. And that is only a fraction of what you might be capable of in the future should you continue to train very hard. That is what it means to be the wielder of the Boosted Gear, one of the 13 Longinus. Plus, the boosted gear gives you an unprecedent advantage in a prolonged battle because you will only keep getting stronger and stronger with every boost." Issei explained the advantages of having the boosted gear while praising Matsuda's abilities. It did make Matsuda very happy.

"That is why, you should have more confidence in yourself my friend and keep going. Your training and hard work will pay off."

"Thanks bro" Matsuda smiled as he thanked him

"Anytime. Now let's get back to training"

"YES" he shouted as he went back to his training with additional vigour and determination.

Hours later, everyone could be seen training hard. Akeno and Rias had finished their physical training and were now sparring with their magic on one end of the field. Flashes of lightning and blasts of destruction could seen flying everywhere. Kiba was training his speed and reaction in the forest. Matsuda was being trained harshly by Issei. Asia, having finished her assigned tasks, was sitting off to the side waiting in case anyone gets injured. Though it mostly ends up being Matsuda who needs it. She was playing with Rassei, in the meantime and you could tell he was enjoying it by the coo sounds he was making. Tiamat soon walked out of the forest alongside Koneko who seemed to be hiding behind her for some reason.

"Alright everyone, stop and gather all around" Tiamat calls out for everyone to stop and they all stopped sparring and headed over to her.

"We only have a few days remaining until the end of our training. However, I am proud to say that I am very impressed with all of you. Throughout this short amount of time, you have never given up and persevered through our training and have grown significantly stronger than when we started. However, there is one among you who has impressed me the most." She smirked at their confused look before stepping away from her spot and gently pushing Koneko forward. Once she was in full view of everyone, Rias and Akeno couldn't help but become wide-eyed at the sight in front of them. Kiba's jaw dropped, an expression you would seldom see from him. Asia squealed while Issei smiled, having already guessed the situation based on her aura. Matsuda, on the other hand froze in shock


These were Matsuda's thoughts before his brain short circuited and he literally fainted. "Matsuda-kun" Asia called in worry as she hurried towards him. Meanwhile, Tiamat was laughing her ass off.

"hahaha, told you his expression would be priceless. He even fainted." She laughed clutching her stomach. Koneko was shifting nervously under all their gazes until she saw her king step forward.

"K-Koneko-chan, you are using your powers" Everyone could tell from her tone how shocked and surprised she was seeing Koneko use her abilities, especially given her trauma. Koneko nods slightly

"Yes. I-I don't want to feel useless anymore! Not when you need our help. You saved my life and gave me a home when everyone else wanted to execute me because of my sister and I don't want to lose it all. That's why I'm going to use my powers not only to protect it but also to repay you for all the kindness you showed me, Rias-sempai." Koneko stated causing Rias to cover her mouth with her hands as she let out a few tears of joy, understanding that Koneko was doing all of this for her. She then quickly hugged Koneko.

"Thank you Koneko-chan" Rias thanked Koneko, feeling extremely blessed to have been given such wonderful friends as servants. Everyone smiled at the interaction except Akeno who while extremely happy at the interaction had a guilty grimace on her face when she heard Koneko's speech. It made sense because both had similar circumstances and it was true that if it weren't for Rias, then she would have died by now at the hands of her clan long ago. It was also thanks to Rias that she was able to reunite with the love of her life so even if Rias would disagree, she owed everything to her. She looked down at her hands and clenched her fists. Maybe it was time for her to show as much determination and resolve as Koneko had and do what is necessary to help Rias.

"Ugghhh" During her inner turmoil, Matsuda began to finally wake up from his little episode before holding his head.

"What the hell happened? I think my brain must have overloaded somehow… I could have sworn I saw something" Matsuda muttered until he turned around and once more saw Koneko's cat ears and tail. With a spring of newfound energy, he got up from the floor and gushed over Koneko's appearance.

"Oh my God Owww, Koneko-chan you look absolutely adorable. Please let me touch those ears." Matsuda shouted, his perverted side slowly rose to the surface. One of his dreams was to have a neko in his harem and Koneko would certainly fit the bill. She didn't have big breasts but she was so adorable he would make an exception. Seeing his perverted expression, Koneko backed off a bit


Matsuda clutched his chest for being insulted by Koneko once again but this time it was worth it. She was just so cute.

