

Welcome to Aeon Academy, In a world where AI is seamlessly integrated into daily life, Aeon Academy stands as a beacon of progress and coexistence. Amid this backdrop, Lucius Aurelius arrives with a carefully concealed past, seeking refuge and a fresh start. While society views AI as ordinary, Lucius harbors a hidden agenda, leveraging Aeon's intricate dynamics to obscure his true identity and past. As Lucius navigates the academy's complex tapestry of relationships and ambitions, his covert maneuvers draw him deeper into a realm of intrigue and manipulation. *Sominates* delves into Lucius's enigmatic journey, unraveling layers of deception and challenging societal norms in a world where artificial intelligence is commonplace, yet shadows of the past remain elusive and ever-threatening.

Sominates · Sci-fi
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5 Chs

Aeon's agenda

The faint light of dawn shone through the windows of my dorm, casting long shadows across the walls. Aeon Academy's halls were quiet but tense, with an air of anticipation that was hard to miss. I was busy reviewing my notes and strategizing for the upcoming exam, but my mind couldn't help but wander to the many mysteries that surrounded this institution.

The academy's decision to formulate a test segregating Perennials from humans was not merely an academic endeavour—it was a calculated move, a chess game with stakes far higher than any of us realized. With each passing moment, I felt the weight of our impending assessment, a crucible designed to test our mettle, reveal our vulnerabilities, and perhaps, expose the academy's true intentions.

My analytical mind raced, dissecting every clue, every nuance. Why would Aeon Academy take such a divisive approach? Was it merely an academic experiment, or did it hint at deeper, more insidious motives? I saw Aeon's past, present, and future, with each thread holding secrets, alliances, and betrayals to uncover.

As the academy's enigmatic facade beckoned me closer, I resolved to navigate its treacherous corridors with precision, foresight, and an unwavering determination to uncover the truth. In this labyrinth of challenges and uncertainties, one thing remained clear: I would not be a pawn in their game, but a strategist poised to outmanoeuvre, outthink, and ultimately triumph against whatever obstacles lay ahead. Although much of what I was thinking could be interpreted as over-caution even to the point of paranoia, I couldn't help but worry. To put it simply, I had worked too hard to escape and wouldn't let anyone take me back, especially if it was those behind the current situation. 

It couldn't be them though. I had come to this academy, to not attract any attention from them...Yet, I couldn't help but feel that everything that was happening at this school was in effect because of them. I wouldn't let them take me back.

As I sat and stared out the window, Luna pulled me back into the present. Class had ended, with a note of disaster to forecome. Mr. Chen had just announced to us that we had an upcoming special exam and that the school was determined to see our talents. Looking at us coldly, he casually stated that information about the exam would be sent to us on our phones, along with resources to go with it to our dorms. He also stated that the exam would start tomorrow, but the catch was that we wouldn't have to attend class. Simply put the exam would start as soon as we wake up from our dorms, this wasn't a typical paper test, rather it would be something far more different and meticulous. 

With this little information, ignoring the raised hand Mr. Chen walked out of the class. His eyes glowed a tinge of blue, as he walked away...with Sensi groaning about not having too much information. I looked around the class and noticed Sophia, she stood up and started to walk out of the class. 

As Sophia gracefully exited the classroom, I found myself captivated by her presence. Each step she took exuded a quiet determination, something that wasn't immediately evident to everyone. She was useful, even more so than Luna who would still get affected by emotions. Sophia seemed to like me, and I was willing to take advantage of that for the future.

Interesting. I tracked her movements with my eyes. Sophia possesses a unique blend of intellect and grace, a combination that's hard to come by. Her posture, the precision in her strides — everything about her seemed calculated, hinting at a depth that went beyond mere appearances.

She seems untouched by the superficial dynamics of this place. Her departure wasn't just a physical movement; it carried an underlying message, one that I was eager to decode.

What motivates her? My gaze lingered on the spot she had just vacated. Beneath Sophia's poised exterior lay complexities that intrigued me, beckoning for further exploration. I had an idea as to why a Perennial would behave like this, it was a theory, but it had to be it. 

Inside the dimly lit corners of the library, I delved deep into the records and archives, determined to uncover the rationale behind Aeon Academy's divisive examination. Rows upon rows of dusty books and digital archives lay before me, each holding secrets waiting to be unravelled.

Why would Aeon Academy, an institution reputed for its excellence and innovation, design a test that delineates between Perennial and human students? My fingers skimmed through ancient manuscripts and contemporary journals alike.

After hours of meticulous searching, a particular document caught my attention. Its title, "The Aeon Initiative: Bridging Worlds," hinted at a broader agenda. As I scanned through the pages, I pieced together fragments of a comprehensive strategy aimed at fostering collaboration while acknowledging inherent differences.

