
Son of Ajuka(DxD fanfic)

Reborn as the son of Ajuka Beelzebub Basically this is a story of a normal human male reincarnated into the world of DxD Harem? Of course it's a DxD fic That's pretty much it, nothing fancy. I'm bored, so I write It not great as you can see please don't bite

Sawfly_Varte · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Too cool for school.

"Are you sure you don't want to come and join the school?" Rias asked Savion. She and Sona has been trying to pursue him to enter Kuoh Academy with them, an endeavor they aren't quite successful with. "Like I've said, I'll skip this year and I'll transfer next year as a second year" Savion replied.

"You're only going to join the second year because of the guarantee trip to Kyoto, am I right?" Sona immediately asked with narrowing her eyes causing Savion to nod and chuckle sheepishly. "Then what's the point of coming with us to the human world?" she asked. "Come on, you really think I won't take the opportunity to live under the same roof with you two as well as the others?" Savion asked getting a tired sigh from her.

It was true, Ajuka and Zeoticus built them Two entirely new buildings just for them near campus. Each of them were big enough and has enough rooms to easily fit all three of their current peerage and has spare rooms for more. Savion, his fiances and girlfriends took one of the building while the rest stayed on the other one. The buildings were placed right next to each other and both have huge basements, where Savion set up his workshop, there's also a swiming pool, an indoor gym and training room in the basement. There was also a path in the basement that connect the two buildings as well.

"I'm surprised we were even given a place here, considering we could just teleport back and forth from here to the underworld anytime we want" Sona commented as she and Rias got themselves ready for school. "I guess this is way to learn how be more independent" Rias replied "Anyway, I guess it's just me you and our queens for now" She said this time to Sona who nodded.

"The uniform looks great on you two" Savion said. "Thank you, would have loved to see you in one as well" Sona replied. "You can, still doesn't mean I'm going to school" he replied with a grin. "Just give up Sona, come on, I'm sure Akeno and Tsubaki are already ready." She beckoned. "I'll see you out" Savion said and the three left the room.


"Now then what shall I do" Savion said to himself. "You could always try and make babies with me nya~" Kuroka who heard him suddenly spoke up from behind him, pushing her breasts against his back and wrapping her arms around his chest as she slowly trailed down towards his crotch.

'I was going to try starting my new project, but I guess it could wait' he thought before suddenly lifting her up on her shoulder and carrying her like a sack of potatoes and making his way towards his room.

Kuroka who wasn't expecting him to agree let out a small squeak, and started giggling in excitement.


As soon as they landed on his bed, they immediately started making out hard, theirs hands roaming around each other's body. "I'm already so wet nya, let's skip the foreplay...please!" Kuroka beg as she hastily removed her clothings as well as his. She then got on all four, spread her legs a bit and showing off her glistening cunt in all its glory. "Fuck me nya~" she said soft and sensually as she wiggle her butt in front of him.

Savion was eager to comply and immediately got into position behind her slapping her ass and making it jiggle slightly as he securely gripped her waist, holding her in place. She was about to complain about being spanked until she felt him slowly insert his manhood into her tight wet pussy. "Hngg Aaahh~~ Shoo bigh" She moaned and slurred out as Savion continued to spread her inside until he was balls deep.

Savion sign in pleasure as he began to built up speed and power on each thrust making her ass jiggle and her boobs sway everytime on impact and the sound of lewd wet slapping sound filled their ears making Kuroka even more turned on.

"Harder!~ Harder! Nyaa~..." she begged.

Savion obliged, pushing and fucking her so hard that her face was smashed against the pillow, ass still propped up in the air as he continued pummelling her, turning her into a moaning and mumbling mess. "Nyaaaahh~ Ahhh~ shooo gooodd" she manage to moan out, her body began to twitch as her first of orgasm hit her and her whole body went limped and was only held up by the ass by Savion who didn't letup and was still busy ramming into her and grunting in pleasure. A few minutes later Kuroka came again but Savion still didn't stop.

"I-i-i-I'm so close" he moaned out as he felt the tightening of her pussy yet again, signaling her oncoming third orgasm. He immediately quickened his pace as he bend down and grab a handful of her breasts and pinching her nipples "Hgnn~...I-I-im cumAHHH~~" Unable to bare the suddenly increase in stimulations, Kuroka came hard once again and her inner walls tighten even further. "I'm cumMING..." Savion grunted painting her insides white.