"Harsh Koneko-chan! But you are still absolutely adorable and cute." He spoke. It was a shame that he wasn't looking at Koneko because he would have noticed her tail swaying a bit and her cheeks flushed for being called adorable. Then again, it was probably for the best otherwise he would have probably fainted again.

Asia, who was near him, was pouting jealously as she pinched Matsuda on his arm.

"Ouch" he recoiled at the unexpected pain given by Asia. Everyone chuckled at the scene.

"Alright, let's head back in and get something to eat." Rias stated. Everyone nodded. They were certainly very hungry after a long day of training. Everyone started heading inside their residence leaving behind Issei, Tiamat and Akeno.

"Everything alright Issei?" Akeno asked him, who seemed to be contemplating something.

"Oh everything is alright Akeno. It's just I have been thinking… I think that it's about time I tell everyone my secret." He revealed causing both of them to raise their eyes in surprise.

"You mean…" Akeno let out having a feeling that she already knew what he was talking about, including Tiamat. Issei nodded.

"Yes, I'm talking about revealing my heritage. I have already talked to Mom and Dad and they said they trusted me to do whatever I felt is right and gave me their blessing to tell my secret." Issei answer was exactly what both of them suspected.

"Are you sure?" Tiamat asked. She understood why he had to keep his parents identity a secret as it would really shake the supernatural world.

Issei simply nodded again "I am. They have all become great friends and they have all earned my trust a long time ago which is why I don't want to keep my identity a secret from them." Issei stated his opinion. Seeing that he had made up his mind, both of them simply nodded.

"I understand. We are both with you, no matter what you choose to do. My only concern would be that Rias might be obligated to share this information with Sirzechs and it may pose a problem. While not known publicly, the leaders of each faction have been suspecting Ophis to be the leader of the Khaos Brigade." Tiamat expressed her concern with Issei. The only reason Tiamat knew that Ophis used to be the leader of the terrorist group was due to the fact that in the past, she had been invited by Ophis to join her group. However, Tiamat wasn't interested for two reasons. The first was that she had no intention of fighting Great-red, a battle she was sure to die from. The second was because the previous White Dragon Emperor was part of her group. There was no way in hell, she wanted to be near part of the root cause of her current suffering. Even though she despised Ddraig with all her being, she also hated Albion due to their stupid rivalry.

She was knocked out of her thoughts when Issei answered.

"I understand your concern however Mom is no longer a part of that group. She has left that life a long time ago so it shouldn't be a problem even if they figure out that my mother is Ophis." Issei stated. Even if the devils do figure out who his parents were, there would be nothing they could do. They would foolish to try and cause conflict with his parents. The only reason his parents have remained in hiding all this time, despite the fact that he was strong enough to protect himself, is because they enjoyed their peaceful lives as it is.

"Alright then. I have to say I'm actually really excited to see their reaction." Tiamat giggled imagining everyone's reaction to Issei's secret.

"I'm sure it won't be as funny as your reaction was" Issei teased her while smirking causing Tiamat to blush, feeling a bit of shame at her reaction.

"Ara ara, what was her reaction?" Akeno asked Issei who begun recapping what happened.


When Issei had told his parents about Tiamat becoming a potential mate, they asked him to invite her so that they can officially meet. Although, it would mostly be for Great-red since Ophis already met Tiamat ages ago but she may as well introduce herself once more.

Issei nodded and called Tiamat telling her that his parents wanted to meet her and if she would be available to come over his place. Tiamat, of course, accepted immediately happy that she would get to greet his parents and hopefully make a good first impression. At the same time, she was also very curious to find out who his parents were. If Issei was this strong, then what kind of powerful beings were his parents. She had always suspected that his parents might be one of the dragon kings but could never really prove it. Now, she would be able to meet them face to face and see for herself who they were.

When she had finally arrived at their place, Issei was waiting for her at the front door.

"Are you ready?" he asked knowing that she was about to receive the shock of her life.

"I am. I just hope your parents will accept me as your mate." Tiamat stated causing Issei to chuckle as he grabbed her hand and kissed her cheek making Tiamat blush.

"I'm sure they will." He grinned before opening the front door and entering his house with her. From the entrance he could already spot his mother.