So, it's not just about categorizing. I absorbed all the implications given inside the book. The academy aims to cultivate a symbiotic relationship between Perennials and humans, leveraging their unique strengths for collective advancement.

The document elucidated the academy's belief in harnessing the distinct abilities of both groups, ensuring a holistic educational experience. By creating this dichotomy, Aeon Academy sought to challenge conventions, fostering an environment where diversity wasn't just accepted but celebrated.

It's a gamble, I thought, reflecting on the potential ramifications. But if executed correctly, it could redefine the paradigms of education and collaboration.

With this newfound understanding, I closed the document, realizing that the path ahead was fraught with challenges and opportunities alike. Aeon Academy's intentions, while ambitious, held the promise of a future where differences were not barriers but catalysts for growth.

This test at its core based on Luna's information seems to be a designed evil brought by the faculty of this institution, but rather it could be just a straightforward test on whether we give way to feelings of hatred amongst each other. Aeon was ultimately testing how in the outside world, we would react to different individuals and personalities. Is the mind able to judge somebody based on their merits, rather than their outside appearance? 

At Aeon Academy, the clear division between Perennials and humans creates several challenges for students.

Firstly, there's a psychological barrier. Categorizing students this way can make some feel superior or inferior, leading to isolation and cliques.

Academically, this division might mean lessons don't cater to everyone's needs. Perennials might face overly tough challenges, while humans could feel left behind.

Socially, friendships might suffer. Biases based on these categories could hurt teamwork and understanding among peers. But that was a small price to pay if students managed to succeed.

Somehow Luna had managed to gather not only information before the special exam but knew the scenario created by the special exam.

The division between Perennials and humans in education may reinforce stereotypes and hinder student growth. Human students excel in empathy and creative thinking, while Perennial students have exceptional analytical and computational abilities.

Combining their strengths creates a collaborative environment promoting a harmonious blend of creativity and logic. Aeon was testing this out, by creating a new world, where the emotional and creative intelligence of humans and the analytical and logical minds of the Perennial can create a better world. 

Aeon Academy aims for unity, but certain divisions exist that pose real hurdles and must be addressed for true collaboration. These hurdles were intentionally created by Aeon Academy to test the students. With this information in mind, I came up with an idea to encourage collaboration among our classmates and help other first-year students understand the situation.

Using my classmates would be key in helping the first-years pass this special exam. My classmates and I would have to be the guide, so that the other classes may follow suit. Of course, I merely planned to do the bare minimum.

I walked back through the now-empty halls of Aeon Academy, listening to the tune playing as I took the elevator down. 

I woke up the next day to the sound of my phone ringing early in the morning. Upon checking, I noticed that my balance had increased by 1000 Aeonates. I remembered that the exam rules were supposed to be delivered and thus got out of bed to check if the file had been placed under my room's door, which I found to be the case.

I carefully scanned the document, my eyes tracing over the details. Each of us had been allocated 1000 Aeonates—a significant sum within the academy's framework. The value of this currency wasn't merely in its purchasing power but in the strategic decisions it forced us to make.

Interesting. For the prudent, this could be an avenue to augment resources, potentially gaining an upper hand. However, for those less judicious, it acts as a safety net, levelling the playing field. 

The rules were straightforward for the special exam. 

First Year: Special Exam I

Lucius Aurelius: Class B- Bus 3 

- The students will be divided into two teams - Perennials and Humans. Both teams will not be required to collaborate to solve challenges, but they may. It will be up to students to decide how they wish to survive.

- During the exam, each student will be granted an allowance of 1000 Aeonates. The Aeonates can be utilized to purchase resources that are deemed necessary. The price of each item will vary based on its usefulness, and it is therefore crucial for students to make judicious use of their Aeonates.

- Both teams must create a functional society based on their unique needs and wants, while simultaneously maintaining cost-effectiveness. The team that has the highest combined amount of Aeonates at the end of the exam will be declared the winner.

-The student with the greatest number of Aeonates will be awarded a prize. Students with the lowest number of Aeonates at the end of the exam from each class will be disqualified.

-If a student doesn't have any Aeonates, they will be expelled. If the student has the least amount of Aeonates in each group will be expelled.

"Here are the rules, everything else is up to the students to decide. Report to the courtyard outside and go to the bus that has been assigned to you." 

An exam designed to pit Perennials against humans? Intriguing. I pondered, my analytical mind dissecting the rules. The division seems deliberate, pushing us to operate within our confines, but the allowance of collaboration adds a layer of complexity.

While 1000 Aeonates offers a cushion, it's the strategy behind every expenditure that will define success. The challenge lies not just in accumulating wealth but in fostering a functional society. Yet, this structure inherently breeds competition, possibly overshadowing genuine collaboration. I must tread carefully, assessing alliances and potential pitfalls.

Luna was given, even though she was a Perennial, but she could be a key player in generating collaboration among first years.