"Haa~ A-a-amazing as always nya" She commented breathing heavily. "I'm sati- AaHhh~~" Her speech was suddenly interrupted when Savion suddenly sheathed himself inside her pussy from behind once more. "We're not done kitty cat" growled in to her ears as he bend down, and with her breasts in his hands, he started fucking her once again.


Two more hours and multiple orgasms later, Kuroka was left sprawling on his bed, passed out, still twitching with cum slowly flowing out of her cunt.

After admiring his hard work for a bit Savion picked her up and cleaned her up and dressing her back up and carried her towards her room which was on the floor above his, on his way he suddenly met Shirone who apparently came to visit her sister.

They stayed in an awkward silent for a moment as Savion watched her face got redder and redder as she slowly realize just why her sister was in the state that she's in.

"Perverts" she muttered softly before running back towards the door.

Chuckling awkwardly he continue making his way to her room.


After setting Kuroka down, Savion decided to visit his new workshop down at the basement to brainstorm some ideas for new weapons as well as his sacred gear problem. He knew he really don't need a sacred gear, but this isn't a case of what he needs but what he wants and he definitely wants a sacred gear.

When it comes to the current thirteen Longinus, True Longinus, Zenith Tempest, Incinerate Anthem, Divine dividing, Boosted gear, Canis Lykaon, Absolute demise, Sephiroth Graal and Regulas Nemea are simply out of the question.

Incinerate Anthem having it's own will and having the ability to move and choose it's user makes it impossible and as for the True Longinus even though Savion's devil weakness of holy and light energy were removed, he still do not want to risk trying to wield THE strongest longinus and the rest belongs to current and future allies. So that leaves, Dimension lost, Annihilation maker, Telos Karma and Innovate Clear.

"Hmmm...yeaa that could work" he thought out loud, as a grin slowly formed on his face. "I know exactly what I want"

But then there in lies a problem, Savion simple can't just go all around the world in search for it.

"*Sigh* I'm going to need to make something like a Longinus locator or something." he muttered.

Since Devils, as well as angels and fallen angels all have the ability to sense sacred gears when they're nearby, which was one of the reason why in canon the fallens were able to find out about Issei and the other users. Savion just need to make something that amplifies that ability but focus only on the longinus "Hmm...I'm going to need Valerie and Sairaorg's help on this and see if I can study their longinus." he continued muttering to himself.


Then there's the case of making a new weapon for himself.

Savion eyes widen as he remembered something. The Melebranche.

Twelve living weapons that the four original Satans created way back during the great war with the sacred gear system as a reference and using the same material that would later be used to create the Evil pieces. Weapons that were deemed too dangerous and powerful that they were soon sealed away by the creators themselves out of fear.

As curious as Savion was, he was not stupid enough to take the risk of unsealing even one of them, especially when even the original Satans who were known for their ruthlessness and tyrannical behaviors described the weapons as extremely crazed combatants.

BUT, their technologies and files should still be somewhere in the floating island of Agreas as well as the material needed and since it's a place that's currently maintained by the current Beelzebub, Savion should be able to get all that he needs without much trouble and Savion knew that as long as he didn't make the mistake of making them sentient like the original satans did, he should be fine.


"Why did I even come down here, if all I was going to do was think" he thought out loud as he made his way back up.

"Medusa, Ayame I'm going back to the underworld for a while, I'm going to get some material" he told his queen and rook who were busy editing Ayame's new video. "Just try to make it back in time for dinner" Medusa replied.

Savion smiled at that "Sure" he answered before making his way to the underworld and he immediately made his way towards the floating Island of Agreas.


<Hours later, back to the human world>

"D-d-did I make in time?" Savion asked sheepishly as he made his way back and was covered in dirt and dust and was carrying a giant bag.

"What happened to you?!" Rias exclaimed in surprised as she, Sona and Medusa were currently setting up the table, preparing dinner. Ayame and Raynare were looking on worryingly.

Before Savion could answer a teleportation circle suddenly appear right in front of them and an angry mother appeared.

"SAVION ASTAROTH!" she angry called out, surprising everyone present, wondering and getting even more curious as to just WHAT their lover did.

'well fuck...' Savion thought.





A/N : So, for Savion's sacred gear. I simply can't make up my mind between, Annihilation maker and Telos karma.


Also give suggestions for his new weapon, something that could both be used for close and long range combat. I've already got one in mind but I wouldn't mind more options to choose from.