"Hey mom, I'm back and I brought Tiamat." He said to his mother who made her way towards them. When Tiamat laid eyes on his mother, she couldn't believe how beautiful she looked. She knew her human form was very beautiful and enticing in the eyes of males but the women in front of her made her look like average.

However, her beauty became the farthest thing on her mind when she approached and was able to feel her aura. Despite being heavily suppressed, there is no way she could have mistaken whose aura this belonged too, having met her so many years ago.

"O-Ophis" She was shocked. She couldn't believe the Infinity Dragon God was standing before her. She turned towards Issei.

"Y-Your mother is-is the Infinity Dragon God" she shouted wide-eyed.

Issei nodded.

With Issei's confirmation, her shock soon turned into dread when she realized the severity of her previous actions

'Oh my God, I attacked the son of the Ouroboros' was all she could process.

Forget about making a good first impression, she wasn't sure she was going to come out of this meeting alive. If someone had attacked her clutch, she would make damn sure to annihilate the poor soul who dared to attack her family and there is no way she wouldn't expect the same from the Infinity Dragon God so the only thing on her mind was whether or not she was going to live through her encounter with the dragon god. Even if Issei would try to protect her, she didn't think he could match her power yet.

While Tiamat was probably seeing her life flash before her eyes, Ophis noticed her sudden change in expression and took a guess about why she seemed so afraid.

"I'm already aware of what transpired between you two. Issei has already told me and you don't need to worry about it." Ophis said, knocking Tiamat out of her morbid thoughts.

"R-Really" she asked still a bit scared based on her tone. Ophis nodded.

"Yes. Even though I'm not all to pleased about the fact that you had attacked not only Issei but Asia and Akeno whom I view as daughters, Issei explained the circumstances behind your behaviour. Based on that and the fact that Issei has already forgiven you, I let go of the matter. Besides, you might become a mate to my son so it is better to forgive and forget." Ophis explained making Tiamat let out a sigh of relief.

"T-Thank you."

At that time, Great-red teleported himself back home. He looked around and spotted Issei and who he assumed to be Tiamat. He smirked and made his way towards them.

Tiamat also took a look at him and assumed that the man in front of her was probably Issei's father. Although she couldn't help but compare him to a delinquent. She would never say it out loud of course.

"Hello, you're Tiamat I presume. Issei has talked quite a bit about you" Great-red started.

"Indeed I am. You must be Issei's father. It's a pleasure to meet you." Tiamat introduced herself. Unfortunately, she didn't know his name but she presumed he had to be a dragon quite powerful to have mated with the Ouroboros.

"You guessed correctly. I'm Great-red, Issei's father" he casually introduced himself.




"U-Um… I'm sorry but could you please repeat that… I-I think I must have misheard you?" Tiamat stuttered, hoping to the heavens that she didn't hear what he said correctly.

"Oh, if you prefer my full title, I don't mind. I'm Great-red, The True Red Dragon God Emperor. The Apocalypse Dragon. Although I would prefer if you simple called me Great-red or red for simplicity sake" he re-introduced himself making Tiamat become slack-jawed at whom she was talking too. She turned towards Issei and shakily pointed towards his father.

"S-S-So your father is…"

"Yup" he simply nodded.

"and your mother is…"

He once again nodded in confirmation.

"Oh… I see…" Soon after Tiamat fainted. Luckily, she was caught by Issei who placed her on the sofa. Meanwhile, Great-red couldn't help but laugh.

"BWAHAHAHA, that never gets old" reminding himself of the time when Tannin also fainted when he found out that Issei was the son of both dragon gods.

End of Flashback

After Issei finished re-telling prior events, Akeno couldn't but laugh.

"Oh my, I'm surprised you actually fainted." Tiamat blushed in embarrassment but could you blame her. The news was that shocking in the first place.

"Anyways, I believe it is time we head in. I don't want to keep the others waiting." Issei stated before grabbing both of his mate's hands and heading in to meet with the others.

They headed towards the kitchen were everyone was situated. Once they arrived, Rias, Akeno and Asia started preparing everyone's food. With the combined efforts of the three girls, the food was ready in a moment's time which was really good since everyone was very hungry after a hard day's work of brutal training.

They started eating and talked amongst themselves. At this point, Issei decided that it was time.

"Hey guys, there is something that I wanted to talk to you about" Everyone turned their attention towards him.

"What is it Issei-kun?" Rias asked curious about what he wanted to say.

