
Son of Lu bu

lu bu was a god-like figure tall, athletic and had the immense physical strength he also masters of archery, horseback riding and could wield nearly all weapons in combat being unmatched and they say lu bu is arrogant he never turns his back in a fight no matter the odds lu bu have no match that they say " among men lu bu, among horses Red hare " but he died in the hands of cao cao and liu bie in the Battle of Xiapi what if he becomes your father? this is the story of Mark Peralta when lu bu became his father ------------------------------------------------ the story is based on the romance of three kingdom game so I'm sorry if there are mistake in history but i will do my best

max_black_9671 · History
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2 Chs


As the infantry of both armies clashed. it was the Lubu army Led by Lu biu that took the lead first.

"defeat the liu Army dogs!"

"How dare you burn down Zi tong!"

"kill them all. Kill all these sons of bitches!"

watching his men being killed one by one Liu bie called one of his generals.

"Yes my lord?"

"The command system isn't working properly. Why aren't the field commanders responding?"

The reason the liu's infantry was being pushed back easy was because of the 1000 man commanders in the field. none of them were able to command their men.

"The commanders who're supposed to be leading the infantry on the front line are dying too quickly, my lord"

"What!? what about Youchang? what is he doing?"

"general Ma su are engaging in a duel my lord"

Liu bie couldn't understand it. of course, there was a high mortality rate for the commanders who fought alongside the soldiers and gave immediate commands in the field. but the two armies had just begun to fight, so how could there already be so many fatalities that it affected the command structure?

'Something's Strange'

There was one only reason for the rapid deaths of the commanders of the liu army

"Finally I can kill now after a long time "


A tall man with a tiger pelt pulling on the bowstring of a longbow. the moment he lets go of that bowstring.....


"Protect lord Liu bie!"

"who dare! I zhang fei will kill you!"

general mi fang who had been with liu bie was shot in the eye. the arrow had found a gap in his helmet and accurately pierced through his eyes. He fell on his horse like that.

"Niceeee!. Who should I shoot next? uncle Gongtai(Chen Gong) said i should kill the one with the big ear is that him?

I shoot him next then? what an idiot not wearing a helmet in a war."

lu biu looked in his next prey with a sharp smile and piercing eyes.