"It's about me actually. I've been keeping this a secret from you guys but you are all my friends and I feel like I can trust you all with my secret." He smiled, making everyone except Tiamat, Akeno, Asia and Ddraig curious about what it could be.

"Alright, I think I speak for all of us when I say that we are very happy to know that you trust us highly and we hope to live up to your expectation." Rias smiled before asking him what it is he wanted to reveal.

"Do you remember the first time we met?" Rias nodded to his question before he continued. "You asked me to reveal who my parents were?" A light bulb instantly appeared in her head understanding what he meant.

"Back then, due to many circumstances, I could not reveal this information but now that you are all my friends, I decided it was time to tell you. I already got permission from my parents that it was alright to tell you guys. I'm not sure if you have already been informed of them but my parents are Ophis, the infinity Dragon God and Great-red The True Dragon God." Issei revealed his parents identities. Everyone who didn't know was very shocked. Kiba and Koneko went wide eyed. Matsuda spit out his drink and began chocking with Asia trying to help him. Even Rias lost her posture and almost slipped as she could not believe what she just heard.

"Y-Y-Y-Y-You mean to tell me… that your parents… are the two most feared beings in the universe?" she was barely able to form a sentence given the information. Not that anyone could blame her. She knew that Issei's parents had to be powerful given how powerful Issei himself is but she never expected both of his parents to the 2 strongest beings in this world. No wonder she couldn't turn Issei into her servant. Heck, even if she became the strongest devil in existence, she doubted she would have been able to anyway. Even her brother admitted that even his full power paled in comparison to a fraction of a dragon god's power. It was very scary to know that such beings existed that could single handily destroy the world if they so felt like it. Although Great-red only roamed the dimensional gap and Ophis was just interested in the dimensional which was why everyone agreed to just ignore them.

She turned towards her queen. "You knew about this, didn't you?" she inquired. She received a nod from Akeno.

"Of course! We have spent many years together and aunty Ophis and uncle Red have been a part of my family for a long time and that hasn't changed now. Even if you are my king and dear friend Rias, just like I told you last time I wouldn't reveal their secret as it was not mine to tell." Akeno answered her.

Rias simply nodded understanding why she did it. They are family and you always prioritize them.

"I understand. Besides, even if you told me I wouldn't even know what to do with the information." Even if Akeno had told her, there wasn't much she could do. Even if she had warned her brother, the underworld combined would not be able to confront one dragon god, let alone two of them.

"Rias, I do not wish to cause you any trouble so I would understand if you have to tell your brother about the news you just heard." Issei stated but Rias simply shook her head.

"Oh no, I wasn't really thinking about that so please no not worry. Besides, my brother didn't even know that you were here." Rias stated causing Issei to become shocked for the first time.

"Really?" he would have thought that she would have at least told her brother about him considering that he was a potential danger in her territory.

"Yes. When we first encountered you, Sona and I both agreed that we would take care of this matter ourselves without having to rely on our siblings. It was mostly our pride getting the better of us but we wanted to prove that we could handle anything that happens in our territory. In any case, due to that we did not reveal about your existence here. However, since Grayfia one-sama was present during our meeting with Riser, she most certainly notified my brother of your presence." Rias explained making Issei nod his head.

"I see! Well, nothing we can do about that. They were going to learn about me sooner or later." Issei shrugged his shoulders.

"It might be rude to ask this but as the supervisor of Kuoh, I would like to know what your parents plan to do." Rias asked nervously. She didn't want to sound distrustful towards his parents but she couldn't help but worry considering how powerful they were.

"You don't need to worry Rias. My parents do not wish to cause any trouble and simply want to live their lives in peace away from all the drama caused by the various factions. So please rest assured."

"Yes, Issei's otou-san and oka-san are very nice." Asia added causing Matsuda to look at her.

"W-Wait, you also knew?" he shouted startling little Asia by accident.

"Y-Yes. They told me when I met them." She responded to Matsuda.

"Yup. My parents absolutely adore Asia. They practically consider her their daughter and would love nothing more than to spoil her rotten." Issei added causing Asia to blush a bit. It's true that his parents love her very much and it took a while to convince her to call them Otou-san and Oka-san but when they did, Ophis was literally dripping tears of joy at having a daughter.

"holy crap… did anyone else know since we are on the subject" Matsuda looked around before his boosted gear manifested.

["I knew"] Ddraig voice could be heard. His response made Matsuda look at his arm in shock

"What the fuck! When did you figure it out or better yet how did you know and what the hell did you never tell me?" he shouted at his partner

["In order, it was during your first meeting with them when you went over their place. Despite the fact that they were hiding their presence, I was able to tell who they were due to their close proximity. Lastly, as for why I didn't tell you it was due to 2 reasons. The first is because Great-red asked me not to tell you and the second is that even if I did tell you, what purpose would that have served? If you knew you were speaking to a dragon god, you would probably have gotten a heart attack and died on the spot."] Ddraig explained. Matsuda wanted to retort but could not think of anything. Ddraig was probably right, he would have most likely gotten a heart attack if he knew who they were at the time. He sighed in defeat.

"Huhh fine. I'll concede point to you but still a little warning would be amazing for next time." Matsuda said.

["Noted Partner"] Ddraig responded before the boosted gear disappeared from Matsuda's arm

"I still can't believe that you're a dragon god. Although it would explain your overwhelming strength." Kiba said looking at Issei with newfound respect.

Koneko nodded.

"Does me being a dragon god bother you?" Issei asked but everyone shook their heads negatively telling him that it didn't matter who he was since he was their friend and nothing would change that. It almost brought a tear to his eye knowing that his friends didn't care about his heritage. With the matter settled, everyone proceeded to finish eating their food and then headed out to do their own thing.

Issei left the mansion and laid down on the ground to enjoy the night sky as he so often did but he was accompanied by his two mates who wanted to spend more time with him. However, Tiamat seemed to be in a grumpy mood but that was not surprising considering what they talked about during their supper.

"I cannot believe you told them I fainted during my meeting with your parents!" Tiamat was clearly not pleased that Issei decided to spill the beans that she had fainted at the news of his parent's identities. They all laughed at her after hearing that the strongest dragon king fainted upon discovering her mate's secret. In a way, it also inflated their ego a little bit considering that they took the news a lot better than she did and it felt as though they defeated her in a way. Considering that they had been thrashed all week long by Tiamat through her hellish training, it felt like a bit of payback was delivered. Of course, one intense glare by Tiamat was all that was required to shut them up especially Matsuda, who didn't want to rekindle her hate for Ddraig anytime soon. Plus, they still had a few days left of training and they didn't feel like dying before their intended match against Riser Phenix.

Issei laughed seeing Tiamat pout but also considered it very cute. He pacified her by stroking her cheek which seemed to do the trick.

"I'm sorry, it simply came up during the conversation." Issei apologized.

"ufufu, besides are you really one to talk when you were overly excited to see everybody else's reaction to Issei's parents just a few hours ago" Akeno giggled causing Tiamat to look away since she did have a point.

"Touche! Guess you got me there." Conceded Tiamat.

Issei just smiled before he noticed something.

"Hmm, isn't that Rias and Matsuda?"

"Where?" asked Akeno. Issei pointed at the Mansion's balcony and sure enough Rias and Matsuda were spotted. They seem to be in the middle of a conversation so Issei focus on his hearing to be able to listen from where he was.

"Buchou, I didn't know you used glasses!"

"oh this? Not really, it is just for looks. I can think more clearly with glasses on. Fufufu, this is proof that I have been spending a long time in the human world." Rias chuckles. Matsuda thought she looked absolutely beautiful with her negligee in addition to her glasses. He then looked over the table and saw many different papers that resemble maps and battle formation. She must planning different strategies for their upcoming battle.

She then closes her notebook.

"To be honest, the only thing I get by reading these is to get piece of mind." Rias stated.

"Why is that?" asked a confused Matsuda.

"If our opponent was a regular high-class devil, then we would be able to fight by reading this since it contains a ton of research on the opponent but that isn't the problem. The problem is we are facing the immortal Phenix. Just like Issei-kun and Tiamat-sama explained, there are two ways for us to defeat him. One is to beat him down with incredible power and the other one is to keep on taking him down until his mind crushes. The first method requires the strength of a God-class. The second one is to save our stamina until Raiser gets his mind crushed. Even if his body is immortal where he can resurrect his body many times, his mind isn't immortal. His mind will definitely tire down every time we defeat him. It's our win if we completely crush down the Phoenix's mind. Then he will stop resurrecting and he will fall. Obviously, it is not going to be easy but this is the best way to come out victorious." Rias explained.

The more he hears about the Phenix abilities, the more Matsuda realizes how busted of an ability it really it is.

"A Phenix regeneration ability really is unfair if you need godlike powers to deal with it." He said dejectedly however Rias corrected him.

"It's not as invincible as you might think. It's true it requires the strength of a God-class being to one-shot them but there are many Ultimate Class devils that could easily defeat Riser. Take for example, the current Rating game champion, Diehauser Belial. His clan's power "The Worthless" can nullify another's clans ability thus rendering his regeneration moot. Another example would be Issei's sensei Tannin-sama. Being a dragon, Riser flames would do absolutely nothing to him. Hell, if he wanted, Tannin-sama could probably just eat him like a snack, fufu. That would be one way to defeat him" she chuckled

Off in the distance, Tiamat and Issei laughed when they heard that because of how true it was.

"So you shouldn't worry too much about it. All we can do is do our best and I'm confident we can win and put a stop to this marriage." Rias finished.

"You must really hate this marriage Buchou" Matsuda remarked.

Rias sighs at this.

"It's not that I reject the idea of a marriage considering our situation but…"

Rias looks up at the sky.

"I'm a Gremory."

"Huh? Well, you certainly are…" Matsuda wasn't sure what to say causing her to chuckle.

"No silly, I wasn't re-introducing myself. I'm a devil from the House of Gremory and that name will follow me wherever I go."

Oh, now he understood.

"Do you hate it?"

"No. I am and always will be proud to be a Gremory. However, at the same time it is also a burden to me because everyone looks and treats me as a Gremory rather than simply looking at me as Rias. They never get to know the real me. That is why I enjoy my life in the human world. Nobody here knows anything about Gremory or devils. Everyone here treats me as a person, who I really am. I really love that feeling. I've never felt like this anytime in our Devil's society" Rias has a distant and sad look in her eyes.

"I want to be with someone wo will love me as Rias and not because I am a Gremory. That's a small dream that I have… and unfortunately, Riser only sees me as a Gremory and he only views me as a potential trophy" Rias exposed her maiden feelings to Matsuda even though a part of her was wondering why she did it.

"I like Buchou as Buchou" Matsuda responded with what came to mind. Rias looked at him in wonder as he continued.

"I don't really know anything about Gremory or about the devils but I like Rias-Buchou as you are and although I don't really understand the complicated stuff, to me thew usual Buchou is the best." He said with a smile making Rias cheeks flush red.

"B-Buchou, did I say something weird?" he asked in a dubious voice but she simply shook her head while saying "it's nothing". After a moment to calm herself, she looked back at Matsuda.

"Thank you Matsuda-kun"

"I-It's my pleasure, Buchou" Matsuda blushed.

"I believe it's time to go to sleep. We have a long day ahead of us" Rias stated causing Matsuda to nod his head.

"Alright Buchou." He was about to leave before he was restrained by Rias grabbing his hand. He turned around to see what was the matter.

"How about I join you. It's been a while since I slept in your room." She said with a smile causing Matsuda to overload in happiness.

"YES Buchou, I would love that." He couldn't believe it.

Just then, Asia walked into the room yawning. Seems she was about to head in as well.

"Ahh, Matsuda-kun, Rias-buchou, were you busy. I'm sorry if I interrupted you." She bowed her head as a sign of apology. Rias chuckled.

"You're not interrupting anything Asia-chan. We already finished and are heading to bed now."

Asia looked up.

"E-Eh… going to bed… together?" she asked nervously. Rias simply nodded.

"Yes, it has been a while since I slept with my adorable pawn." Rias answered causing Asia to mumble something that both of them could hear. She then suddenly exclaimed

"I… I will also sleep with Matsuda-kun" Asia ran and grabbed his other hand as she pouted. Of course, Matsuda found this all to adorable and did not resist. Even Rias couldn't but find her absolutely adorable. The two of them then dragged Matsuda, who was in paradise, back to his room.

Outside, Issei simply smiled at their interaction, happy for Matsuda who is getting one step closer in fulfilling his dream. Taking a page from his book, he grabbed both of his mates hands.

"How about we follow their lead and head to bed as well." Issei said. Akeno and Tiamat nodded and they made their way to Issei's room. Issei's kissed them both good night as they both cuddled him, one on each side, and they fell asleep.